My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Phoenix Sanction comes online

    A week and a half ago, we mentioned a Halo card game – now there’s a second one. Sarge Rules points out his website for it – check out ‘Phoenix Sanction’.

  • The in-air seat changes are pretty neat…

    SniPeR and -nEo-Atomic have put together a short film called ‘Cold Metal Flat Pedal’, which shows some warthog flipping stunts. We’ve chosen not to host it, but forum regular BOLL has kindly stepped up for this one. (Get it soon; it might get pulled during school hours in Sweden, which start at maybe 4 am…

  • 67th Raptors now online

    The 67th Raptors have gone live with their website, dedicated to the only operational Halo 2 clan out there. (There was an earlier one, but they’ve already disbanded, it seems.) Taking a page from Bungie themselves, color-wise, they’ve put together a pretty spiffy site – check ’em out!

  • Stories – and a note

    9 Fan Fiction pieces for you today. The Flood: A force to be reckoned with (Part 2), by crashedwarthog Chapter One: The Dream, by Ace Fallen Angel 16: Seeing the Light (Series Finale), by Gruntkiller/Covert ONI Black Ops Part Four, by Havok Chapter 2: The Few, The Proud, by Ace Chapter 3: Brute Strength, by…

  • Timing

    Well, Mythica’s back down to it’s standard 5 Mbit/sec serving rate, so the Birds spike is over; time for the NEXT movie. This one’s from Mister E, and it’s called ‘Timing’. The theme is exactly that – there are lots of ‘kill and then die’ sequences, with some very nice integration with the trance-like music.…

  • I Like Birds – a lot.

    Well, this one’s out of order, a little… but we’re having trouble contacting the next guy on the list. Hickadam, shown in the past to have a pretty amazing sense of timing, has come up with a new movie. It’s called ‘Birds’, and it looks at some of the most loveable creatures in Halo. The…

  • Movies at Nukedude

    Two movies hosted by Nukedude – there’s a mirror of the recently released Lethal Rage, and a movie by forumgoer Danny, showing gameplay on Blood Gulch. Thanks, Nukedude!

  • Someone’s always watching…

    Three new banners from our own Cybrfrk – two large and one small, all in the Banners section.

  • More pretty artwork

    The miscellaneous artwork submission is smaller than the desktop one today; just one image. Again, there was more, but it came unattributed. Nothing we can do with it… Anyway, check the Miscellaneous Art section for BOLL’s fun take on what to do about lamers…

  • Art for your screen

    The desktop art has been building up for a few days; this week was spent working on getting ready for E3. However, we’re clearing the inbox today. We’ve got seven for you… you’ll find ’em in the Wallpaper section. Misc art will come soon, as well as a few new banners; there were 10 very…

  • The Love Lives On.

    An interesting tidbit of off-topic news… SilverBrin has posted a note explaining about the setup of the official Brian Morden Foundation, an organization set up in memory of Brian Morden, better known as *Ar-Isildur around these parts. Visit the links for more information, or to buy one of the cool <3 T-shirts.

  • Psst… wanna free Cortana figure?

    Email from EVILDARKZERO reminded us that we never mentioned the Halo Action Figure Contest being run in the June issue of OXM. To win the full line of soon-to-be-released Halo action figures, all you need to do is send an email to, with your name, address, email and phone number, and you’ll be entered.…

  • Now THAT’S intriguing.

    Somehow this got missed by the majority of Fanfest attendees… thanks to Warbow for pointing it out. A few days ago, a letter went out to all attendees, with information about logistics, a schedule, and a description of what will be going on. One of the subsections of the general overview was titled ‘Videos Galore’…

  • Things that make you go Hmm…

    Tiny but potentially significant Halo Story Page update… thanks, Finn.

  • That thing’s gotta run out of bullets SOMETIME.

    Episode 6 of Red vs Blue is up for Sponsors at the Red vs Blue site (head to your forum, look for the link) – it’ll be out for the rest of the world on Sunday, but if you’ve dropped ’em a little cash, pick up your copy today. ‘Laughing out Loud’ is way overused…

  • Halo: First Strike info

    Ciarán did some digging, and came up with a bit more information about the next Halo novel, working title ‘Halo: First Strike’. From a Random House employee:As for “First Strike,” it will take place immediately after “The Flood,” and will continue to follow the Master Chief. Other than that, I can’t yet reveal.Interesting… interesting. Check…

  • Halo50K – redux

    Dolbex writes to say that the Halo50K site has been overhauled completely, in anticipation of Halo50K2, coming up this August in New Jersey. 64 teams, $15,000. Sign up now!

  • Stories that just don’t stop coming

    12 Fan Fiction pieces for you today: The Devils Brigade Prt. III, by Spinks (Chapter 1) M31: First Blood, by Greg and Wes Foutch (Part 2) M31: First Blood, by Greg and Wes Foutch (Part 3) M31: First Blood, by Greg and Wes Foutch True Purpose(3), by Frensa Geran Unexpected Surprises Part 5, by JediKnight114…

  • Flowers, eh?

    The MC has a crisis of identity – check out the latest One One Se7en comic from Stuntmutt.

  • CLOSE YOUR MOUTH! The flies are getting in.

    As mnemesis said… Whoa. The long-awaited overhaul of Bungie’s Truth and Reconciliation site is complete… and man, is there some good stuff for you to much on. Lessee… New screenshots, new concept art, a new render, a new storyboard, the final level of Bungie’s Legendary Walkthrough… dang. You should be finished reading about the time…