Year: 2003
Halo Art – Amazes and Delights
Quick Pillar of Art contest update: we spent a good chunk of today going over most of the entries. Some entries are still in Seattle; they’d been displayed at the fanfest, and haven’t made it back to us yet. For this reason, and because some of the judges need a little extra time to see…
Eye of the Beholder
Friday’s One One Se7en is finally visible… sometimes you gotta wonder who’s running this joint.
What MC’s REALLY thinking
SadisticFreak33 found a new Halo comic on the net – check out this episode of Aikida. Which reminds me… once again, I forgot to post yesterday’s episode of One One Se7en. Unfortunately, it has to wait a few hours… I’m on the way out…
Art is good.
Six pieces of artwork for you in the Miscellaneous Art section – some killer stuff. Check it out!
Mike Myers as Master Chief
Three new desktops for you today… at least a couple to drool over. Check ’em out on our Wallpaper page.
Curse you, Gordon Freeman!
Though Halo 2 took Xbox Best of Show in IGN’s E3 awards, it lost out (once again) to Half-Life 2 in the OVERALL Best of Show. Beaten in all categories: Best of Show, Best Graphics, Technological Excellence… ouch. Thanks once again to BGH for the heads-up.
Teaser clip from HJP
Dinky writes to point out a new clip from an upcoming movie that HaloJuggaloProductions is putting together. It’s small (9 seconds long, 1.2 mb, and soundless), but it shows the style he’s shooting for. Take a look!
WBHF – Staten Island Style
Paul Gelardi, aka Elan Sleazbagano on our forum, was one of three finalists in the World’s Biggest Halo Fan competition. His entry, 1:19 long (and only 5.1 big; what’s stopping you?) explains why he is the World’s Biggest Halo Fan. The last 10 seconds seal it for me!
Halo PC video available
Lion discovered a pretty nice little bit of Halo PC footage over at iFilm. 5:52 long, it comes in your choice of three streaming formats (though with some sneakiness it’s downloadable; the QuickTime clip is 12.6 mb big).It shows footage from some new multiplayer maps, with an emphasis on Banshee fighting, as well as some…
CGN previews Halo 2
Oops – another one we missed… Cyber Gaming Network has put up a Halo 2 preview. Not very long… but they hit the highlights. Again, thanks to BGH. We’ve added this to our Previews database.
The Treachery of Bits
Hehe – we almost forgot to mention… several hours before WE came back online, another casualty of digital corruption, Subnova, came back up, sporting a database that’s two months old. It must have gone through the Blue Base Teleporter…
People are STILL sending us E3 demo movie links of varying legality, so let me repeat what was posted last week: There will, very soon, be an official version of the movie released by Bungie. This will be a direct-feed video (unlike all the existing ones, which were done with camcorders), it will be higher…
IGN verdict: Halo 2 ROCKS.
IGN has posted their Xbox Best of E3 awards, and Halo 2 took a few: Best Graphics, Technological Excellence, Best Shooter, and Best Xbox Game of E3. Not too shabby! Thanks to Battleground: Halo for the heads-up.
Halo 2: Second Best of Show, says Gamespy
The rest of Gamespy’s Top 25 games at E3 (we mentioned it yesterday, when Halo PC pulled 24th), is up… and Halo 2 snagged #2. (First place went to Half-Life 2.) Go read what they liked, and didn’t like!
Dude, hold still. I don’t think it sees us.
c0ld vengeance (among others, but he was first) noticed that Red vs Blue Episode 7 was posted this morning for sponsors. (It’ll be out for the general public on Sunday.) Personally, I found it to be the brightest spot of my morning. Pay ’em the measly $5 and get your copy now!
OXM Fanfest Report on
Frank O’Connor, Executive Editor of OXM, enjoyed himself at the Fanfest last week. So much so that he wrote up the details in an entertaining report. And gave it to Bungie. Who posted it at Go read it. (mnemesis gets first dibs on notice.)
Dead Time is Over (for now)
We’re back. (Duh.) Gonna try and catch up now. Lots of you rock. Some of you don’t. And so it goes.
SC Speed Run – fixed
Update on a recent movie: I was an idiot, and sound is broken on the early version of the Silent Cartographer Speed Run for 95% of viewers. (It’s a mystery to me why it’s not 100%, but some people have no problems.) In any case, both versions (Mythica and Psyjnir) have been replaced with new…
Silent Cartographer – in under 5 minutes.
Vern Shields put together a pretty nice speed run for Silent Cartographer. Yes, it’s on Easy… but there are some pretty cool aspects to it. First, he completed the entire level in 4:43, measured from starting to ending checkpoints. Second, as he leaves the underground area, he passes not one, but TWO gold elites. Third,…
Halo PC makes E3 roundup
Somehow we missed it… but Gamespy has been building its ‘Top 25 Games of E3’ list… and Halo PC made it in at #24. Now… I played a few of the other games listed (the top 10 aren’t up yet), and I’m not sure at all how they did the math… but hey, they can…