My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Best of E3, says Tom’s

    Tom’s Hardware Guide has put up a Best of E3 article, and Halo 2 took the Xbox category. w00t! (They did pick a rather unusual choice for best FPS, though…) Thanks, EA6.

  • A view from the fest

    Dan Chosich wrote up a great piece on the Fanfest weekend; good text, good pics, and a nice little movie to give you flavor. Check it out!

  • Of renders, and inspiration

    Roger Wilco has posted a note on our forum, explaining some of the backstory behind Special Delivery; if you liked the movie, go read what he has to say about it! He’s also updated his random renders page to include some shots from the movie. I simply cannot imagine rendering a movie like that on…

  • Halo 2: The Game to Watch

    BigBoy7791 found another CNN article (this time on CNN Money) from E3; it profiles 6 games to watch, and Halo 2 is the first. As BigBoy says, it’s great to see video games showing up more and more often in the mainstream press. Halo 2 will likely have a ‘first weekend’ that rivals many movies,…

  • And It’s ODST Week This Week on HBO…

    One One Se7en bounces back with new jokes. Okay, Old jokes.

  • But Why Is It In Bill Gates’ House?

    Halo: Resolution finds an interesting box today…

  • Halo Babies – new strip, movie

    New content on Halo Babies today – first, there’s a double-size strip that includes the Spoiled Sponsor winner (and The Vehicle That Wouldn’t Die), and then there’s a supercool video showing Lorraine McLees drawing a raffle prize at the fanfest – it’s fascinating. Go check it all out!

  • E3 Halo 2 stuff

    There are a couple of Halo2-related vids in the plethora of new items at; there’s an 8 minute video with Jenny McCarthy, where she talks to folks experiencing the Halo 2 demo, then weasels her way into playing herself, chatting up Frankie and Pete Parsons pretty good. (Look for Lorraine, Max, and SketchFactor in…

  • The Complete Package

    There’s a new Halo 2 hands-on from – another satisfied reviewer. Check it out.

  • New Wallpapers on

    Wow. Swing by and grab four new wallpapers; there’s a simple but beautiful one involving the Halo 2 logo, and really nice versions of mehve’s Fall of Reach, The Flood, and First Strike book jacket artwork. All four desktops were done by Zoe. Thanks, Tempus Fugit.

  • A new wedding… and a 5-year anniversary

    The Junkyard has turned its spotlight on David ‘Narcogen’ Josselyn, head honcho over at He discusses life in the former USSR, drinking, and getting tooled in Halo (by his wife). Go read it – there’s lots more, he’s pretty verbose.

  • J Allard talks Halo, and stuff

    Eurogamer interviewed J Allard; the subject of the interview is XNA, but Allard focuses a LOT on Halo (as an example game), and then waxes enthusiastic about Halo 2’s presales.I just think Halo 2 is going to tip our world upside down. I think nobody will go to work on November 9th, I think there…

  • Mapmaking reaches new highs

    Frankie has written up a great piece on the Secrets of Zanzibar; as Frankie says, the map can change quite a lot before Halo 2 ships, so these secrets might not be in the final version, but just reading them will give you an idea of the depth of this new level (and, by implication,…

  • Advanced Shade Jumping

    Juggertrout put up a vid recently, showing some nice shade jumping. The forum post is here, and a functional mirror for the movie is here (the original is busted). Check it out!

  • Cute? No.

    Looks like Bungie’s showing off one the Series 5 Flood action figure; there’s a Flood carrier (and his little popcorn friend) on the Bungie Webcam at the moment. (Pic saved here for posterity.) Thanks, 3.

  • Halo-related Wallpaper

    Ian McConville has posted a new VG-Cats-tribute wallpaper at MacHall – and it’s got a great Master Chief in it. Grab the paper, visit MacHall, vist VG Cats… it’s all good. (Thanks, Andrew.)

  • Halo 2 FAQ updated

    The Halo 2 FAQ at has gotten a major overhaul – questions tweaked, many new questions added… a definite must-read. Thanks to Tempus Fugit for pointing it out.

  • Special Delivery

    Roger Wilco has created some pretty cool 3d stuff in the past. (Some of it has even been confused for Bungie concept art, it’s that good.) Today, he brings you Special Delivery, a new movie fully rendered in 3ds max. 24 mb, QuickTime format, graciously hosted by Beautiful.

  • I wouldn’t call her that, if I were you…

    The Master Chief runs up against his worst enemy in today’s Calvin and Halo.

  • Halo, How Are You?

    Halo 2 was the subject of today’s Dork Tower cartoon at Gamespy. IRC consensus is that it’s not funny. What do they know? Make up your own mind. Thanks, Brad.