My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • First set of pics up

    Check out the E3 2003 coverage page for the first of our fanfest pictures. We’d forgotten that updating pages takes time away from other stuff… like playing Halo, so it’s gonna take us a bit longer than we’d expected to get ’em all up. Look at it this way – there’s something to look forward…

  • We’re awake…

    A bit disheveled – we were at the Beverly Hilton until 2 am last night with SketchFactor and Achronos – but not really the worse for wear… I’m going to attempt to process some of the photos we have this morning, but to start with, you can read a couple of fanfest writeups by forum…

  • Bungie Store Discount Issue

    Quick note about the 15% discount available at the Bungie Store: it seems that there’s a glitch in the registration system. If you’ve already got an account at the Store, you’re given the option to enter a promo code when you log in (which is where you put in the 15% off code)… but if…

  • Status update

    Apologies for the up-down-up status of the servers here – it’s hard to monitor stuff from the E3 floor. This is just a quick heads-up that the Bungie Online Trivia Contest will be available in a bit under 2 hours right here. Check back!

  • Arizona competition – it’s hot.

    Leavin’, on an airplane… but one last news post before I go. We got word from Emildux about new CobaltNova happenings:This summer Arizona will be home to two of the biggest and entertaining Halo parties in the nation whose prizes will total $7500. You may have heard of these NO ELIMINATION æ´¯urnaments already but some…

  • You can’t get ready for this.

    Forum regular Shishka has written up his impressions of Bungie goodness seen during his first day on the E3 floor – and it sounds like he’s still coming off the high. Go read it and drool if you’re coming to E3, weep if you’re not.

  • E3 Coverage Section is now Operational

    A second news item on discusses the online trivia contest to be hosted here at, starting tomorrow night. The trivia contest, and most of our other E3-specific coverage, will be accessed on our E3 2003 page – right now, most sections are offline, because there either isn’t any content or you’re not allowed…

  • 15% off Halo Schwag

    Woohoo! Just in time for the fanfest, Bungie is running a special at the Bungie Store – 15% EVERYTHING. The offer is only good on Thursday, starting at 12:01 am PDT (7:01 am UTC – that’s less than 6 hours from now) and ending at midnight (7 am Friday UTC). Go read the details on…

  • Pitchford Holds Forth

    The Randy Pitchford interview we mentioned yesterday has come to pass… and gawd, is it full of information. Everything from how Gearbox got the job to build Halo PC in the first place, to how they’re getting around some of the stickiest problems in the conversion, to what WASN’T hard… wow. Go read this. Thanks…

  • And, of course, ff

    I guess even the Fan Fiction writers got caught up in the E3 content craze – there are only four stories for you today: True Purpose(4), by Frensa Geran ONI Black Ops Part Five, by Havok Foresaken Forefathers Part Two: Righteous Rebirth, by Havok and AlphaBravo343 Halo 2: The Wraiths part two: New Friends, by…

  • Backlog, continued

    And 8 art pieces for you… check the Miscellaneous Art section.

  • I want that hog.

    So much Halo 2/Halo PC goodness… we’ve neglected the staple parts of this site for too long. First up, desktop images. There are 5 of ’em for you. Check the Wallpaper section. (There are some real classics in there…)

  • You like your screenies big, and clean?

    Nick has posted the full 1280×960 un-watermarked versions of the 6 Halo 2 shots released yesterday on our forum. (ShackNews put them up yesterday in this format, as well – it’s nice when sites are willing to distribute press material without branding it or altering the size…)

  • PC Halo Gameplay Footage

    IGN has put up 8 clips, over 40 megabytes worth of material, of gameplay in PC Halo, including views of new maps, and the use of the fuel rod cannon. As of right now, it’s not Insider-protected. Go check ’em out! (Thanks to Bullseye for the heads-up.)

  • DOH! is right.

    In a stunningly sudden series of events, another Halo egg has been found… all in a day, sort of. Read the story on the Eggs page. A weird symbol, noticed 17 months ago, brought up again and again over the past year and a half… and then BOOM – identified (well, almost) by a threesome…

  • The link that wouldn’t die

    While we were sleeping – er, crashing, Bungie put up another desktop on their Wallpapers page. (Last image on the page.) You know… that sure looks like S’pht writing in the background, to me…

  • It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s MASTER DOG!

    Batfink has created an MC model – and applied it as a dog, as well as the standard shape. Pretty funny stuff!

  • Another egg, mb?

    Evil Otto chimes in to a thread concerning a mark on the bottom of the pistol. It’s a bad time to ask – a number of the crew are down in LA at E3 – but it’s likely that this image is deliberate, and it’s possible that this image is actually an egg. More as…

  • A hot parcel, indeed.

    So, seeing as how it’s a slow news day, Finn decided that it might be a good time to take care of a few little Halo Story Page posts. Well… maybe more than a few. Okay, if you really want to know… 29. There. Happy? Geez. (He didn’t even have the decency to stop at…

  • Are you overloaded yet?

    Dang – wouldn’t you know it? Bungie has updated their Truth and Reconciliation site with new Halo PC screens – and because they love you so much, there are three never-before-seen images in there. Go get ’em!