Year: 2004
SCEW Progress
kornman00 mentioned that Supreme Conflict: The Enna Wars (formerly Project Halo) had an update posted; you can find it here. Personally, unless you’re excited by dialog boxes, I’d recommend passing on the screenshots of Bruce.
Just in time to be up-to-date before the NEXT Bungie Weekly Update is released, we’ve updated our Weekly Update Archive, so that you can now see that a search on ‘Jaime’ shows that Mr. Griesemer has been lying low since mid-April, as far as these updates go. (He was mentioned in passing on April 30,…
Halo: A Mac Showcase, thanks to Westlake
Apple has posted an interesting interview with Phil Sulak and Ken Cobb, of Westlake Software. It’s geared towards techheads (it’s on their Developer site, after all), and focuses on the tools Westlake used to bring this game to market, but it’s full of little tidbits for non-professionals who are interested in how it all works.…
He needs an IV, too.
Today’s Calvin and Halo looks at a situation that many kids would love, but wouldn’t happen in too many houses. Still, it’s nice to dream!
Halo breaks the mold
Adam Daniel found an interesting article on the New York Times website (free registration required) which discusses movie-to-game licenses, and why most of the games don’t work. Halo is held up more than once as an example of how the model (that you need brand recognition, either because your game has a precursor or because…
Scratchin’ the surface of Halo
DJ SKILZ is a Scratch DJ/Scratch Artist, and has created a couple of pieces with Halo influences. Read his forum thread, visit his website, download the tracks.
Weathered Down Minds
MarkHawk points out a new Subzero Rivalries at The scary thing is, I’ve MET people that stupid.
Movies Db has more entries
Thanks once again to the kindness and hard work of a reader (thanks, Uriel!), the Movies database is nearly up-to-date. It’s accurate to just before E3, actually. (The next batch is gonna be a doozy.) 2 months, 50 movies… the database has almost 500 entries in it. That’s a lot of footage!
Good Luck In Halo 2, Randy!
One One Se7en takes a look at one of the changes in Halo 2, and how it might affect some Halo players.
Covenant Dance ringtones
Xorian points out a co-worker’s MIDI renditions of ‘Covenant Dance’, usable as a ringtone for your cell phone. There are two versions, both quite good. Check ’em out!
Polls, Polls, Everywhere
Poll news: First up, the poll we mentioned yesterday at Slashdot. Another 21,000 votes have been cast since we mentioned it, and the percentages haven’t changed all that much; Doom III and Half-Life 2 are still dominating with 25% each, and Halo 2 is still in third place (now with 13% – about half as…
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Calvin
Eep – we forgot to post yesterday’s Calvin and Halo. Sorry! Go read it – the idea of playing that game in real life is WONDERFUL.
Halo 2: Most Nominated Game by GCA
Halo 2 leads the pack of 2004 Game Critic Awards Nominees with 4 nominations: Best of Show, Best Console Game, Best Action Game, and Best Online Multiplayer Game. Results in two weeks!
Gamestyle says Halo 2 is Best of Show
Halo 2 took Best of Show (and runner-up for Best Xbox Game) at Gamestyle’s Best of E3 awards. Thanks, Lothar Hex.
Halo 2 LE clarification in H2 FAQ
Ciarán points out that another change in’s Halo 2 FAQ is a line added to the bottom of the Limited Edition question:This offer will be subject to availability in your country, but is not limited to the US.There was evidence that this product would be available outside the US, but it’s nice to have…
- upgrade came back online a couple of hours ago, with 5 new forums, snappier response times, and some information about the Seventh Column site. Go read about it!
Around the net – Halo2 impressions
Quick roundup of some Halo 2 impressions articles we missed in the last few days:Worthplaying PC Arena Gamers Hell (really short) Boomtown Good stuff.
Halo Article in 2004 Spring Guide
Coming soon to gaming stores near you, has a nice 2004 Spring Guide as a free giveaway. It contains a very nice 3-page writeup of Halo 2, including a bunch of shots not yet available (legally) on the web. Since it was freely distributed at E3, we’re able to bring you a scan (thanks,…