My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Halo 2 UI Contest – Closed!

    Evil Otto has posted a note over at announcing that the Halo 2 UI caption contest is now closed. Over a thousand entries, three will be selected. Good luck, EO, and good luck to all who entered! Read the news item for what is, and is not, permissible at this stage.

  • Halo50K Framework Redux

    One of the more impressive gameplay vids in recent memory is Dan Chosich’s Halo50K Framework. It sets all sorts of bars that other Halo filmmakers strive to reach… and now it’s even better. Audio’s been re-encoded, aspect ratio and bitrate’s are both higher, for clarity… this movie captures the chaos, the adrenaline-induced exhilaration, the beauty…

  • More PC multiplayer goodness

    Not to be outdone by the Gearbox crew, Bungie’s SketchFactor metes out a few morsels of info about the PC Rocket Hog. It’s a three-shot, boys and girls…

  • The Orange is Coming

    Geeoff has put together a multiplayer stunts movie called ‘the orange is coming’, and That Weasel has agreed to host it for him at That Weasel Television. It’s 26.3 mb, just under 2 minutes long, in WMP7 format. Some nice examples of using grenades to collect weapons on the run, as well as some hijinks…

  • Halo PC details… from the source

    Thanks to dolbex for sharing… he asked some interesting questions about vehicle respawning in PC Halo over at the Gearbox Forums, and got some solid answers from a couple of members of the Gearbox crew. Summary: vehicles will NOT be destroyable in multiplayer; it would be too frustrating to kill someone in a banshee and…

  • Numerous Narratives

    Another 12 entries in the Fan Fiction section today… When Games Collide: The Tournament of the Century Chapter 2, by Brent Carmichael True Purpose(7), by Frensa Geran A Halo Comedy (Very Original Title…), by Dispraiser Forsaken Forefathers part V: Boarding Action, by AlphaBravo343 and Havok Crash of the Accolade [Part 02], by Argonox Rally Point…

  • Some art, at least…

    Three art pieces built up over the past few days have been added to the Miscellaneous Art section. There were one or two others, but I’ve got no idea who sent them.

  • Eagan ‘GS’ McLees… you’ve got a long road ahead.

    Lorraine McLees has written the latest Bungie Soapbox article… I think she needs to take a break. A long break. Maybe even… seven weeks long.

  • Stupid Human Tricks

    In what has to have been the most collosal act of stupidity I’ve perpetrated in months, I managed to delete not only my current copy of my mail directory… but the most recent backup, as well. Last backup before this one: March 16. That means if you mailed something to with an attachment, or…

  • I see the lawsuit now…

    You know you’ve made it when they start copying you. Red vs Blue has gotten quite a bit of positive press recently, and rightly so – they’re doing wonderful things with the art of Halo engine moviemaking. And now… they’ve spawned a tribute group; Salmon vs Teal. We should make it clear that these guys…

  • Strykerwolf – in the spotlight again!

    We’ve mentioned the Counter-Strike skin made by Strykerwolf a few times since it was released to the net over a year ago… but it looks like it’s getting more press now. LeAtHeRnEcK points out that it’s been made Skin of the Day over at CS-Nation… check it out!

  • A plethora of pictures

    Cybrfrk has posted 106 pics from E3 on his website. Some have been seen before (on the E3 coverage page) but many, many of them are new. Check ’em out!

  • The Wegg?

    Some of Stuntmutt’s One One Se7en episodes are turned in early, but involve topical (at the time of creation) subjects; I worried a bit that the joke would be lost by the time the strip was aired. Today’s strip is a perfect example… it involves the Megg easter egg, which was found over a month…

  • E3 highlight flick now available smaller

    Back on May 13, we mentioned a non-shakeycam movie being distributed by Gamespot; it was 9.7 mb, in .MOV format. (It’s basically a highlight reel, but it’s direct feed.) It was (is) a free download, but you have to register with Gamespot to get it. Well, that same movie, in a smaller form (320×240, 3.4…

  • G4’s got some Halo 2 coverage

    Gantry points out that episode 211 of the show ‘Filter’ on G4Tv (next airing this Thursday, 3:30 pm) covers the Most Anticipated Games of E3 – and Halo 2 is number 1. Watch it if you’ve got it! (If you just can’t get enough of G4’s Halo 2 coverage, they’ve also got an episode of…

  • The Junkyard goes Halo 2

    Ryan ‘Mhaddy’ Matthews of the Junkyard writes to let us know that their Halo 2 section is now online. Content is sparse (because info about the game is sparse), but it will be filled out as the situation warrants. Check it out!

  • Ouch.

    We posted a series of desktops on Saturday; 6 of them were variations on an existing wallpaper, done by a completely different person, who wasn’t consulted about (and doesn’t approve of) having his art modified. We’ve yanked the 6 offending pieces. Just a heads-up.

  • Communication is important.

    I HATE using the front page this way – and I won’t, any more. To whoever uploaded a 125 mb archive to our ftp area this evening (upload finished a bit before 7 pm EDT), without an email address, we’ll simply toss this. (It doesn’t have to be made public – but we need it…

  • Weekend Reading

    Twelve pieces for you in the Fan Fiction section today: Chapter 4: Rescue, by Vinny Stowaway Part 2 (3 of 3), by Dispraiser Tides of the Accolade [Part 01], by Argonox ONI Black Ops Part Ten, by Havok Beta Halo: On Earth’s Doorstep, by SPARTAN 053 Above and Beyond the Call of Duty: Part II;…

  • More desktops than you can shake a stick at

    Under the wire… there are 20 new desktops for you today – but half of them are variations. Enforcer turned in 6 images, in 16 variations. (On top of that, we got 4 OTHER submissions.) Check out the whole mess in our Wallpaper section! Update: The total has been reduced by 6 – see this…