My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Whoa – ten levels?

    Got a TI 83 (or better) calculator? Then check out this game in the TI games archives – hehbo2k3, who pointed it out on our forum, says it’s a pretty fun game. (Unfortunately, it won’t run on my trusty HP 28S, so I can’t tell you what it looks like.) Update: Griffon points out a…

  • Pfhorum Pfhancy? Pfhhht.

    Once again, Opie301 gently reminds us that he’s better at keeping track of when the Halo Story Page is updated than I am. (As a matter of fact, mnemesis told me that this would be going up – but he didn’t tell me when it was UP, so my bad for not checking.) It’s just…

  • Look at that armor.

    Konrad9 found a ‘new’ screenshot at Gamespot. (It’s not really new; it was seen in print before, in an OXM article (that for some reason isn’t scanned here) – but it’s never been seen online, in this resolution.) Very nice bumpmapping! We’ve added it to our Screenshots Database.

  • I’ve seen that dude before…

    …but it wasn’t in Halo. Skeletor isolated a marine underground in 343 GS – and he doesn’t look like any other Halo marines I know about. (Well, that’s not totally true – I think it’s the guy on the left in this pic – but I can’t say as I’ve ever seen him myself in…

  • Halo: First Strike surfaces

    Eric Rickards made a pretty intriguing discovery; on Del Rey’s website, you can find preliminary information about a third Halo novel, entitled ‘Halo: First Strike’. The author is (once again) Eric Nylund… and the release date is scheduled for December 2003. Could this be (as Eric postulates) a Fall of Reach prequel… or will it…

  • Um… I don’t know what to say.

    Sometimes, we get movie submissions that don’t meet our guidelines… because they’re so far out there they can’t even be HELD UP to the guidelines. Halo War is one of those. 215K of MC-rockin’ insanity. So if you watch that, and say to yourself, “self, where can I get more of that MC-rockin’ insanity?” -…

  • Carnage in Kansas

    kiro69 sends word of a Wichita, KS Halo tourney to be held on May 24 – $5 entrance fee, to be pooled and paid out to the 3 top finishers. More details can be found at the 7th Column chapter Midwest Assassins.

  • MSNBC Poll (and article)

    MSNBC has an article asking whether Half-Life 2 and Doom III can revive game sales. Halo (and Halo 2) are mentioned at the end of the article, in a section entitled ‘Don’t forget the consoles’ – and there’s a poll attached to the article asking which game you’d like to have delivered to your door…

  • One One Se7en, Episode 2 – and a comic status update

    We said he’d be adding one every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday… and he is. Stuntmutt’s second comic (‘Splinter Sell’) goes live today. It’s likely that we’ll be adding a Comics subsection to HBO to house this, Warbow’s Calvin and Halo, Hack Trio’s… thing, and a new one by Mathjis Buster (and anything else that comes…

  • Rhapsody – now in MPEG

    Earlier today (okay, last night, local time), we posted a note about a movie we couldn’t watch, hosted by That Weasel Television. Thanks to the kindness of our forumites, we had a couple of flavors submitted that we COULD watch; we’ve tossed Lion’s MPEG version up to Mythica – it’s 27.2 mb (as opposed to…

  • I like to sit… and spin.

    A little while ago, we put up a page dedicated to BOLL’s cool panoramic Halo shots. Recently, he built a wicked-cool Flash interface for viewing these… so we’ve dumped it into the directory here. Use the plain-vanilla page we built… or BOLL’s much slicker viewer. (Benefit of ours, I guess, is that downloading the files…

  • Halo Tourneys in Arkansas

    synide has put together a website for tournaments in the Jonesboro, Arkansas area. If you’re interested, stop on by and sign up!

  • Halo Rhapsody

    Ross Mills has created a Halo movie in which (I think) the Queen song ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ is acted out, using Halo characters. Ross wasn’t able to figure out how to convert his WMP9 movie into a format we could read, so he’s gone elsewhere for hosting; That Weasel Television has put it up… and given…

  • Spread the Love

    To show his appreciation for the astounding goodness that is the Halo 2 spread in the Official Xbox Magazine this month, bikeman704 triggered the Megg… and added a bit. Cool. (Hehe… he’s still got four bullets left…)

  • Lawdy, Lawdy.

    Gah! I forget to check the Fan Fiction section for a couple of days, and things go MAD! 18 new stories since Monday… Stowaway Part 2 (1 of 3), by Dispraiser Epic Poem I, by devilsNight The Road to Zaxheoa: Chapter 1: The Covenant Attack, by Nike True Purpose(2), by Frensa Geran Just Getting Started…

  • Evil Comedy Geniuses Need Halo Love, Too

    Nice find by aaron charles – a sizeable writeup about a bunch of (old) guys who get together regularly to play Halo – in LA Weekly. (It’s the second story down, titled ‘War Games: Playing the First Battle of the 26th Century’.) Beaten by Chinese children… but back for more.

  • They write, and write, and write…

    The tireless grunts at the Halo Story Page have given you even MORE content to chew on. There’s now a HSP FAQ… and ‘Halothon’, an addendum to the Marathon Connections page. (It’s not really story-related, but it’s not really eggs, either; it was homeless, so Finn gave it a home.) Read and be wiser.

  • Art Asylum? Some other asylum, mb…

    A new Halo-related comic at Subnova today – posted last night, but I couldn’t get to it right away. For what it’s worth, Deimos is a nicer guy than that. (Pallor, now… Pallor might have done that.)

  • Halo Orbit – Now With Marshmallows!

    Xerxes writes to let us know that Halo Orbit just got a new layout – it loads three times as fast as the old one, and includes a news search function, among other new tidbits. (Anyone paying attention knows how much I love news search functions, and realizes Halo Orbit just got 14 brownie points…

  • On the floor, at the fanfest – E3 and PC Halo

    The boys at Battleground: Halo got a note from David Mertz, the lead level designer for Halo PC. Go read it on their front page (or at this more permanent location) for details on their preparations for E3.