My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • IGN’s thoughts on the trailer

    Likely, anybody who went poking around after downloading the clips alraeady saw this… but we figured we should mention it, just for completeness’ sake. IGN posted their demo impressions late last night. Man, even after seeing the trailer, I’m droolin’ over the writeup. Check it out.

  • We seem to say this a lot…

    To all the people sending in versions of the Gamespot/IGN movies, for wider distribution, two things:It is totally against our policy to distribute material that is restricted by its owner.It’s totally unclear to me whether Gamespot and IGN even had PERMISSION to tape the press conference footage last night… the release I saw stated ‘no…

  • It’s not easy bein’ green

    Okay, everyone’s jonesin’ for some Halo 2 goodness, and not everyone’s gettin’ their fix… but the old world must go on, as well. Mythica’s server load is back down to human levels, so it’s time to release another movie. This one’s called ‘Bein’ Green’ – and it sets some basic MC action to a backdrop…

  • Randy Pitchford talks to Gamespy

    If you’ve got a PC, and you’d like to hear a live interview with Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox (the folks bringing you PC Halo), then stop by Gamespy, pick up a copy of the Gamespy Arcade software (Windows only), and tune in tomorrow morning at 11 am pacific (18:00 UTC) for the goodness. If…

  • Trailer transcript posted

    For those not willing (or able) to download the IGN or Gamespot full trailers, and not happy about waiting until the web version is released to the world, we’ve put together a transcript of the dialogue. There are a few holes (and we’re happy to get submissions to fill them), but all in all, it’ll…

  • And still MORE coverage.

    More Gamespot Halo 2 coverage: there’s a Halo 2 Impressions article (you can compare it to mnemesis’ piece here) and two new Halo 2 trailers – one for basic subscribers, one for paying subscribers. Unfortunately, the video downloads REQUIRE a PC – they’re handled by a protected delivery system that has no Macintosh software available.…

  • Press shots… now.

    Recently, there has been some discussion about a pair of screenshots for PC Halo that have appeared (one each) in the current issues of Computer Games Magazine and Computer Gaming Monthly. For those who can’t wait until June for us to post the press scans, the shots are now online at Microsoft’s PC Halo site:…

  • Oh… my… eyes…

    Gamespot has posted 6 spankin’ new screenshots of Halo 2 – and all I can say is, bumpmapping is astounding stuff. You must see these. Thanks to Ross Mills for the heads-up. Update: these images are also available (at a smaller size, but without the gamespot imprint) from the IGN media page.

  • But… but… what was IN it?

    For those of you who want a more in-depth description of the teaser itself, our very own mnemesis was there… and wrote up his impressions a couple of hours ago. There are no pictures, other than the ones his words will paint in your mind… but for those who have to wait to see the…

  • Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy…

    The lucky few are staggering home from E3 right now (it’s 10PM PST), and they’re bringing Halo-related goodness with them. First up are reports from Microsoft’s press conference, by GamerFeed (thanks Zeegs) and Gamespot (thanks Darkstar). Secondly, KookyBastard discovered that Microsoft’s Halo PC page has gone live, with a ton of new stuff (beyond what…

  • Bungie Webcam Widget for OSX

    The timing isn’t great, since the webcam is offline for a little bit, but Joshua Pettigrew has created a pretty cool widget for use with a wicked-cool program called Konfabulator that puts the Bungie Webcam image into a free-floating frame on your desktop, no browser required. Konfabulator runs only on MacOSX – so if you’re…

  • Monday evening reading

    6 Fan Fiction pieces for you: Hell’s Curse, by Ben87R6 The Road to Zaxheoa: Chapter 3:, by Nike Assault on Beta VI, by Nike Halo: Aftermath, by Cpt Crapper The Devils Brigade Prt. IV, by Spinks Battle for the Norah: Part 1, by Agent ShadeSee what you can find that you like.

  • Salt loving and vacuum-resistant…

    Finn has dug into the Halo Story Page mailbag once again, and pulled out a few interesting morsels. Things you never knew! Check it out.

  • No webcam? Ack!

    An update from Achronos on suggests that there might be a good tidbit or two coming from Bungie in the next few days… stay tuned.

  • Nice gun.

    Speaking of comics, the next installment of One One Se7en is up. Another Metroid/Halo connection…

  • The Megg, Reloaded

    Shishka pokes fun at the Megg searchers (and does unspeakable things to Gawyn’s body parts) in the latest Subnova comic. Check it out!

  • Pillar of Art Contest Update

    Just a quick note to let folks know that we’ve received the early-bird entries for the contest and have chosen the ones we can haul across the country to the Fanfest this week. (Some of them are actually being delivered to HBO West, and won’t need hauling at all.) We’d just like to say that…

  • Mullins, writ big

    eddie m noticed a blown-up version of the Halo2 poster on the E3 show floor, over at Gamespot… check it out.

  • XBC Tourney in the works

    Maverick J points out an online tourney (on XboxConnect) being organized by Project Spartan. The contest is to be held on May 17th, and currently has 10 2-man teams signed up. Read the post (or visit the site) for more details.

  • PC Halo – Revealed!

    Wowowow. The promised Gamespy Halo PC article went online early this morning… and I’m still reeling. (There are actually two articles – the main one, and a separate one on the new multiplayer features available in the PC version.) Release date is tentatively August or September… and it’s gonna be a winner. The 10 campaign…