My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Colorblind

    Hogmasta Chocobo writes to point out a movie of his hosted at GameTrailers – it’s called Colorblind, and is available in streaming .mov format (or downloadable .mov and .wmv formats). It’s gameplay, set to music. There’s a forum thread on our forum if you want to leave him feedback.

  • Halo Game Servers db at UXB

    Carnage sends word that UXB Internet has put up a web-based Halo server database; they check several hundred servers each day for uptime, as well as provide a real-time stats page for each server. Currently, it supports Halo PC and Halo CE, though CE servers aren’t yet collected automatically. If your server isn’t listed, you…

  • CheatCodes looks at Halo 2 went to E3 – and posted their discussion of the Halo 2 material on Friday. Bunch of nice photos of the widescreen plasma screen they played on. Thanks, Cortanas_Brother.

  • Halo 2 Music Transcription has posted a transcription of the music from the Halo 2 announcement trailer, courtesy of Poop Scoop. 2.5 mb, due to the 8 pages of hi-res jpegs – and there’s also a Finale Notepad file containing the whole score. Nice!

  • Doomba – like Dumbo, only meaner

    The Bungie Weekly Updates database has been brought up-to-date, this time on time. Scary… we’re on time with something? Ouch.

  • So THAT’S where those quotes come from

    Calvin and Halo reveals secrets behind the publicity business…

  • More artwork from a master

    Got a note from Tina Leyk – she’s put up a bunch of new Halo-related artwork at her Angels of Iron website (which is sporting a new design, btw). We’ve mirrored it all here, to take the bandwidth hit off her – and added an extra tidbit. If you visit the Art of Tina Leyk…

  • Tricks to make you grin

    Ducain continues his pattern of taking a known glitch (in this case, two known glitches) and making it his own; he’s combined his discovery of partial immunity during warthog jumps (you’re invincible for the short time you’re actually ENTERING a vehicle – or during the time the engine THINKS you’re entering a vehicle) with some…

  • Server Update

    Subnova HQ was hit with a pretty major storm this weekend – all power was out for a couple of days. This caused our mirror there to be offline (leading to the inaccessibility of the Fan Fiction section this weekend), and it killed the boot drive on the machine that hosts Subnova Hotline. The webserver…

  • GamesRadar Hands-on – a little late

    GamesRadar put up their Halo 2 Hands On during E3 – but it wasn’t until today that anyone in our community noticed. Thanks, Noman Husainie. (They claimed they were playing 6 on 6 – I was pretty sure all the rooms were set up for 5 on 5, but hey – what do I know?)

  • How to be stupid, in public

    Yesterday, we got word from haloruler33 that a rather bizarre auction was going on over at eBay. Someone who’d registered on Thursday had started an auction for a Halo 2 pre-release playable game. There was a bit of discussion in our forum about this – many people warned the bidders that this was likely not…

  • The Clan Mark of Damocles

    One One Se7en looks at clan markings, and why yours should be picked by a friend.

  • …Nor By The Color Of Their Armor…

    Late – but not TOO late; today’s Halo: Resolution continues the Dada-ist storyline for another episode.

  • down again

    Once again, it seems we’re having problems with our third mirror (the one that handles Fan Fiction, among other items) – I’ve rerouted all OTHER content, but Fanfic is down until we can get the problem fixed. Bad combination of hardware troubles and a holiday weekend – sorry!

  • No, it’s better than that. Better. No, better.

    Tycho, of Penny Arcade, wrote up a nice review of the Bungie Fanfest at E3 last Friday (scroll down near the bottom) – they had a good time, it seems. (Looks like clarksbrother was the first to give us the heads-up – thanks!)

  • Going Nowhere VERY Fast

    A few days ago, I digitized a bunch of videotape submitted by Michael Coffing, and posted a whole passel of new scores on the Going Nowhere Fast leaderboard. Some he submitted just because there was no entry for that level, others because he had really nice runs. One run he posted, Silent Cartographer in 5:46,…

  • Platform wars

    A public beta of Aquaduct 2, an Xbox tunneler program for Mac OS X, has been released. The big news is that it’s now compatible with XBConnect , so you’re not limited to playing your fellow Mac users any more. Grab it and get fragging!

  • 3D screenshot for folks who hate QuickTime

    Yesterday, Rip-Saw posted a note about an option to view the 3D screenshot Bungie posted Friday for those without QuickTime – he created a 2.1 mb, 320×240 animated gif. Viewing it took a little work; there’s no .gif extension on it, so many browsers don’t know what to do with it. BOLL came to the…

  • I Thought IMAX Was The Other Guy…

    Hot on the heels of Friday’s 3D screenshot, One One Se7en has gone 3D. Sort of.

  • Lots of writing

    Not being able to access the Fan Fiction admin section didn’t seem to stop submissions – there are 32 new pieces in the section for you today. Some good, some… um, not so good. Check ’em out.