My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Yosemite, huh?

    Mom, he’s doing it again…

  • All Targets Eliminated.

    Red vs Blue Episode 8 is now up for sponsors (thanks, Ross). If you watched episode 7, you knew this one was gonna be sad… but man, for a sad episode, it’s hilarious. If you don’t wanna pay ’em any money, you’ll have to wait until Sunday to grab this… but $5 gets you access…

  • Dirrrty Flood.

    …missed it by THAT MUCH. One One Se7en’s Friday episode was ready to go, but I didn’t make it home to post it. Go read it now.

  • MS Acquisition FAQ now archived here

    Thanks to Eric Jury, who pointed out that the Wayback Machine had an archive of the Acquisition FAQ we mentioned yesterday. I’d checked there… but only on earlier dates (closer to the time of the actual reporting). My mistake. To ensure that it doesn’t get lost again (and so that URLs listed can be made…

  • Overdue pics…

    A week and a half ago, Warbow posted a few very nice shots of the limited-edition Master Chief action figure given away at the fanfest. For some unknown reason, I neglected to ever mention this to the wider front-page audience. Consider it mentioned.

  • Are You Big Enough?

    Blackstar is setting up a lanfest in Andover, MA this summer – on a massive, massive screen. (See this forum post for some details.) Attendance is pretty limited… but you can (at the very least) watch the new promo vid for the event. Just under a minute long, 9.1 mb, QuickTime format. I think I…

  • Westlake says no OS9 Halo

    Recently, Westlake updated its Project Status page; The OS 9 status for Halo Mac went from ‘Undecided’ to ‘No’. The Mac version of Halo, then, will be OSX only. Thanks to mnemesis for the heads-up.

  • POA Update – Snail mail sux 🙁

    I’d like to apologize for the holdup in announcing the winners in the recently concluded Pillar of Art contest. An unfortunate set of circumstances: real-life work pressures, judge schedules, and most importantly, awaiting a return package from Bungie of some of the pieces we had the extreme pleasure of showing at the recent E3 Bungie…

  • Next, they’re doing a story on Blizarde.

    Now THIS is a typo no journalist should make. Thanks to HUNTR-KILLR for the heads-up.

  • Halo-engined game coming from GoD

    Whoa… long time coming, but it looks like Take 2 is finally gonna exercise some options it acquired back in 2000. The Acquisition FAQ doesn’t seem to be online anywhere any more (I was pretty sure SOMEONE had archived it, but I can’t find a copy), but it included information about what Take 2 got…

  • More Halo Dogtags

    Infininja points out another pair of Halo Dog Tag auctions at eBay… this one has just under a day to go, and currently sits at $30… while this one has a bit OVER a day, and is sitting at $4.99 at the moment (that’s sure to go up, though). How bad do you want one…

  • New pics for you

    Four pieces of artwork for you today in the Miscellaneous Art section. Slowly but surely… Update: hot on the heels of that update, we received a Zelda concept from Jerry H. Take a look!

  • Elite This

    Gr3yFoX dropped off a modified screenshot for our Wallpaper page. Take a look.

  • Stories to read

    5 stories for you in the Fan Fiction section today: Chapter 02: Fallen Angel, by Cpt Crapper Stowaway Part 2 (2 of 3), by Dispraiser Rebirth – Shadow’s Chapter 2 – Revelation, by Archangel’s Blade, Knightmare, Spartan 451, Shadow Foresaken Forefathers Part Four- Rendezvous, by Havok and AlphaBravo343ONI Black Ops Part Nine, by HavokGo get…

  • They just keep coming…

    And more pics… Djof, of the Psyjnir Complex, has posted a bunch of his own (and a link to those of Magellan of Wolfpack). E3 Fanfest all over again!

  • Another round of fanfest photos

    Skeletor has put up a dozen and a half photos from the E3 Fanfest last week (the perils of non-digital cameras…). Check ’em out… some good flavor stuff in there. (There’s a forum thread about this – which is where I learned of it.) You can finally see the ‘Boll Says Hi’ shirt at the…

  • Halo PC (but not Mac) FAQ at

    Wanna know all the down-and-dirty details about Halo PC? Curious about what’s true, and what’s just forumboard speculation? Bungie’s put together a Halo PC FAQ, just for you. Read it for detalis on the upcoming PC game. (For some unknown reason, it doesn’t mention the Mac version even once… but I’m guessing that’ll change eventually.)

  • Halo 2 Paradise comes online

    Robcsi14 writes to tell us of a new Halo 2 forum, Halo 2 Paradise. There’s not much there yet, but he’s hoping a post here will change that. Check ’em out!

  • FiringSquad looks at Halo 2

    FiringSquad has put up a Halo 2 preview – it’s actually a review of the trailer, more than anything. We’ve added it to our Previews database. Thanks to Mhaddy, of the Junkyard, for the heads-up.

  • GCA – Nominees Announced

    Since 1998, the Game Critics Awards have been given out to the most promising video games shown each year at E3. In 1999, Oni (PC) took Best Action/Adventure game. In 2000, Halo (for PC) took runner-up for Best Game, PC, and won Best Action Game. (It was nominated for Best of Show and Best Original…