Year: 2003
Things it might be fun to meet in Halo 2
Miscellaneous Art, too, was submitted while we were gone. Three pieces – including a shot of Danung, a rockin’ Grunt. Check ’em all out in the Miscellaneous Art section.
Not Just for Marines Any More
Clearing out the desktop queue; there are 9 images built up since we left for E3 (two are variants, so there are only 7 visible on the main Wallpaper page). Some pretty amazing stuff this time around…
Hamilton waxes sage
Gamespy snagged Hamilton Chu for a discussion of Halo 2, and it went live yesterday. It’s a very nice piece; I particularly liked this bit of game development philosophy:You want to give the player choice — or, in a certain sense, the illusion of choice. As a designer, there’s the one best experience — in…
Hunk o’ Burnin’ Love
One of the articles that came out last week that we neglected to mention was a Halo PC piece at IGN PC. There’s some tasty stuff in there… but the most surprising thing (to me) was this bit (in a list of things that are new in the PC version):Flamethrower: You heard correctly. Though Randy…
Flash Banshees
Evan Grant wrote to point out a small flash game he’s made; there seem to be a few glitches (I could never figure out whether shooting was possible, and the score seems to remain zero no matter how many Banshees I avoid, and in some browsers moving forward quits the game), but it’s pretty small,…
Halo Half-Life mod – up for grabs
Some time ago, BOLL started work on a Halo-related mod for Sven Co-op, itself a Half-Life mod. He’s decided to give it away, because he no longer has time to work on it. You can read the details in the Sven Co-op forums… or simply download the existing package. Update: BOLL clarified that Sven Co-op…
One One Se7en – times 7hree
Gah! We got behind because of E3 -I’m really sorry. There are three new episodes of One One Se7en for your viewing pleasure. (These are the episodes for last Wednesday, last Friday, and today.) I’ll try and make sure this doesn’t happen again.
AGP E3 Trailer available
Dan Chosich created a 50 minute video for the AGP Spring Tournament this year… and has put up the trailer for it on his site. We were asked by Jay Umboh, the president of the AGP, to mirror this… and it’s pretty dang cool, so that’s exactly what we’re doing. You can find a copy…
Greg Snook interview now up
Ross Mills, among others, pointed out that the Greg Snook interview we mentioned a couple of days ago is available for download at (The site was down from overload earlier today… but it’s up at the moment.) I haven’t had time to actually LISTEN to it – it’s over three hours long, and weighs…
Brotherly Love
Nice find by Gholsbane; Mat Noguchi, Tools Programmer for Bungie, is represented in a pretty cool manner by his brother in this image. I like it!
The Trailer Issue – Clarification
One last one, before I collapse: To the hundreds (no joke!) of people sending us Halo 2 trailer links… feel free to stop at any point. They’re out there for anyone who wants them, but we’re not going to link to them. We’re waiting for the official version from Bungie, which is likely to be…
Never-before-seen screens at a Danish site
Interesting. There seems to be a passel of new screenshots at Boomtown, a Danish gaming site. Conversations with Bungie employees this past week led me to believe that these shots wouldn’t actually be released… but it seems that Boomtown has a source that thinks differently. The article is in Danish, but Mr Leut, who pointed…
Halo 2: Fantasy Seige
Several people (first here) have pointed out on the forum that this page at has Halo 2 listed as “Halo 2: Truth and Reconciliation”. However, according to Lorraine “mehve” Reyes-McLees, we have not discovered a subtitle for Halo 2. This wouldn’t be the first miscommunication between Bungie and Microsoft’s PR department. So please stop…
Fan Fiction doesn’t stop for E3
Back from LA, and utterly exhausted… but hey, you guys are worth it, so here’s a Fan Fiction update: Halo: Aftermath 02, by Cpt Crapper ONI Experimental Vehicle and Weapons Database: Volume 1, by LordofDestruction The Prologue, by Simpsons Rule The End, by Clark S. Critters the Reckoning part one, by Caleb Generoso ONI Black…
Psst… wanna see more pics?
Another batch of pics has gone live at the E3 2003 coverage page. Check out the top news post over there for more details on my thoughts about them. I promise, there’ll be more updates in the next few days… but right now, we’ve got to get ready to go see the Matrix.
Halo Programmer Greg Snook interviewed
Thanks to iZoD, who points out an interview with Greg Snook, a member of the Halo 2 dev team, today at at 2 pm central time. This translates to 7 pm UTC, for those who care.
E3 Trailer Transcript – Corrected
Thanks to several more viewings of the Halo 2 trailer (and a little bit of help from Marty O’Donnell), we’re happy to bring you a full, corrected transcript of the E3 Halo 2 trailer. As an added bonus, it includes a transcript of a small bit that showed in the theater during the E3 showings,…
Bungie Trivia Contest – all done!
It was up a bit longer than it was supposed to be – blame deanero and his fine hospitality for the 12-player lanfest that ran for 5 or 6 hours this evening. The Bungie Trivia contest has been taken offline at this point, and we’ll be announcing the winners as soon as SketchFactor gets back…
Audio interview of Pitchford now up
Randy Pitchford of Gearbox and Michel Bastien of Bungie were interviewed by Gamespy’s Livewire at E3 2003. The interview, in audio format, is available for download from Fileplanet; it weighs in at 32 mb. Thanks to Scott Velasquez, of Gearbox, for the heads-up.
E3 images, take 2
The next batch (another dozen pictures) of E3 Fanfest pictures has been added to our E3 2003 Gallery. Take a look!