Year: 2003
Keeping you informed about Halo PC
The Nightrider points out that Bungie’s Halo PC FAQ gained 3 new questions yesterday – check ’em out for info about playable demos, beta tests, and the Mac version of Halo.
the Junkyard focuses on Halo-ites
In our third Halo50K post of the day, Ryan ‘Mhaddy’ Mathhews of the Junkyard writes to let us know that a spotlight of dolbex is now up in their Spotlights section. (I like his favorite sites list.) While you’re there, you should read the spotlight posted a couple of days ago of Michael ‘Fluffy’ Karlsson,…
Team HBO Halo50K writeup now online
Ninja on Fire has put up a LOT of pictures (over 100, I think) from his Halo50K experience, right here on HBO. (He was a member of Team HBO, after all.) There are lots of pictures of unnamed teams… so if you’re here, and not labeled, let nof know! This layout should give you a…
Stick with me, baby.
Another mini-movie from HUNTR-KILLR. This one shows another setting you can toggle with a modded box – it’s called ‘magnetism’, and it determines whether marines (and the MC) will automatically exit a warthog when it flips. (It also keeps you from being ejected from a Banshee if you hit something, or fly vertically.) I’m POSITIVE…
Gamefaqs asks… is MC popular enough?
Bigsauce writes to let us know of a competition over at The Summer 2003 competition is a popularity contest; who is the most popular video game character of all time? Master Chief is ranked 3rd in the East division. Go register and vote! If you pick the winning characters, you have a shot at…
Halo50K – get ready!
dolbex, of Halo50K, writes to let us know that the website has been updated with lots and lots and lots of info. All the details from the first competition (in Atlanta, in April) are now online; you can see how everyone did in tournament play. They’ve also instituted a new Team Spotlight feature, for you…
Downtime… over.
Welcome back to the madhouse. Apologies for the up-and-downtime of recent weeks… there’s another short outage coming this weekend, when the server this site runs on is ripped unceremoniously out of the rack and stom- um, replaced with a better-functioning alternate. Shouldn’t take more than an hour or two to synch the data between the…
Frogblast Schmogblast.
It’s not quite Thursday, UTC… so I’m still not late posting today’s One One Se7en. This one’s sort of special…
FanFest, Revisited
SketchFactor has posted part 1 of his FanFest Flashback; a look at the history of the Bungie FanFests, as well as the events leading up to this particular iteration. Good times, good times… go read!
Get Joyride to build him!
Hehe – BOLL has put out yet another enjoyable Halo-inspired creation. It was for an intro course in animation… the main character may not LOOK familiar, but he sure SOUNDS familiar. (2 mb, QuickTime format) I love this guy!
E3 vid nearing release
SketchFactor has stepped into a thread about the imminent release of the E3 Demo video with a bit of information….it is definitely not coming out today or tomorrow. However, I can say with certainty that it’s very close to being released. We know everyone is eager to see it and trust me, we’re eager to…
LOOONG gameplay movie available
[WSD] has put up their second monster movie (18 minutes long, 88 mb) for you to grab. It’s predominately 4-player gameplay – 2v2 or 4-player FFA – except for the last 5 minutes, which is an unedited 6 player game of Rockets on Prisoner. Editing overall is pretty well done. If you enjoy watching Halo…
Gamespot on Halo PC
It was posted during E3, but somehow we missed it; Gamespot put up a Hands-on impression article of Halo PC a couple of weeks ago. It’s got a bit of dodgy information, but mostly, it says the reviewer was happy with what he saw. Thanks to Clefton Twain on our forum for the heads-up.
Nice and relaxing… yeah, right
Brannon Boren points out that Halo is featured in yesterday’s Dork Tower cartoon. Got a chuckle out of me…
CGW covers Halo PC in current issue
Scott Velasquez of Gearbox points out that if you want to see a pic of the Gearbox team, you can find them on top of the building they work in in the latest issue of Computer Gaming World (which has a 4-page Halo PC spread). We can’t add the article to our Press Scans section…
Randy Pitchford talks to Shack
Shacknews has interviewed Randy Pitchford, of Gearbox – there’s a boatload of tasty information there. Of great interest to many HBO regulars is the support Gearbox plans to provide to the mod community… The degree to which Halo is huge on the PC is the degree to which we?ll support the modification community. We believe…
CGN says Two Thumbs Up!
Cyber Gaming Network has posted their E3 2003 Awards… and Halo 2 cleaned up. Best Visuals of Show, Xbox Game of Show, Demo of Show, and Outstanding Game of Show. Dunno… I think they liked it. Go read the details!
Phoenix Sanction ready for play
A month ago, we mentioned a card game being created by Phoenix Sanction. Looks like they’re done with the first set. Rules, card technicalities, and an Excel sheet deck creator… take a look.
Halo Reloaded at That Weasel
Ross Mills writes to remind us that his ‘Halo Reloaded’ trailer can be found at That Weasel Television. There are two versions – a large 3.7 mb version and a small (sub-1mb) version, both in WMP9 format. Take a look!
They should call ’em Wall-Crawlers…
HUNTR-KILLR turned in a funny little short film; no sound, but the action is what counts. Anybody who’s tried to put a jeep up on top of the level Halo knows how hard it is to drive up slopes… and walking is simply out of the question. Did you know, though, that Covenant characters have…