My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Hacked.

    DOH! I’ve got to set up some sort of email notification system to remind me about this puppy… but the next episode of One One Se7en is online (it’s yesterday’s, actually). I gotta say… these bring a smile to my face. If they do the same to you, drop Stuntmutt some mail.

  • IGN Halo 2 preview – now free

    ragereset points out that the IGN Insider article we mentioned a couple of days ago is now open to the general public. It’s definitely worth a read – there’s some interesting content that hasn’t been posted anywhere else, and now you don’t have to pay to see it.

  • New Desktop at

    Thanks to HemoGloben, who pointed out the new desktop at Bungie’s Truth and Reconciliation site. Nice ghost work by mehve!

  • Trivia Contest – back online

    For those interested in trying their luck (or trying their luck again), the E3 2003 Trivia Contest is back online – and the IP block has been removed. Remember; most of the answers can be found online!

  • Halo Tourney in Wisconsin

    We got mail from Elliott Zastrow about the RLXC Mad-City Halo Team Tournament, in Madison, WI in mid-July. 4-player team tournament, $80/team entrance, $2400 cash purse to split between the top 5 teams. You’ll find more details on the tournament webpage. Check ’em out if you’re in the area!

  • Reading Stuff

    Nine Fan Fiction pieces for you, all bits of larger stories: Episode-II The Saviour awakens, by Jon Michael Marlowe Halo: White Battleground (Trailer), by ShadowWolf Forsythe Halo: Reclaimer- Part 2, by T. K. Niemann Chapter 1: Reveille, by Diamond Dog True Purpose(5), by Frensa Geran ONI Black Ops Part Seven, by Havok Training day, by…

  • Top Trivia Scorers Posted

    For those interested in seeing how they stacked up against the competition, we’ve put the top 100 contestants in the online trivia contest up on our E3 Coverage page. Take a look! (The trivia contest itself will be up again later tonight, or tomorrow – and the IP ban will be removed, so if you’d…

  • As always… PA is on point

    Tycho, of Penny Arcade, gave a quick E3 rundown in today’s strip… and Halo 2 was included. Covers the subject pretty well. Thanks to Ross Mills for the heads-up.

  • More Halo 2 coverage

    Bullseye points out that Firing Squad has put up an overview of Halo 2 from E3. If you’ve been eagerly snarfing up every Halo 2 tidbit to be released recently, there won’t be anything new here… but it’s a nice writeup nevertheless.

  • This Egg’s for You

    Hehe – pretty cool… come up with a cool phrase or quote, and it might make it into Halo 2 as an easter egg. Want the details on this fun little contest? Go read the news story at Thanks to PanZer for the heads-up on our forum.

  • It wasn’t trivial.

    The winner of the Online Trivia Contest held last week here has been revealed, over at, by SketchFactor. Congratulations to Thomas Langdon, who pulled the high score (36/49, or 73%) out of the 326 people who took it. (Yeah, it was TOUGH.) We should have it back online to play with later this week.…

  • Screenshot oversight

    In the fervor of last week, we managed to forget to post about a seventh screenshot at; unlike the first 6, it’s at 640×480, because apparently the depth-of-field effect only works at that resolution. It’s very slick, though – worth seeing! (It’s the last shot on the page.)

  • Gamespot talks to Pete Parsons

    For those with Gamespot Complete access (it seems many people paid them the $5 monthly fee to get the Halo 2 trailer), there’s a new interview up; Pete Parsons, Studio Manager at Bungie, discussed the trailer, and the future with respect to Halo 2, with a Gamespot staffer. You’ll find it on their media page.…

  • Film competition? Oh, yeah…

    The Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences is now looking for films. From their official announcement:The Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences has officially opened its 2003 Call for Entries, accepting submissions of Machinima works for this year’s Machinima Film Festival (Machinima films are films made within a real-time virtual 3D environment, i.e. 3D game…

  • Tiny Details You Never Knew, part 132

    mehve, otherwise known as Bungie artist Lorraine McLees, points out on our forum that Cortana’s face was modeled after Nefertiti, an ancient Egyptian queen. (There are hundreds of pictures of her – just do a Google image search; here’s one example, on a page describing the queen herself.) Thanks, mehve!

  • Discovery Channel Details

    It’s been mentioned that one of the videos shown at the fanfest involved a documentary being done for the Discovery Channel. Forum visitor none posted a summary of the actual piece, as well as showtimes. (Be aware that the documentary will not contain all the footage shown at the fanfest.)

  • More details from IGN

    IGN has also put up an Insider-only article containing updates on the Halo 2 info beyond that which you can glean from watching the trailer. Much of this info is available elsewhere (our forum, for example, in the form of reports from the show or the fanfest), but some was new for me. Probably the…

  • Poll: Xbox Game of Show at E3?

    Rage Reset points out that the front page of IGN Xbox contains a poll asking your opinion about the Xbox game of the show for E3. Halo 2 is currently stomping the competition with almost 70% of the vote… but hey, a poll’s a poll.

  • HaloRAMA lama ding dong

    BOLL has added another 20 panoramas to his HaloRAMA collection. You can view all images in the default mode, or you can check out just the new images. There are some stunning ones in there! (The Flash interface needs to be updated – by BOLL – before it can show these new images, so for…

  • Xbox LAN AZ fanfest pics

    Xbox LAN AZ showed up in force at E3 and the fanfest; their fanfest pictures are now online. Thanks to Cybrfrk for the heads-up.