My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Halo 2 Update – Live from E3

    Frankie, deciding to forgo the luxury of sleeping, has posted this week’s Halo 2 Update from the floor at E3 right here at HBO. This one is rather huge, too. There’s no Adventure of Mister Chief this week, but Frankie promises a special Deluxe edition next week.

  • And now for something completely different.

    A demo of Halo: Blood Covenant, a 2D Side-Scroller based on Halo, has been released. Thanks to Skinnypuppy for letting us know.

  • The British are Coming!

    BBC News has published their own preview of Halo 2. This one is a nice read due to it’s mass-media perspective. Of particular note is the very last paragraph in the article. Hmmm… rumors and weeds? (Kudos go to gholsbane for this find.)

  • Hands-On Previews for Sale, Cheap!

    3Suns brought to our attention that TeamXBox has posted their hands-on preview of Halo 2’s multiplayer experience. No particularly new information, just another perspective on the subject. (Thanks to Sep7imus for correcting my bad grammar.)

  • So many hands, so little time.

    Mister Chiffe pointed out that has posted their own hands-on preview of Halo 2’s multiplayer. 1up’s approach compares Halo 2’s multiplayer experience with that of the original Halo. It’s a smaller preview than the other, but what it lacks in length, it makes up for in content. Go! Make with the clicking already!

  • Even more Multiplayer Footage

    E3 Insider also has footage from their own Halo 2 Multiplayer experiences. Looks like standard issue stuff… but I’m sure there is a gem or two hiding in there waiting to be discovered. Kudos to MinM for this one.

  • Pete Parsons on Gamespy Live Wire at Noon.

    IGN/Gamespy are presenting their streaming live interviews from the E3 floor. Today, at 12:00 PDT, they will be interviewing Bungie’s own Pete Parsons, “Studio Manager and Whoremonger extraordinaire.” (according to Frankie). The video webcast is available to Insiders-only. However, there is a free audio stream for everyone else.

  • More Hands-On at Gamespot.

    Gamespot has posted their own hands-on preview of Halo 2’s multiplayer experience. It seems that Bungie has resolved the “rather overpowered” vehicles of Halo and made them into “big, honking death traps” instead. There’s more tidbits, but you have to go read the article yourself.

  • 29,000 Words

    E3 Insider has put up a collection of still images from the Microsoft Booth at E3. In this collection are a few shots from the “Closed Doors” demonstrations of Halo 2. Of particular note is image #26. Our first peek at Halo 2’s Menu UI… and it looks tasty.

  • His family is perfectly safe.

    There is a great interview with One One Se7en’s creator, Stuntmutt, over at Battleground: Halo. Get to know one of the funniest comic authors better… or you could read Stuntmutt’s interview instead.

  • Gah. New Hands-on stuff at IGN

    I HAVE TO GO! I’m gonna miss my plane. 🙁 But I thought I’d make one last round of the big boys – and IGN has two new Hands-On articles up (Volume 2 and Volume 3) about their Halo 2 experiences. Go read.

  • Oh, before I go…

    Couple of updates from that are worth a note; They’ve moved Webcam #2 to the show floor; you can watch the show from on high (and you’ll be able to see the fanfest tonight). Details about this are here. They’ve also added the turret shot we noted a couple of days ago to the…

  • Off for a bit.

    I’m sure there’s a BOATLOAD of notable stuff on our forum, posted in the last day or so. I wish I had time to go through and sort it for you. I will, eventually. Just not right now. I’m off to the airport, to hop an early flight to LA. (I live a long way…

  • From the show floor

    Not exactly Halo-related, but it IS E3 week… Dolbex has written up an account of his first day at E3, complete with pics. You’ll find it on his Halo50k3 site.

  • Careful how you sell it…

    Calvin and Halo looks at what to say (and what NOT to say) to get your 6-year-old to eat stuff.

  • Stories for a Thursday

    Apologies that in all the Halo 2 hullabaloo, the Fan Fiction section has been neglected. After clearing out some stories that simply don’t belong (poetry with zero ties to the Halo universe, stories that don’t make the word minimum and are filled with garbage rather than actual story material to meet that minimum, duplicate submissions),…

  • Of Maps and Things

    Walshicus has updated his Halo Stellar Cartography section with new info from the recent Covenant Primer article on There was just time to update in the pre-airplane madness here…

  • More in-game footage

    There’s a new gameplay clip available from both IGN AND Gamespot – how’s that for odd? The IGN version is slightly smaller (the hi-res weighs in at 7 mb, to Gamespot’s 8.4) and slightly lighter (on my monitor, ‘washed-out’ is more accurate), but they’re the same clip. Both are available in hi-res QT downloads for…

  • Halo 2 is NOT playable by the masses

    To all the people frantic because Joe Staten’s wording suggested that Halo 2 might be playable at E3… I just got a phone call from Dolbex, from the show floor. Halo 2 is behind closed doors only, being shown only to press and bigwigs. The average showgoer will not see ANYTHING. Rejoice or dispair, depending…

  • That was real.

    Marty O’Donnell tosses out a tidbit on our forum – evidence that the early part of the demo wasn’t scripted (for anyone who believed it was). As though we wouldn’t trust Bungie…