My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Goodies for Music

    Hehe – Xraf posted a note on’s Underground forum, with lyrics for a song called ‘We Will Frag You’, set to Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’. Sketchfactor jumped in and offered a bonus:Someone record it to music and send in an .mp3 of it! I’ll send you a prize. =)Sounds like a deal! (I’d…


    Mike Blanton writes that his clan, GaB, made a montage video recently; pretty much straight gameplay, but with some nice editing touches. It’s a big file (40.5 mb, mpeg1 format), and I have no idea how long his clan server can hold out serving it… but he said to post it, so I’m posting it.

  • The Case of the Misplaced Grunts

    Weirdness. Ducain has posted a vid he made from a videotape sent to him by TablesandChairs – there are a handful of totally out-of-place grunts on the top of Halo. They’re really up there (the vid shows them shooting and yelling, though not moving) – the question is how? Getting to that particular spot is…

  • The Zanzibar Project

    A new modding team has started up – the Zanzibar Project has posted its first weekly update on both the Halomods forum and the Gearbox forum. (It’s pretty interesting reading the comments on the two sites – totally different feel to the communities.) They’re reproducing the Zanzibar map for Halo CE. No word yet on…

  • Sarge went 404

    Sector 7 has put up a new episode of Marines, their local comic strip. It pokes fun at their server’s flakey connection. Thanks to Wolfy for the heads-up.

  • Prostrate before the Altar

    Calvin and Halo reminds me to remove all the televisions from my house, before my kids get home from school.

  • Reviewing games not yet out…

    What the…? Xbox Nation went to a fortuneteller to find out how Halo 2 was going to do. The prediction – there will be legal issues, the ending will be weak, and a third game is in the works. Predicted score: 7/10. This article has got to take the ‘silliest article from a respected gaming…

  • Flintstones? I don’t think so.

    Sketchfactor, over at, has put up their site stats for the past couple of months… and they’ve been doing some business! 28 million pageviews in 9 weeks; that’s some serious bandwidth! (I guess I’d worry more about the 4 death threats in that timeframe, though…) As a measure of how busy their forums are,…

  • deviantARTwork

    Deimos, of Subnova, spent a LONG time hunting through deviantART and came up with a list of 17 unique wallpapers that aren’t also hosted here. Some of them are quite nice! My First Car Halo -True Soldier- Red vs Blue Master Chief Halo 2 Halo Sketch Halo photograph…nearly… 7th Column: We’re Everywhere 4 Earth’s Halo…

  • Rejected Halo 2 Ideas

    Hehe – nice. Owl found a fun Halo-related issue of Aikida, a web comic. Good stuff.

  • Link Page – Automated

    For a very long time, we’ve been threatening to automate our Links page; there are new sites all the time, and we’ve been awful about both posting them on our news page and adding them to our Links page. All that’s about to change – because it’s an automated system now. If you have a…

  • Online Halo Tourney

    Andy writes to point out a Halo tournament with a $50 grand prize (no entrance fee). It’s totally unclear from the documentation, but I’m guessing (since ping is mentioned on one page) that we’re talking about an online tourney using Halo PC. (It could be an Xbox tourney using XBC, though – you might want…

  • Fanfic contest ends SOON

    Steve wants to point out that today is the last day for submissions for the First Annual Enkidu Fan Fiction Contest.

  • Update Update

    We’ve added last week’s Bungie Weekly Update to our Update archive – it’s a good place to find stuff like, say, the fact that Lorraine popped up this week for the first time since E3. (Sorry you’re sick, Lorraine!) Sometimes just browsing the entire collection can be fun (careful, thought, it’s over 150k of text…

  • Behind the Mask

    Well, nobody found the Chief and Sarge after that nasty explosion on Friday… but I guess they’re like the cat, they just couldn’t stay away. MC, at least, is back in today’s One One Se7en, and he’s met up with a new friend (the Xbox Gamer magazine scans that this guy came from will be…

  • This Is Why He’s Not In The Union

    Captain Keyes shows off his unusual thinking in today’s Halo: Resolution.

  • Jugglin’ Chief

    Ack! I forgot to post this yesterday; SESpider submitted the next episode of Miniature Halo. Very nice layout work by PsYcHoDaN, in addition to the photography and story work by Spider himself. Check it out!

  • More shakeycam gameplay

    Fuzion found a new gameplay clip over at, flimed on the sly at E3. It’s only 27 seconds long, but you get a decent view of some weapons that haven’t gotten a lot of show so far. Clarification: seems my wording might suggest there are new, never-before-seen weapons in this footage; that’s not the…

  • Are you tired of Wallpaper yet?

    Gah. In the mad rush to format 60 wallpaper submissions in the past few days, we managed to skip over a pretty amazing entry; it was released on the Red vs Blue site a few weeks ago – and we asked then if we could include it here. Nesnora said yes, so I added it…

  • Sunday Afternoon Reading

    Dunno what the weather’s like where you are… but it’s pretty darn gorgeous here. I’ve just come in for a quick Fan Fiction queue-clearing, and there are now 18 new pieces for you to read. Go get ’em!