Year: 2004
Pumpkins, Pumpkins, everywhere…
Wondering what that funky pumpkin to the right is all about? It’s Boxer’s way of paying tribute to an important duty. Click on it and read more!
Fanfest Update
Sketch has written up some extra details for the Bungie Halo 2 Launch Fanfest – what’s on the agenda, who can go, when and where it is, and so on. If you’re in the Seattle area, this should be a must-visit! Thanks, Target4Hire.
Heavy Price Paid
Another snippet from today – Heavy Price Paid (1:30 long, 1.4 mb for the music itself). Great screenshot to look at in the Flash presentation, as well. Looks like Richard Heerey was first this time.
Theme Building: an Easier Way
Not too long ago, Bungie posted a Theme Builder on – an HTML template for creating new themes for their 7th Column site. The problem is, most designers work better in some sort of visual mode – jumping back and forth between their design and Bungie’s HTML (in both the main file and the…
Mig waxes nostalgic (or maybe just his car)
RevDotNed let us know about an interview with community stalwart Miguel Chavez over at – it’s a great read from someone who’s been a major part of the Bungie fan community for most of the time there’s BEEN a Bungie fan community. Check it out!
Pumpkin Voting
Whew! After a lot of messing around, we’re finally ready to accept votes for the 343 Guilt O’ Lantern contest! Now, keep in mind, there are 85 separate entries – and you’re only allowed to vote once. Therefore, you should put it off until you have a few minutes to peruse the choices – it…
HomeLANFed talks Halo 2
Two great interviews at HomeLAN Fed today – Pete Parsons discusses what makes Halo 2 great, and Rikki Khanna, of AKQA (the folks behind the new website) talks about what went into making the site (and its unique language). Thanks, John Callaham.
- goodies
Hehe – Bomber of doom found a nice little egg on the site. It was noticed a few days ago that if, after viewing the console and contents, you closed down the holo link (pressed the purple button below the screen), you’d see a pair of covenant craft take down a human battlestation. When…
Finland likes Halo 2, too
Halo 2 continues to wow the world press – Finland’s Pelit gave it a 96/100 (two points more than they awarded the original). Thanks, Scanner Darkly.
New schwag at the Bungie Store
KNIGHTOFDRAGONS was first among a dozen to point out the new Halo 2 Luggage Tag as well as the Halo 2 Backpack recently added to the Bungie Store. The pocket-emptying never ends!
So where IS our camoflauge armor?
The Junkyard continues their series of level analyses from a military perspective, with Part VIII – Two Betrayals. As always, an interesting read. Thanks, Mhaddy.
Xbox-Exodus – schwag for content
Absolute0 pointed out a competition on Xbox-Exodus – create material that can be hosted on the site, you’re entered to win strategy guides, t-shirts, or DVDs. Details are on the page
Gamespy talks vehicles and weapons
Two new Halo articles at Gamespy today – the first is an interview with Lead Designer Jaim Griesemer about Halo 2’s vehicles (lots of tasty info, though he dodges the ‘spoiler-like’ questions), and the second is a talk with Tyson Green (aka Ferrex) about Halo 2’s weapons (again, plenty of useful info about stuff you’ve…
Making those few extra quid
A couple of days ago, Spideroptics pointed out that prices for Halo 2 in the UK are rising – a month ago, the norm was £29.99, now £31.99 is more common, and there’s even a company that’s selling it for £44.99 – cheek! (Many of these companies have raised their prices in the past week…
A poll that’s getting to people.
Wow… this must be a big deal to someone… I’ve gotten mail from Microsoft’s PR firm AND from Bungie employees about this, AND it’s on’s front page. Gamespy is running a new Grudge Match – Which are you more excited about, Halo 2 or Half-Life 2? Right now, Halo 2 is winning – but…
Want (pumpkin) pie now.
Quick update on the 343 Guilt O’ Lantern competition… We have a total of 85 submissions, and building a mechanism whereby you can pick the best 3 without getting totally overwhelmed is non-trivial. It will almost certainly not be finished tonight – hopefully, it’ll be ready for public consumption tomorrow. There’s still plenty of voting…
Adventures in Disaster: The Movie
Speaking of akba, his site is hosting the next in Boxer’s Adventures in Disaster comic series. This one is a poster for an upcoming movie. I’m not sure I want to see it.
Flawed Legacy and more Odyssey
Two new snippets at today – Flawed Legacy (the actual snippet is 1:50, 1.7 mb) and 4th Movement of the Odyssey (snippet is 2:10 long, 2.2 mb, with a nice screenshot). Thanks to all who wrote in – akba was first.
Brian and Pete talk Halo 2
Yet another msn-based (read: Macs not welcome, non-IE browsers not welcome) movie – If you visit the MSNBC Technology and Science Front Page, there’s a link in the upper right corner, under ‘Also in the News’ – it reads “Video: Sneak Preview of ‘Halo 2′”. It’s a short interview with Brian Jarrard and Pete Parsons,…
Halo 2 Party
The first ZPGh Halo 2 party will be held at 1:00pm Saturday November 13th. For more details contact me.