My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Our evil twin goes to E3

    Subnova has posted their E3 2004 report. There’s over 100 pictures and a long section of Halo 2, so check it out!

  • But it LOOKS safe…

    Ducain found a really odd glitch on the level Halo; he bumped his way into the Blue Beam tower, landed in a small enclosed space… and then got hurt as though he was falling, over and over, until he died. Weirdness!

  • Weekly Updates Updated

    We’ve added last week’s Weekly Bungie Update to our Archives; apologies to all who thought it was fake, because of the combination of an early post, a different style (Frankie was tired), and a lack of a post on (the server there was acting up, apparently). It really was real. We’ve also, very belatedly,…

  • It’s all about penguins. Really.

    Today’s Calvin and Halo sums up my biggest problem in grade school.

  • Enkidu – Final Words

    I was tempted to leave the entire Enkidu post-mortem in the forum; putting it on the front page seems to rile people up too much. However, there was a great post by Anton P. Nym (the author) last night – worth a read. (Mig’s followup is ALSO worth a read.)

  • Hollywood loves games

    Oh, man… just what we need, a suggestion on that there might be a Halo movie in the future.Soon, more blockbuster game franchises, such as “Halo” and “Doom,” are expected to become the basis of movies.Don’t forget, Bungie has said that the likelihood of a Halo movie is really, really, slim. Something to do…

  • Questions, Answers…

    Large Unit has written up a FAQ about what is known (and not yet known) about Halo 2, based on the playable content from E3. Check it out at Halo50k3.

  • Video Interviews at TXB

    Last week, we posted a note about a streaming live interview with Pete Parsons; if you missed it, Team Xbox (who was present and part of the interview team) has it up for download on their site. It’s available in two 17 mb parts (or you can stream it from their servers). WMP9 format. While…

  • E3 Security Protocol

    Boxer has posted a new Halo-related .comic at Subnova – even other game denizens had trouble getting in to the press briefings. Ouch!

  • Miniature Halo Returns

    After a rather long delay, another installment of Miniature Halo has been posted. SESpider has sent page 19 for the collection. He also wanted to point out a Miniature Halo DesktopX theme – you can find it linked to his name at WinCustomize. (Well, you SHOULD be able to find it soon; it’s not up…

  • Halo 2 Review, vid from Eurogamer

    Eurogamer has posted a Halo 2 review article – they posted a transcript of the demo they were shown, and then discussed it. (Copy editing was pretty minimal; this was written in the airport on the way home, under deadline.) There’s also a BitTorrent version of the multiplayer walkthrough (56 mb, XVID format). It’s actually…

  • Much Ado About What Thing?

    Red vs Blue has posted their E3 video (shown at the Fanfest) on their site; there are hi-res versions for Sponsors, and lower-res versions for the masses, all available now. It’s pretty funny – go grab a copy! Thanks, Ciarán.

  • Rumor Mill Kicks In About Clan Gaming

    xblShooters has posted a story about Xbox Live 3.0’s Clan feature – the feature that will allow you to use custom logos and colors on your character during online play, as well as provide detailed team stats stored on They state that the cost for Clan play will be $5/month or $50/year, over and…

  • Going Nowhere More Clearly

    In response to a little confusion, we’ve rewritten the submission rules to be clearer for the Going Nowhere Fast competition. In addition, we’ve added a few new times to the Leaderboard. Just keeping everyone informed!

  • New screens at

    The Bungie crew is back in Redmond, and they’ve managed to post another pair of new screenshots; a large version of the second leaked screen found last week, and an entirely new dual-needler first-person shot (with a great view of the energy sword). Unfortunately, there’s no HUD to see. Check ’em out! First notice came…

  • The Super Long Jump

    Dark Helmet comes back with a pretty awesome jump movie; 5:07 long, 17.7 mb, WMP9 format, showing some amazing long jumps with little or no damage. (The link points not to the start of the thread, but to a post with a viable mirror – thanks, Brian.) Watch this one for examples of what you…

  • Massive E3/Halo2 content from the 50k3 crew

    Dolbex alerted us to a bunch of E3-related content over at the Halo50k3 site; there’s a review of the playable stuff by Large Unit, a full E3 writeup with a goodly chunk of Halo 2 info, and a bunch of pictures from the fanfest. Check it all out! (There are plenty of other new pics…

  • Those pesky Bungie fans…

    Interesting find… fludblud noticed a similarity between the building in the bottom corner of the new Halo 2 promo poster and the Hong Kong Bank in Hong Kong (we’ve archived a local copy in case this goes offline). Inspiration by interesting architecture… or a hint about a Halo 2 location? Only time will tell.

  • A fan speaks

    Deanero has written up a different sort of E3 review; definitely worth a read. He seriously skimped on his own party – but not to worry, I’m guessing there’ll be some decent writeups of that from others. Check it out!

  • Shock Planetary Landing Attack Trooper

    Today’s One One Se7en continues the saga of the ODST – the few, the proud, the flat.