Year: 2004
World Cyber Games – Halo
In December, we mentioned that Halo (xbox) was up for consideration for inclusion in the World Cyber Games 2004. Today, I found that Halo is on the Official Games List for this year’s competition. Also, another interesting note, the Final Tournament will be held in the USA (normally, WCG is in Korea). This isn’t your…
Halo CE Map Repository
Shaolin Temple Bum has announced the opening of the Map Repository to the general public; this is a place where you can upload your Halo CE maps for others to download. Take a look – sample the wares, and upload your own stuff!
A Good Point
Frontline with Suzie, a fanfic started up by rockslider, has posted Broadcast 2, an interview with a jackal. Thanks to Lothar Hex for pointing it out.
The Enkidu Terminals have drawn to a close; I’m sorry I wasn’t there at the end to watch the fireworks. (I’m also REALLY sorry that a careless oversight on my part, coupled with the necessities of remote administration, allowed folks to see stuff they weren’t supposed to see a day or so early. Totally my…
Halo Timer v1.0 released
James MacGlashan writes to say that version 1.0 of the One South Halo Timer, a Mac OS 10.3 application that keeps track of respawn times for all items in multiplayer games, has now been released. (There was a beta mentioned a couple of weeks ago.) This one supports all maps, clock time adjustment with fast…
Halo 2 review at Games Domain
Games Domain has posted a Halo 2 review from the E3 play sessions – thanks, JonK. Update: this is the same as the GameDaily piece mentioned earlier; that’s what I get for wanting breakfast rather than reading carefully. normanthesquid was the first to notice.
A Tale of Two Sneakers
The gameplay sessions behind the Press curtain were off-limits to cameras; this was not because anything new was being shown (you’ve already read dozens of writeups of the gameplay), but because Bungie didn’t want to have to deal with folks judging the game by bad shakeycam footage. However, there are ALWAYS fans who want shakeycam…
Pete Parsons talks to
There’s a huge (15:33 long) video interview with Pete Parsons over at; it’s streaming WMV, and totally inaccessible to Macs, but it’s a good listen; if you can find a PC that will play it, go listen. Thanks, Alex Higueras.
Halo 2 Writeup from The Canadian Press has put up a nice writeup of the Halo 2 showing at the show – a great quote attributed to Max Hoberman. Give it a read! (Thanks, Jim.)
JoyRide’s Site Updated
There are a number of new pics at the Joyride site – including the Black Master Chief and some new 5-packs. There’s also a Halo checklist for all the figures, which lists everything including Exclusives (a Battle Damaged Cobalt Master Chief from Gamestop, the Battle Damaged Black MC from ToyWiz, and the Battle Damaged Maroon…
GameDaily plays Halo 2
GameDaily has posted a Hands-On Halo 2 article – there are a couple of misconceptions/misrepresentations, but mostly, it’s a pretty good accounting of the game that was shown to press this week at E3. Give it a read! Thanks to Drgn2007 for the heads-up.
Killing With Kindness
Oops – we got mail recently from Ghôlsbane about a Halo Babies update this week, even though both mrsmiley and Gruntsbane were at E3; go take a look. (There’s also sketch art for this strip in the Artwork section.
Comics… a little late
Okay… I’m not home yet (Still in LA for another 24 hours), but I’m finally getting a few minutes on a computer; time to say a HUGE thank you to 3of9 for his amazing coverage as all the rest of us abandoned the site for E3. I’ll try to post a few things over the…
They’re going to need more shelves…
Halo 2 has snagged some more awards. This time, from Best of Show went to some other game, but Halo 2 managed to snag Best Visuals, Best Xbox Game and Best Shooter. Kudos for this one goes to MinM.
Someone cue the awards music…
Halo 2 has also walked away with TeamXbox’s Best of E3 award. As if that wasn’t enough, they also got Best Xbox Live Title and Best FPS Title. Kudos go to Saint.
Halo 2 – Best of E3
Halo 2 has been named by IGN as Best of E3 in all platforms. Enough said. Kudos to Coylter for spotting this one.
E3 2004 Bungie Fan Fest
gd pointed out that has put up an article covering the happenings at this year’s Fan Fest. There are several pictures and some good info on the carnage and prizes.