Year: 2004
Halo gets a funny mention in today’s episode of 9th Elsewhere, an ongoing webcomic. I think many of us know people like Matt… Thanks, ThorsHammer.
Escher? Gesundheit!
Hehe – I gotta say, I had the same impression as Stuntmutt expresses in today’s One One Se7en… once. This should bring a smile to your face. (Unless you’re just getting out of Botox treatment, in which case you CAN’T smile.)
In various videos and still shots of Bungie employees, a simple (but very cool) T-shirt can be seen – it’s grey, with a simple ‘ODST’ emblazoned across the front. (Jason Jones, for example, can be seen wearing one in this image from the Making Of DVD.) This shirt is not for sale anywhere… but one…
Another Halo Suit
Squid_squires created a suit of armor recently, and sent the pictures to mrsmiley, of Halo Babies. smiley figured they’d be better off here (we’ve posted a number of costumes like this)… so here they are (pic1, pic2). Fantastic work! One of these days, we’ll have to organize all of these into a section of their…
SpikeTV Awards – again
A surprising number of people have written to remind us that the SpikeTV award voting ends soon – the ceremony airs in less than a week. (We mentioned it 3 weeks ago.) If you haven’t voted, I suppose you should do so. Halo 2 is up for a number of awards.
Afterwar Episode 8
There’s a new episode of Halo-Afterwar posted at Black Arts Studios – it’s a little messy this time around. Thanks, R3D L33D3R.
Counting Stuff
Hikaru-119 went through all of Halo 2 and counted the weapons and bullets he found – and posted the results on our forum. It seems that correcting mistakes draws pretty negative responses from him, so just look at the numbers!
How to draw Elites
v2 posted a note in our forum about an Elite Drawing Tutorial he posted over at DeviantART. (Be sure to read the commentary below the image, as well.) Definitely cool stuff!
Net Stories
A couple of new Halo articles, courtesy of Google (though the IGN piece got us another dozen emails later on):Cnet Asia has a broader look at the effect Halo 2 Xbox Live traffic might have on broadband providersIGN has written an epilogue to their Halo 2 coverage, looking at whether it actually measured up to…
Third Person View, FOV Increase
Wow, nice. Over on the Gearbox forums, bitterbanana has released a mod that works with both HaloCE and HaloPC – it expands your field of view (works nicely on widescreen monitors) and lets you view yourself from behind (third-person camera). Nice! Thanks, VerdaFolio.
GotY voting open at Gamespy
Gamespy has opened its Gamers’ Choice voting for Game of the Year 2004 – make yourself heard. (Halo 2, obviously, is up for the Xbox award.) Thanks, Gothmog117.
Pick your favorite Halo MP map!
It’s time again for another HBO Poll. Thanks to Max Hoberman, Hawaiian Pig, and XLNC for making it happen. If you’re interested in letting Bungie know which Halo map you’d like to see again in Halo 2, follow the link to the right and vote! The poll will remain up for a week or so.…
I don\’t wanna know what the Kiwis get.
Secrets from the inside! Check out today’s Calvin and Halo for the lowdown on bentllama’s inspiration.
Cursorily speaking
Tired of your standard Windows cursors? Looks like BOLL and Stuntmutt teamed up to give you another choice. (No comment on whether it’s a step up or a step down…)
Max Hoberman talks to Major League Gamers
This was posted yesterday – but Dolbex didn’t make a lot of noise about it. Max Hoberman, Multiplayer and User-Interface Lead for Halo 2, answered a bunch of questions asked by MLG forumgoers over on the website. Info about weapon balance, downloadable content, and Bungie involvement in the community are all addressed – plus…
The Art of Halo in the Spotlight
News from Eric Trautmann, former keeper of the Halo Bible Flame, and author of ‘The Art of Halo’ – there’s a new article at on the book, including several sample pages (though they’re not even close to what I would have picked to showcase the book’s strengths), and there’s an interview with Eric, conducted…
The Power of Halo 2
There’s a story in yesterday’s Seattle Post-Intelligencer that looks at the creator of the Excel Worksheet mentioned last week for dealing with Halo 2 RSS stats. When was the last time a spreadsheet created for looking at videogame stats rated a full column in a major metropolitan newspaper? Thanks again, Narcogen.
The Halo Art world continues to grow
Wow – there’s a mountain of new artwork over at Halo Babies – including the beginnings of a Halo graphic novel, and a new work in progress by Tina Leyk! (There’s plenty of other stuff in there to see, as well – check every link!) Thanks to Narcogen, at, for the heads-up; I guess…
Better Broadband in Britain – thanks to Halo 2
deftangel points out an article at – it looks like Britain’s conversion to broadband might be boosted a bit by Halo 2. Broadband traffic in general quadrupled after November 9 – a statistic that is rather astounding, when you consider how many uses there are for broadband. Looks like ISPs are upgrading in order…
- forum outage
There’s a note over at about an upcoming outage – starting around 1:30 pm Pacific time today, their forums will be down for roughly 12 hours for maintenance. Remember – they have a LOT of new visitors these days… they see a LOT of new posts, and all of them need to be adjusted…