My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Halo 2 Best Console Game, says GCA

    Thanks to iZoD, who reminded us that the Game Critics Awards were announced today. Halo was nominated for several awards, but was beaten out by Half-Life 2 in every category except Best Console Game. (Still, for a studio now devoted to console titles, that’s not a bad honor…)

  • There’s that number again…

    How many Fan Fiction pieces today? Why, Seven, of course. .halo 5: Insertion, by Neo//hack .halo 6: Fall of Irvine, by Neo//hack .halo 7: Fallen Tears, by Neo//hack Taking Halo: (Chapter Four) The Cartographer, by Steele Longsword: Desperation- Part Three, by Sterfrye36 The Fall of Fate: Trapdoor, by ‘Nosolee On A Pale Horse: The Reverence,…

  • Elite Guide moves

    Chris Preziotti points out that the Elite Guide now has its own domain name, We’ve updated our Links list.

  • It’s evil…

    Dr Evil has turned in a rather large banner, which we’ve added to our Banners section. (The preview version is still pretty big, but smaller than the original.)

  • More pretty pictures

    Four desktop images for you, as well, clearing out the Wallpaper queue that’s built for a week now. Sorry about that…

  • Artwork, clearing the queue

    Seven art bits for you in the Miscellaneous Art section today. Now, before anyone jumps into their email program to write a nasty missive about how this image or that one doesn’t meet our posting guidelines, and how the hell could I post it, blah, blah blah (as seems to happen pretty much any time…

  • Dolour Signs

    Today’s One One Se7en looks at Bungie’s underlying motives… I think Cortana’s pretty sharp, when it comes right down to it.

  • Let the words wash over you

    Whoa – the Fan Fiction submitters have been busy this weekend. 17 new stories: Longsword: Desperation-Part Two, by Sterfrye36 Robotic Deception, by Gasmask .halo 2, by Neo//hack One Shot, One Kill Part 1, by HunterKiller .halo 3, by Neo//hack The Fallen: Halo 2 Chapter 1 Section 1, by Hikaru-119 The Fallen: Chapter 1Part 2, by…

  • readers… think different.

    Andrew Katz pointed out that (the parent website to EGM, whose poll on the most exciting game at E3 we reported yesterday) has their own poll, with the same question… and as of right now, Halo 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 are tied with 28% of the vote each… while Half-Life 2 is…

  • June 2003 OXM now available

    Well, many couldn’t wait… but many did. The July 2003 issue of the Official Xbox Magazine hit store shelves yesterday… so we can now bring you the June issue, with the 14-page Halo 2 Exclusive that got folks so riled up last month. You’ll find it in our Press Scans section.

  • EGM readers want Halo 2

    gspawn points out a poll (that seems to have ended) over at Electronic Gaming Monthly’s website; they’d asked ‘which game from E3 has you most excited?’ – and Halo 2 ran away with 39% of the vote. Not bad! (Again, though, Half-Life 2 wasn’t one of the options…)

  • Elite Force version of HeH up

    Calvin Hansen alerts us to a version of Hang ’em High for Star Trek: Elite Force, over at The screenshot looks pretty good!

  • Got a good Halo question?

    Wolf writes to say that Sector 7 will be putting up a ‘Halo Quiz’ soon. There are already 15 questions… but they need more. They’re looking for fan input… if you have a question, send it along (along with either 4 answer choices, if it’s multiple choice – true/false questions are acceptable as well) -…

  • More readable funnays

    Stuntmutt pointed out that some of the newest One One Se7ens (no, you can’t see ’em yet) had better looking type than the older ones – and I realized that this was the fault of a setting on my computer. (It’s a long story.) Bottom line: I’ve gone back and regenerated ALL the One One…

  • Cold Metal available again

    A few weeks ago, we posted a note about a movie that was being hosted by BOLL, temporarily. It was only up for a day or so… nukedude has come to the rescue, and if you’re interested in the film, you can grab it there.

  • Typecasting

    Episode 17 of Stuntmutt’s One One Se7en is up and ready for reading. For the 3 of you still holding out for the PC version of Halo, there are spoilers in this one. For the rest of you… giggle.

  • E3 game poll at Gamer’s Logik

    Breandan Conaghan points out that Gamer’s Logik has a front-page poll asking what E3’s hottest title was. As of now, Halo has almost 30% of the 382 votes. Feel free to add your 2 cents. (It’s definitely a console site; Half-Life 2 isn’t even on the list.)

  • MacAddict readers want Halo

    kiro69 points out that the July 2003 issue of MacAddict shows the results of a poll they held; “What would you most like to see ported to the Mac?” Halo placed first with 29%. (I gotta ask… what were those other 71% of respondents thinking?)

  • Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap

    Episode 9 of Red vs Blue has been posted for Sponsors. Once again, there’s some AMAZING footage… and Sarge is back, with an item we ALL want. Go get it! (If you can’t pony up the $5 to become a sponsor, you’ll have to wait until Sunday for this one.) Thanks to CYBRFRK for the…

  • Keep those dogies reading…

    Seven entries today in the Fan Fiction section? ONI Black Ops Part Eleven(Finale), by Havok Desperation- Part One, by Sterfrye36 True Purpose(8), by Frensa Geran Halo 2: Revenge of a Spartan, by LostRock The Fall of Fate: Trapped , by ‘Nosolee .halo, by Neo//hack Halo from the Flood’s Point of View: The Sergeant, by Simpsons…