Year: 2004
Blitzkrieg exporter for max 6 available
Woohoo! For folks waiting on the 3ds max 6 exporter for Blitzkrieg (exporters for max 3-5 have been out for a bit now), the wait is over! Swing on by to grab it. (Thanks, vatoloco!)
E3 Demo – best free option yet
Gamespy has posted a very nice quality version of the E3 demo – Direct Feed, QuickTime, 480×360, 227 mb (zipped) It includes conference footage (Halo2-related) from before and after the actual demo, including the announcer’s revelation that the release date is tattooed on his arm. If that’s not enough, there’s an even HIGHER quality version…
Parsons talks Multiplayer
The hefty content of the morning is an interview with Pete Parsons over at IGN. He does a lot of dodging… but he DOES answer a few questions, and there’s some really tasty info in there. Go check it out! Thanks, GhaleonEB.
Sword Faceoff
Alucard found an image in the Gamespy Screenshot collection that’s more of a Wallpaper – but it’s an interesting image, nonetheless. Check it out!
Have They Got More Polly-Gons?
One One Se7en continues the bird jokes – at least, I HOPE that’s a joke.
No Really, He Does…
Halo: Resolution speculates that slang won’t change too much in the next 500 years.
Preordering the Limited Edition
I thought this was pretty clear, but from the quantity of mail we’ve received, apparently it’s not. You CAN preorder the Halo 2 Limited Edition box; it should be available almost anywhere games are sold. Two online biggies, EB Games and Gamestop, are both selling it. (EB Games is offering free 2-day shipping, so they’re…
Halo 2 Countdown Timers
El Bastard got to playing with Flash, and created a series of countdown timers, based on the newly published Halo 2 release date of November 9. His first attempt was here, but he made smaller ones here and here (I like the second one the best). Later in the evening, we heard from Jurriaan Wittenberg,…
Screenshot Analysis
Alex Edelman has written up a screenshot analysis of the new ODST shot on; you can find it on his [HOH] website’s Article Page. He adds that other shots will be analyzed as well.
Transcripts posted at Halo Source
Darksage has added both an audio transcript and a play-by-play descriptive transcript of the E3 2004 demo footage to the Halo Source Knowledge Base. If you had trouble hearing what you were looking at, or don’t have the bandwidth to download the movies, go check this out!
Halo: Shattered Stars
Reiyou has been working on a Halo RPG for a long time; it’s losely based on the d20 system. He’s finally put up a website about it. Go check it out!
Covers revealed?
This looks pretty plausible. It’s nice when FedEx is more efficient then expected, don’t ya think? 🙂
And they just keep rolling in
Another Direct Feed movie – pretty good quality. This one’s from – thanks, Boneho Chane. WMP9, 14.3 mb. Update: And another from Gamershell – 13.8 mb (zipped – same 14.3 mb unzipped; it’s probably the same film), HUGE pipe. Also WMP9. Thanks, Recoil.
Yet another version of the gameplay demo
Thanks to the IRC channel, which stumbled across another free Shakeycam version of the E3 demo footage, this time hosted by Game Informer Magazine. It’s 105 mb large, in MPEG format. Quality is quite good, though the flash photography is a little distracting.
Well, ‘The Monitor’ is kind like ‘The Watcher’…
Gholsbane, operator of our sister site, took a look at the new Halo 2 stuff and noticed something few who hadn’t followed Bungie before Halo would- there’s something in one of the screenshots that we may have seen a long time ago. More details can be found here.
Larger free vid via BitTorrent
So if you’re poor, and you don’t have a Gamespot or IGN subscription, you’re limited in your choices for video downloads of the E3 demo. Really the only game in town is the TeamXbox vid – and that’s sort of small, and it’s in pieces. Well, mrsmiley put them all together, and did some nice…
Uber-hi-res screenies
Deimos Fawkes remembered to go looking for the good stuff; the Xbox Press page has a zipped archive of 7 of the recent screenshots (everything at, except the ODST shot), in a 3.7 mb package. Why would you want this? Oh, because they’re 2560×1920 pixels… with no watermarks, maybe?
Shakeycam footage – for non-members
Mirrors have been popping up for the one free version of the demo footage – the stuff put up by TeamXbox. Blackstar has mirrored all four pieces on his server, Xbox4uweb (in Germany) has stitched them together and posted the 42 mb result (registration required), and Halo Orbit (also in Germany) has posted all four.…
Behind the Curtain
Our very own Louis Wu has been interviewed by This is a fun little read for those of you who want a glimpse into the life of HBO. My favorite part is at the end, where Louis exaggerates his sleeping schedule. Honestly, who could possibly believe he sleeps that much? Kudos go to Tempus…
And Rosebud is…
Calvin and Halo should have been posted yesterday. Or last week. Not my fault. Really.