My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Slashdot readers don’t like Halo 2

    Slashdot’s got a poll up on its main page; ‘Most Anticipated of E3?’ Currently, Halo 2 has 10% of more than 3000 votes (with Doom and Half-Life 2 each pulling a quarter of the total). Does that seem right to you? Thanks, Chris Simpkins.

  • New Chimp, now with more bananas

    Quick update on Chimp, mentioned yesterday – Baka has released version 1.3, with .wrl file importing to gmax. (For information about this Error Geometry file, and why you might want to import it to gmax, read the ‘Level Compilation’ section of the HEK tutorial.)

  • Halo for SNES

    Limax created new screens for a fun game, with kudos to Fuzzy for the sprites. I’d play…

  • Looking Back

    From Narcogen, at celebration of Rampancy’s fifth year (the early parts of which were spent as The Core), we’ve published the first two parts of Halo: Combat Retrospective, a look back at what people thought of Bungie and Halo before the award-winning game was even announced, yet alone released, and what’s changed since then:…

  • It’s that time again – GCA nominations tonight

    MinM points out that the Game Critics Awards nominations will be posted today at 5 pm pacific (midnight UTC); Halo 2 should have a decent chance at some. (It was beaten by Half-Life 2 last year for everything except Best Console Game – will this year be a chance to even the score, or will…

  • It’s all the little things that count.

    IGN posted the fourth episode of its Halo 2 Multiplayer Hands-On series, this time focusing on how Halo 2 has won over the Nintendo fanboi at the heart of Fran Mirabella, editor of IGN (and author of the Hands-on). It’s a decent read – thanks, 3Suns.

  • A Helpful Clan

    [-GTC-]MaverickJ, who disappeared a while ago after producing a series of really nice movies (check our Movie database), is back with a new site, and new movies. Well, movie, for now, but more are coming. The Grammaton Clerics are a clan, and this is their site… but the movies are useful to everyone. The first…

  • November 9 works for Europe, too.

    MikeMan445 noticed a subtle but rather critical change in Bungie’s Halo 2 FAQ this morning: Q: When does Halo 2 come out? A: It’s official! Halo 2 will be released in the U.S. and Europe [emphasis mine] on November 9th, 2004. Halo 2 should be available very soon after in other markets but exact dates…

  • Over the top, baby

    Fire Team Charlie’s 12th offering is up and available for download, in both Divx and QuickTime formats. It’s hefty (60 mb in DivX format, 47 mb in QuickTime), long (6:57), and very, very funny. Once again, mods rule the special effects, with some stunning visuals resulting. What are you waiting for? Go grab it!

  • More new content coming from Bungie will be offline for a couple of hours today, starting around 10 am PDT (5 pm UTC), with some visible changes to be noticed when they come back. Hmm… Thanks, Wolfy.

  • Screenshot Quality Control

    Boxer’s put up another .comic at Subnova. Frankly, I don’t get the humor behind this one, but maybe it’s just me.

  • Chimp

    Just for Halo Custom Edition mapmakers – it looks like there is now a tool to export maps from gmax (and 3ds max, for that matter) to a format that Tool can read and import for Guerilla and Sapien. It’s called ‘Chimp’, and you can thank Baka, at the Gearbox forums, for it. This thread…

  • At Long Last – Game Informer, May 2004

    For all the people waiting patiently for the Halo 2 magazine scans from last month – the wait is over. The June issue of Game Informer magazine hit newsstands today, so we’ve put up last month’s Halo 2 article in our Press Scans area. There’s more coming later today, so stay tuned! (Most of the…

  • Old Red Eyes Is Back.

    Today’s One One Se7en was actually written a month ago, when unveiled its new design. The queue was so full of hilarious jokes, though, that it had to be put off until now. Hmm… wait, nobody’s gonna believe that… okay, we lost it. It got covered up by the deviled ham when we put…

  • Good News For Us, Bad News For Chief

    If you weren’t sure about release dates, Halo: Resolution clears things up.

  • It must be music day

    Jester writes to let us know that has been updated with 10 new pieces from the Bungieverse. Two of them (Haloesque and another Under Cover Of Night remake) are Halo-related. Go visit, and listen!

  • New Mombasa – for Halo CE

    NiTrOuSoXiDe posted a note in the Gearbox forums, showing pictures of the New Mombasa map being worked on by a pretty talented team of mapmakers and artists; go over and take a look! (No, it’s not ready for downloading yet.) Thanks to Mrs Doublefire, one of the key people on the mod team, for the…

  • Red vs Blue – a content flood

    There’s no Red vs Blue episode this week – they were busy at E3 last week, and they’ve got other surprises going on – but there’s plenty of new content to visit for, anyway. A new song was released in episode 33, called ‘A Girl Named Tex’ – fans were clamoring for a full version,…