My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Of Driving, and Such.

    Sparkypinball put together the first of what looks to be a series of How-To guides for Halo; this one is called ‘Sparky’s Guide to Vehicle Handling’. It covers such topics as Warthog/Ghost jumps without flipping, the differences between Halo PC Hogs, and how to maximize your forward progress in a Ghost. Nice read!

  • XBL Hookup Primer

    The MorningStar has written up a guide explaining how to connect your Xbox to the internet for Xbox Live. This gives you plenty of time to absorb the wisdom before Halo 2 is released. (Mind, there’s plenty to do on XBL RIGHT NOW, and this information can be used to get you there… but this…

  • My eyes hurt

    moddedcyborg has put together a few 3D screenshots – the kind that need those cheesy red and blue glasses to see properly. Reaction is good, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy ’em as soon as I can find my kids’ copy of Spy Kids 3D…

  • A Body of Work

    Dan Chosich posted a short (52 second) but very sweet movie that basically gives an overview of his body of Halo filmmaking. If you’ve never seen Dan’s work, watch this film – it’ll make you want to watch more. If you HAVE seen Dan’s work, check this out for a quick thrill. It’s 15.5 mb…

  • HCE/HEK State of Affairs

    Cunbelin has posted the second of his weekly bi-weekly updates on the state of Halo Custom Edition and the Editing Kit, over at Seems a little rushed, but it points out a few very nice maps, and gives a little background on some upcoming stuff. Thanks to haloguesser for the heads-up.

  • Extreme Halo

    Teehee… Chilton Webb points out the stuntrider on the far right of this concept art. Who says Bungie’s not expecting you to have fun?

  • Be careful what you wish for.

    Calvin and Halo shows why it’s not always a good idea to try and outsmart your parents.

  • RvB Administrivia

    Quick note for Red vs Blue Super Sponsors; you should check the Sponsors page for a link to a ‘Subscription Serviecs Manager’ – you need to make sure they have the right address by June 30. They’re printing mailing labels on July 1, and you won’t be able to change things after that.

  • Screenshots – the lifeblood of he who waits

    The recent release of new hi-res screenshots from Bungie finally got me off my duff to update our Screenshots database; it’s finally up-to-date. 193 shots were added today… not a bad day’s work!

  • Speculation and Innuendo

    mnemesis sent word that he’s updated the Halo Story Page again – it’s a big ‘un. He’s been impressed recently with the quality of submissions… keep it up, folks! Update: And Wado explains WHY the quality is up.

  • Links Update – again

    Because of the massive influx of new sites in our Links database, we’ve added a small ‘New’ graphic to indicate when a site’s been added in the last week. (Thanks, Paul!) It seems some of you haven’t noticed that your site was added, and submitted again… maybe this will help.

  • New Mombasa gameplay – in a vid

    Blade, at, put together a 6:26 long video (WMP9 format) showing gameplay on the upcoming New Mombasa map, using the Halo 2 Mod. (This is a huge team effort from a lot of talented people that mostly hang out on the Gearbox forums – a recent update on the project can be found here.)…

  • Behind the scenes – Magazine Pimpage

    Wow. Frankie has posted an awesome interview/picture cornucopia over on; a discussion with Jeremy Zoss, Associate Editor of Game Informer magazine (about GI’s visit to Bungie in preparation of last month’s article), and a collection of more than a dozen VERY high resolution images (screenshots and concept art) that were eventually used in the…

  • Yo’ Grunt…

    That maskless grunt has been the talk of our forums today. Even Sarge is getting into the act – check out One One Se7en.

  • I’m Living In A Box…

    Halo: Resolution puts a Spartan in orbit… in a non-regulation orbital device. Good thing that armor can withstand hard vacuum!

  • Aim above the head, but then a little lower

    Awesome. A week ago, Chilton mentioned a G4TV program in which John Mayer (the musician) was playing Halo with his friends. The thread didn’t go anywhere, because you either have G4 on your cable/satellite system, or you don’t. We got mail from Brian Graham, asking us WHY it didn’t go anywhere, given that anyone could…

  • Links page update

    Wow. Seems like there was some pent-up demand, that’s for sure – in the first day and a half since we posted our link submission form, we’ve added 50 sites to our Links page. We’ve had to reject a bunch of entries – folks who submitted sites with no Halo content, or sites that aren’t…

  • That’s one nasty dude.

    We posted a magazine article with a tiny picture of a maskless grunt this afternoon – and people complained that they couldn’t really see it. Over on the Halo Story Page, mnemesis has heard your cries, and while he deplores whining, he sometimes enjoys serving up surprises.

  • Writing, and some suggestions

    Fourteen pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section. To submitters: if you feel the need to stick a huge honking piece of material at the beginning of every chapter, with, say, your cast of characters… make SURE that the actual STORY CONTENT meets our word minimum requirement, or your piece will be rejected.…

  • Superplay Scans

    Thanks go out to Tim Alvner, who scanned an article from last month’s Superplay (a Swedish magazine) and sent it in. (The June issue is now on the shelves in Sweden, so we can put this up now.) You can find it in our Press Scans section. The highlight, for me, is a gorgeous Eddie…