My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • More Zanzibar Megabattle pics

    STB pointed out two more Zanzibar Megabattle pics, created with the new Halo CE mod – one he did himself and a series done by Da Real Logan. Nice work on this map!

  • Keyes, through the eyes of a soldier

    Mhaddy writes to say that the Junkyard has released part IX of their ‘As Real As a Survivor Elimination’ analysis of the military correctness of the Halo gameplay – Keyes is analyzed. Check it out.

  • Around the net

    Okay, as I said, news is gonna be light today. I AM going to try and clear out the inbox before I call it a day, however. There were, of course, oodles of new reviews and articles online overnight; here’s a smattering. (Yes, there are hundreds we’re not getting to. Sue us.)Reviews C.Net – 9.4…

  • When comments are misinterpreted…

    This one is worth reading, too – though I’d hasten to encourage anyone choosing to participate in the discussion to STAY CALM and leave the fanboi-ism at home. Matt Hamilton pointed out a thread on the Free Republic website – the title of the lead-off article says it all: ‘Microsoft video game “a damning condemnation…

  • Halo 2 Live on haloTV

    News is gonna be really light tonight, with a bit of a supplement in the morning – most of tomorrow is going to be news-free. Before signing off, though, there are a few things to point out. First up: haloTV will be sending out a live multiplayer-only broadcast, direct from an Xbox, showing off Halo…


    Wanna be ready for Halo 2? Go read the MAMMOTH guide that just put up as its top story. (Mostly, it ties together all the pieces Bungie’s written UP to now… but if you go back and read them all, you’ll be late for your midnight appointment with a gamestore.) Thanks, DoctorEvol.

  • More news than you can shake a stick at

    I’m not sure if this is gonna become a standard feature, or if it’s just because of the hype surrounding the launch, but it’s time for another lightning round of news posting. That Weasel sent word that the latest ‘Grunts Are People Too!’ video (Episode 12, Halopalooza) is online, and can be downloaded in WMP9…

  • HBO – Spoiler-free, if you want it that way

    After some goofy mistakes, the new spoiler system is online. Instead of two choices, you now have four (well, only three are actually useful). Hit the ‘Huh?’ link below the spoiler indicator graphic at the top of the page for more details. I’m sure there are still problems – it was a mess to set…

  • Pumpkins – Turning into Carriages Soon

    Quick Reminder – today’s the last day to vote for your favorite pumpkins in the 343 Guilt O’ Lantern competition! If you haven’t voted yet… GO NOW.

  • HiaLH, Part 6 (end)

    Eep – forgot to put this up yesterday. The final piece of Heart is a Lonely Hunter, for those who are still waiting, can now be grabbed off and 44.7 mb, 7:16 of conclusion goodness. Sorry for the delay!

  • The Penultimate Bungie Giga-Quiz 1.0

    poena.dare is back – with the Penultimate Bungie Giga-Quiz 1.0. Wonga! (Don’t ask me why it’s not the Ultimate Giga-Quiz – I can’t imagine him doing this again.) 343 questions to test your knowledge of Bungie lore – and you don’t have to do it all in one sitting! You can read the ‘official’ press…

  • Poll

    “Will Xbox LIVE hold up under the stress of 1.5 million users tonight and tomorrow?” Dolbex wants to know! Go vote.

  • Artwork from a master

    Tina Leyk stopped by last night with another fantastic piece – this one was done with acrylics, on canvas, then scanned. (She’s pretty unhappy with the scanwork; the picture, in her opinion, loses a lot in the translation. I’d LOVE to see the original, because the scan is gorgeous.) Check it out! Nice (subtle) Mullins…

  • \’Nuff Said.

    Today’s One One Se7en is 3000 words long.

  • Eggs… in Screens

    Already, the eggs are starting to get posted. Hawaiian Pig points out this pic, with its Seventh Column logo staring you in the face, hidden in plain sight. And Daeryl Rodriguez (with help from Konrad) found what he thinks is a mirrored Halo 2 symbol on the right breastplate of Master Chief’s armor in this…


    Longtime Bungie fans will need no introduction or explanation as to the meaning of the letters above, but in case you’ve come in to this warm hovel from out in the cold, dark wasteland of the “other” game communities, I offer the following. (NOTE: UPDATED 04-03-2006) The comments are now locked, because 343 is a…

  • Zanzibar Megabattle pics

    Falcon Zero sent along a pair of Megabattle pics (first, second) composed on the recently-released Zanzibar mod for Halo CE. Awesome!

  • Clan Registry

    Shadow Panther writes to point out the Xbox Clan Registry (and specifically the Halo 2 Clan List) at If you’ve got a clan page, you should add yourself! (There’s a link that explains why a website is required for registration.)

  • He dared you. Tackle him.

    Bentllama has updated his blog with some enthusiastic thoughts about the next couple of days, and some pretty cool pictures of Halo 2 ad stuff in Toronto. Check it out! Thanks, Ross.

  • Never Surrender

    New content today – Never Surrender is now up in the Listening Station. Snippet is 1:29 long, 1.4 mb large, and is contributed by Rogers himself. Interesting dub mix. Thanks, sharpe.