Year: 2004
He’s big in Germany.
Dan Chosich is the latest target of the Junkyard’s Spotlight series; go by and read about this up-and-coming moviemaker. You know, now that I think about it, he DOES look a little like David Hasselhoff… hmm, no, he doesn’t.
More post-fanfest pics
Andrew, from XboxOttawa, has put up some pics he took at Dean Miranda’s Plasma Fiesta lanfest after E3 – he managed to miss all the food, but he got the people. Yes, Silverbrin likes playing Halo standing up. Don’t ask me why.
Nightmare Armor on TechTV
Rockhard noticed an interesting clip on TechTV; a pillow fight with some models and a host goes awry when the Master Chief gets involved. Webshift, from the Nightmare Armor crew, confirmed that it was, indeed, one of theirs, and mentioned an upcoming interview. If you have access to TechTV (my cable company doesn’t carry it…
Fan Fiction contest announced
Steve and Hextall27 are starting up the 1st Annual Enkidu Fanfic Contest – rules and regulations can be found in this forum post. They’re also looking for judges.
Screenie Analysis
Alpaca continues the analysis of the E3 screenshots over at [HOH]. Number 3 is up now.
It’s A Dilly.
In reply to this week’s Bungie Weekly Update, Stuntmutt has turned in a new One One Se7en – the first in about a month. Woohoo! Or… oh, darn. (Depending, of course, on your opinion of One One Se7en strips.)
Everybody duck!
The third Frontline interview (this time with a Grunt) is posted over at ‘Frontline with Suzie’. Thanks, Viper the Mighty.
A hologram giving birth – this I gotta see
The Spoof has interviews the Master Chief, who’s living, apparently, in Billings, Montana. Who’da thunk it? Thanks, Walshicus.
Halo 2 Logos, packaged for use
A couple of days ago, Owl created a pretty huge standalone Halo 2 logo. Yesterday, Fury Three posted a standalone rendered version… and BOLL posted his own stuff (extracted from the official site’s content). Between these, you should be able to find a version you can use for your web creations…
Now THERE’S a fun rumor.
G-Force points out that the July issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly mentions the possibility of a Halo title for Nintendo’s Gameboy Advance (page 70). Funny if this turns out to be true…
An exercise in physics
Wow. XBC player Scars has put together a film (you must be registered on the XBC forums to view this thread) called ’50 ways to nade things to you in Hang ’em High’ – and that’s exactly what it is. 11:45 long, 30 mb large, WMP7 format, it shows you many, many different ways to…
Gamespot saw better than Halo at E3
Gamespot has posted its Best of E3 2004 awards. Halo picked up a ‘Top 10 Trailers of E3’ award for the press conference demo, and was a finalist in the Best Shooter and Best Xbox categories (beaten by MechAssault 2 both times), but was otherwise passed over. Interesting counterpoint with other gaming sites. Thanks, Jay.
Words, words, and more words redux
Lots and lots and lots of you noticed the Fan Fiction section was broken yesterday; I accidentally allowed a story with illegal characters in the series name through the screening process. Sorry about that! Fixed now, though. That’ll teach me to put up a last-minute post before leaving for the day (without checking the link…
Time to go to the movies
Wow. Now THERE’S a fun fan. Spideroptics received a keychain countdown timer for ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ at the movies yesterday; with a bit of printing and cutting, he turned it into something pretty cool. Nice!
No More Nerdstock
SanchezTheLlama wrote to say that Nerdstock 2004 got cancelled for lack of attention. Anyone who was planning on coming, though, is invited to a big LAN at his house; free entry. You can’t beat free Halo, can you?
It’s IGN Morning
Couple of new IGN articles of interest: They’ve put up their Xbox Best of E3 awards, and Halo 2 picked up Best Xbox Live Game, Best Shooter, and Xbox Game of the Show. It also picked up a Runner-Up award for Technological Excellence. (Thanks, Nathan Wall.) There’s also an Insiders-only article on Fran’s Show picks…
A Secret Character, eh?
The Bungie Weekly Update is on our forum again this week. Frankie said they owed us because nobody believed that last week’s was real. Personally, I think the naked pictures of Divine I slipped him at E3 were what tipped the scales. It’s a pretty darn good update… there’s animation stuff, slow-mo effects, vehicle physics,…
Homelan looks at Halo 2
Homelan Fed has put up a short impressions article of the E3 demo. Thanks, ash.