My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Easy Reading

    Fan Fiction offerings light this week so far… Prelude, by Cpt Crapper Chapter 01: Fallen Angel, by Cpt Crapper Pax the beginning part 3, by Boa Last Stand, by ReiyouGo read ’em…

  • So You Were The One

    Stuntmutt looks at the perils of game magazine publishing in the latest One One Se7en.

  • The Wrath of Susan

    An entertaining Halo LAN practice gets highlighted in today’s MacHall. Thanks to Slith for the heads-up.

  • Fanfest Q & A transcript posted

    During the Fanfest at E3 recently, some Bungie employees participated in a question and answer session with fanfestgoers. There was a lot of joking, a bit of horseplay, and some good answers. The session was over half an hour long, so we can’t exactly bring it to you in video format… but the transcript of…

  • Screenshots DB up-to-date

    Our Screenshots database just got an infusion of 89 shots, all released over the past three weeks. If you’re looking for a Halo screenshot (Halo: CE, Halo 2, or Halo PC), and it’s on the net, you’ll likely find it here. (This is probably a decent time to point out the (relatively) new sorting feature…

  • HBO-XBL Gamertag list updated

    A few days ago, Doggone created a set of icons for the HBO-XBL Gamertag page corresponding to several games we didn’t have listed; took a little while to find the time to add them, but you should now be able to identify yourself on the list as playing these games.

  • Who’s the Ultimate Halo Fan?

    Another entry into the Biggest Halo Fan contest recently held by Bungie came from Brian Josselyn, aka Blackstar. Production quality is pretty high… you’ve already seen the winner (Red vs Blue’s Public Service Announcement), another finalist (Elan Sleazbagano’s BHFC), and Maverick’s Halo Creations… now check out Blackstar’s Ultimate Halo Fan vid. 21.2 mb, 320×240, QuickTime.…

  • Movie mirrors – lots and lots of movie mirrors

    That Weasel, always lookin’ to cause trouble, has mirrored three recent films at That Weasel Television:Halo Creations by Maverick JWMP9 (27.3 mb)QuickTime (21.2 mb)Master Chief’s Pro Skater by goatrope and SniPeRQuickTime (7 mb)Silent Cartographer Speed Run by Vern ShieldsQuickTime (23.1 mb)Now, you may THINK he’s being kind and generous… but what’s his real motive?Now you…

  • E3 T-Shirts… on display

    Last week, I became 5 T-shirts richer at the Bungie Fanfest. I figured some folks might like to see these… so I photographed them and whipped up a web page for them. The pictures are a bit lame… but give me a break, it rained most of the weekend; I took these in the few…

  • Now THAT’S some cool music.

    Last year, Justin Durban turned in a pair of pretty nice pieces of music based on the halo theme (here and here). He’s done it again – today we got a copy of Ruined Desert, a 5.4 mb mp3. Here’s what Justin says about it:This one gives it a small bit of an ethnic feel.…

  • updates Halo 2 preview has replaced their Xbox Nation reprint with a preview that is built around the E3 demo. (It’s really just a blow-by-blow of the demo itself, with a bit of commentary tossed in.) It reminds me that I could have put the XBN article up months ago… I’ll have to find it. Meanwhile, go read…

  • Good news for non-US gamers reported yesterday that Ed Fries has confirmed a simultaneous worldwide release of Halo 2. Now, that seems like a hard thing to confirm at this stage… but the fact that Fries is saying it publicly suggests that it’s probably a pretty high priority for Microsoft. We’ll see what comes of it. Thanks to Harry…

  • TechTV’s x-play votes for Halo 2

    TechTV has put up a page describing the fourth episode of their E3 coverage (to be aired Tuesday at 11:30 pm, and Wednesday at 2:30 am and 4 pm Eastern). The highlights (at least as far as this site is concerned) – Halo 2 takes top honors in the Xbox category. Thanks to Gasmask for…

  • That Reclaimer pic rocks.

    Six images for you today in the Miscellaneous Art section, including four by Mugetsu (very high quality) and a couple of funny photo manipulations. Check ’em all out! Update: Oops, somehow I missed one. (It was hiding. I swear.) Check out BOLL’s commentary on Bungie’s Halo Babies…

  • A lot more? Oh, no!

    Three Halo2-related desktop images for you today… check ’em out in our Wallpaper section.

  • 343,000,000 Light Years Away.

    Wonder of wonders, Monday’s episode of One One Se7en is actually being released on… MONDAY! For what it’s worth, I wondered how the little twerp was gonna get there, too.

  • Another Fan Creation

    Because it’s so much fun watching the bandwidth meter spike on Mythica, we’re going to release some of the non-winning movies submitted to the Biggest Halo Fan contest. First up: MaverickJ put together a gameplay vid called Halo Creations. Original format is WMP9 (27.3 mb, 5:00 long, 320×240), we’ve also re-encoded it into QuickTime format…

  • Kickflip x 2

    goatrope and SniPeR got together and made a small film called Master Chief’s Pro Skater. It’s pretty cute… and it’s only 7 mb. (QuickTime format.) The music is what makes it for me… I gotta go find that japanese vid again now.

  • Stories to be read

    It’s Memorial Day, and it’s raining here at HBO HQ… a perfect day for reading military fiction: Sniper, by Michael Quarterman Episode-III A shot from the Darkness, by Jon Michael Marlowe ONI Black Ops Part Eight, by Havok True Purpose(6), by Frensa Geran Halo from the Flood’s Point of View: The Encounter (Part 1), by…

  • There’s a pattern here…

    Gamespot has put up its ‘Best of E3’ awards. Once again, Halo 2 takes Xbox honors… but was beaten by Half-Life 2 for overall honors. Go read why. (Thanks to Da Loaph for the heads-up.) Update: Da Loaph missed it first time through (and so did we) – but Halo PC made #2 in the…