My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Movie Mirrorage

    That Weasel steps up to the plate and mirrors Lethal Rage – always nice to have extra bandwidth! New movie coming tomorrow…

  • E3 details – right from the horse’s – um, pig’s mouth

    Holy flaming bacon, Batman! has put up a look at what’s to come at E3 next week… and just reading the text will clog your arteries. If you’re young and healthy, swing by and read up… if you’re old and fat, be careful. (There are also juicy details on PC Halo , from Michel…

  • Don’t kill the cops…

    We’ve had a few interesting movies submitted recently. We can’t put them all up at once, because we’d kill our kind bandwidth hosts… but here’s the first one. Called ‘Lethal Rage’, it’s a sordid tale of murder and gang violence in the city… all set on Sidewinder. Parts are rather dark; blame me, not Pico,…

  • Play Halo, win a shirt

    Cool details from AEG, a PR firm that works with Microsoft:Fragmasters and gamers alike are encouraged to get in on the Halo PC action at E3 for the chance to win a coveted Halo PC T-shirt. Gamers who attend E3, the annual video game convention taking place in Los Angeles from May 14 through 16,…

  • Trivia Contest Details (online version)

    Good news from Bungie, about the online version of the Trivia Contest to be hosted during the fanfest: Because they get screwed in almost all contests, international fans are welcome to participate in this trivia contest. If you win, Bungie’ll be happy to mail the prize pack to wherever you live.Because 7-11 pm Pacific time…

  • Another online Halo choice

    Snoppydude points out a new Xbox online linking tunnel, called X-Link Messenger. There’s very little information at the website – but if we learn more, we’ll let you know.

  • Halo50K impressions

    Team Overkill has put up a writeup of their Halo50K experience – go check out boatloads of pics and some funny commentary. (There’s a big one coming from NOF, of Team HBO, as well; in fact, it’s been online since last week, but there are currently almost 250 images loading on the single-page writeup… until…

  • The Halo Lego Collection Grows

    More Lego stuff, thanks to Fury Three: another Warthog design, and the first Lego Banshee published to the internet. Check ’em out!

  • Gettin’ there, any way you can

    When you absolutely, positively need to get there overnight, and the elevator just isn’t working… BOLL to the rescue. Pretty funny stuff.

  • Halo in the news at IGN

    IGN has a couple of features that mention Halo. Their Top 100 Games of All Time (which still has the top 20 to post) puts Halo at #39 – thanks to the dozens of outraged Halo fans who pointed this out to us – and their ‘Big Game of E3’ article puts Halo 2 at…

  • Wisconsin tourney results

    A month ago, we mentioned a team tournament in Madison, WI. Today, Poocho reminded us that the tourney happened last weekend; results and gaming impressions can be found here.

  • The Road to Fanfest

    SketchFactor has put up a massive article at describing how things are going on the way to next week’s fanfest, and what the fan at home can expect to see (and get) during this time. Lots of cool stuff, but here are a couple of tidbits. There’s a Fanfest Q&A database that users…

  • America’s Biggest Halo Fans… revealed!

    Bungie has posted the names of the finalists in its America’s Biggest Halo Fan contest – congratulations go out to Paul Gelardi (who posts on our forum as Elan Sleazbagano), Geoff Fink (gfunk over at Red vs Blue), and Jeremy Roos. See you guys in LA!

  • Curl Up.

    One One Se7en continues with MC speculating on the relative benefits of various armor…

  • A little Mac Halo news, too

    Thanks to Jota Rota, who noticed a One on One with Glenda Adams over at IMG; there are a couple of brief mentions of Mac Halo. Worth a read!

  • $2500 tournament in Arizona

    CobaltNova wrote to let us know that planning is underway for the Halo: Running Riot Invitational 3, the”third edition of the wildly popular series pitting 4-man teams against each other in the now universally copied NO ELIMINATION format that has drawn teams from as far as Texas, Colorado and even Ohio.”More details can be found…

  • Pre-E3 Halo PC Madness mentioned a couple of days ago that next Monday it will have a complete rundown on Halo PC – a ‘massive world exclusive preview no gamer should miss.” Sounds good to us! Thanks to Professor Card for the heads-up.

  • Stories for a Tuesday

    Fan Fiction is light today – only 5 entries: The Road to Zaxheoa: Chapter 2: Extraction, by Nike Truth and Reconciliation, by Andrew The Fall of Fate: Aftermath , by ‘Nosolee Halo: The Arrival, by Colianknight The Devil’s Brigade Prt. II, by SpinksRead ’em while they’re hot…

  • More big money tourney action

    Wishin’ you had another chance at the multi-thousand dollar first prize from Halo50K? Well, Game City is gearing up for a 4-man Halo Nationals event coming up in early July in Orlando, FL – if they get 50+ teams entered, first prize will be $5,000. Swing on by and check ’em out! (Thanks to…

  • More banners

    Two snazzy (but rather large) banners from Luke Harrison – check ’em out in our Banners section.