Year: 2004
I gotta try that Feckless Cry idea
Red vs Blue has released a bonus vid found on last month’s Computer Gaming World cover CD to sponsors; check the Season 2 Sponsors forum for a link. (Non-sponsors; you might still find that CGW on store shelves.) It shows off some of the FAILED concepts they didn’t go with, before deciding on the RvB…
Large vids showing… stuff.
Blade writes to point out that he’s posted Episode 2 of his ‘Blood Gulch Experience’ on his Teamhalo website. (Free registration required.) This is 8:28 of standard gameplay on Blood Gulch, weighing in at 51 mb in WMP9 format. The point, it seems, is to show how much better Halo looks on his new Radeon…
First Annual Enkidu Fanfic Contest – reminder
Steve writes to ask that we remind people of the Fan Fiction contest we mentioned last week – there are just two weeks left to enter a submission. If you’re going to enter, keep the deadline in mind!
Backstory… revealed obliquely?
Interesting find by Anton P. Nym: If you visit the Library, one of’s new forums, the splash bar at the top has a pretty interesting secondary definition for the word itself:2. A collection of cloned DNA sequences whose location and identity can be established by mapping the genome of a particular organism.So is THAT…
Site troubles
Apologies – once again, we’re having trouble with one of our mirror sites; everything it handled has been redirected at this point, EXCEPT the Fan Fiction section (because of its dynamic nature, it CAN’T be mirrored properly). That section is offline until we can fix the problem. Sorry. Update: Fixed, more easily than expected. All…
I didn’t know they could talk…
Rockslider points out the next episode in Frontline with Suzie – this week’s episode is called ‘the heavy brigade’, and talks to a Hunter.
Advanced Demand
Dr. Nick points out that even though the actual movies are being hosted elsewhere, the Advanced Essentials movie brought enough traffic to the [-GTC-] website that it’s offline again. I wasn’t smart enough to record all the mirrors, but I can at least point out the ones: we’re hosting both the DivX version and…
New Mombasa gets a shot
Out of time and out of options, it seems, Frankie has posted this week’s Bungie Weekly Update over at, on the new ‘New Mombasa’ forum. It’s not particularly meaty this week – but Frankie has lots of excuses for that. There IS some discussion of new maps, a new (previously unmentioned) weapon, and some…
Bacon-Flavored Marshmallows
Red vs Blue has Episode 34 – ‘aftermath, before biology’ – up for sponsors. (The general public will have to wait a couple of days.) It’s 4:27 of RvB goodness, with a great combination of humor and plot advancement. And the – oh, go watch it.
Frankie Meets The Matrix
So Bungie’s got a new toy – they can make 3D screenshots! And the first one is a pretty slick piece of work. It’s called “Army of One”, and it’s available in both high (8.4 mb) and low (1.3 mb) res versions. Grab it (make sure you have QuickTime installed), and go to town rotating…
Advanced Essentials
As a followup to their Basic Essentials movie released last week, [-GTC-] has created Advanced Essentials, a new film showing some lesser-known tricks of the trade. Some are useful in single player (grenade jumping, for example), while others are purely multiplayer (speeding up the invisibility powerup). Again, the movie is presented in a clean, easy-to-understand…
Aquaduct 2 – almost now
Aquaduct 2 is imminent – “we’re talking days or maybe hours now” (written about 11 hours ago). Mac-based Xbox tunneling is almost upgraded! Thanks to Sharp for noticing!
‘The Fox So Cunning And Free…’
One One Se7en continues its look at new Halo 2 stuff. Was this what they meant by ‘battle damage’?
Gotta love the ‘through the hog’ one.
Slick. Dark Helmet has filmed some really cool Lifepod launch angles on Halo; you can find the movie (wmp9, 3.5 mb) and a thread of discussion, over at High Impact Halo. Thanks to vshields ash for the heads-up.
Sucker Punch
Halo Babies has not only a new strip for you today, but a bunch of new artwork: a pair of new wallpapers (very nice) and a couple of new avatars. Check ’em all out!
Mahabharath Highlands
KurtVanHulle points out a new Halo remix at OverClocked ReMix. Interesting Celtic overtones.
Halo 2 LE in NZ on November 9
Whoa. Very cool – is reporting that Microsoft confirmed that the Halo 2 Limited Edition will be released in New Zealand on November 9th – adding another country to the list of places which will receive this game on opening day. Thanks, The l337 n00b.
That’s just not right.
Hehe – very nice. Sketchfactor points out a new Zoe-created Wallpaper, entitled ‘WortWortWortHog’, on the Wallpaper page. Nice composition! Thanks, Caligula Caesar. (And thanks, Evil Otto, for the inspiration!)
Halo 2 MP gametypes are for EVERYONE
thunderhawk555 popped onto our forum with a tidbit from Gamestop – they suggested that there were ‘exclusive modes only available for play over Xbox Live’. (thunderhawk was skeptical, hence the post.) EvilOtto jumped in for one of his rare but welcome visits to debunk this rumor (in classic EO fashion).I don’t know if this came…