Year: 2004
Powertabbed RvB Theme
Skeletor points out a resource for guitarists:Powertab Editor is a program that makes arranging songs for the guitar easier. Someone made a tab of the RvB theme recently and uploaded it to the Powertab Archive.If you use Powertab Editor, go grab this! (And then upload your OWN tabbed version of other Halo songs…
More Halogen Info
A few days ago, we mentioned Halogen, the upcoming mod for C&C Generals – yesterday Dispraiser posted Weekly Update One on our forum. The UI looks pretty good, and there’s a bit of info about upcoming vehicles and weapons. Take a look!
New Mombasa Update
NiTrOuSoXiDe posted an update for the New Mombasa mod for Halo CE over on Halo Revolution – DHalo reposted it on Halomods, and scottisonfire found it there and posted it on OUR forum. (Viral marketing at its best.) Very sexy screenshot, and some drool-inducing text. Check it out!
Play Halo, benefit a Tulsa hospital
GAH! This came in last week, but got lost. (Sorry, Peter.) The Tulsa Jaycees are hosting a video game contest to benefit a local Tulsa hospital on July 10. Halo is one of 9 games in the lineup (rules can be downloaded here, in pdf format). If you live in or near Tulsa, OK, this…
RvB – in a theatre, with a beer
Red vs Blue will be showing at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, TX on July 8, 9, and 10. (How they picked 11:49 pm for showtimes, I don’t think I want to know.) Ross Mills also points out some extra Sponsor content related to this event in the RvB Sponsors forum. If you’re in the…
Broadcast 8: Mr Rechargeable
rockslider mentions another episode of Frontline with Suzie – this time, the interview is with the Master Chief. Go read!
Saturday Reading
18 new pieces for you in the Fan Fiction section today – go read. That’s the end of the news posts, I think – UCDI: Special Forces starts pretty soon.
Now if only it would shoot…
Braxton Colongione made a life-size model (140k) of a plasma pistol – always great to see Halo fans expressing themselves!
Joyride Action Figures – Up Close
It’s taken me forever and a day to get these posted… but they’re worth seeing, so post them I’ll do. Miguel Chavez took a bunch of hi-res pics of the Halo 2 prototype action figures (as well as the now-on-sale Series 4 figures) at E3 this year; we’ve made them available for viewing. There are…
Towel Shortage, Ketchup-Flavored Pringles, and Trisquids
The Bungie Weekly Update this week can be found at the forums on the Major League Gaming website – there’s lots of good stuff, but what killed me was that Sketchfactor was in New York this week, and didn’t call. I would have bought him pancakes! (There’s boatloads of more exciting stuff – go read.)…
I smell a trap… or a rat. Or a rat in a trap.
Red vs Blue Episode 37, Dealer Incentive, has been posted for sponsors – and it’s a whopper. 60 mb in high-res, any flavor. 6:27 worth of totally incompetent negotiations… and other stuff. Some of it’s optional.
Wireless Lockpick
Halo Babies has updated their comic, and asked a question that’s puzzled many a Halo player over the years. There’s also some new vectorized fan art. Go look!
Halo50k3, Baby
In an attempt to dominate the HBO front page, Dolbex sent around a bunch of news about Halo50k3, coming up at the end of July. First off, MLG ran a contest on XBConnect that gave free entry to the whole XBC team, an XBC pro account, and some MLG schwag to the person who could…
Now THAT’S a Halo poster.
Dolbex got a poster he won after E3 back from the framers yesterday – you’ll find some cool pics in this forum post. Yeah, those will likely be sold by Bungie/Microsft at some point. No, you can’t have Dolbex’s. Update: Sketchfactor chimed in to say that the licensing arm is close to making a deal,…
That’s the last of ’em. Sort of.
The last of the enormous miscart backlog is now posted – you can find another 24 items in the Miscellaneous Art section today. Predictably, there are already NEW items in the queue – but hopefully, I’ll be able to keep up on them a bit better.
Wait… I thought that shot bullets?
Hehe – pretty cool. ThinkGeek sells a green laser pointer, and accepts ‘Action Shots’ – the combination led one Halo fan to send in this very slick shot. Thanks, Troy Conrad, for letting us know!
Command and Conquer Mod coming along
Chronomaw writes to point out that Halogen, the Halo mod for C&C Generals (last mentioned in February, though that website no longer works) will be releasing a new render every day. Swing on by to see their progress!
Halo The Miracle
Noah Hofmann, who used to go by the name ‘Shrike’, but now goes by ‘Ultrash’, has turned in a third piece of Halo Fan Music. (The first two can be found here.) This one is called ‘Halo The Miracle’, and is an 8-minute-long, 9.2 mb mp3 which is great to listen to. Ultrash is happy…