My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Picture queue, part 2

    A couple of very nice entries in todays desktop offerings – check the Wallpaper section. (There seem to be a new rash of people not bothering to read the image posting guidelines – if you submitted something, and it didn’t show up, this is probably why.)

  • Picture queue, part 1

    Quite a mix for you today, in the Miscellaneous Art section…

  • A call for decency

    Yesterday, we posted a note about a story published in the Seattle Times which contained a couple of entertaining mistakes. (Entertaining, that is, for those who know Bungie well. To the rest of the world, it’s doubtful they were even noticed.) I saw several disturbing posts on our forum today, expressing outrage that anyone would…

  • And Other Stories

    In case speculation on Halo’s storyline isn’t your thing, we’ve got 7 pieces from Fan Fiction authors that branch out a bit from the canon: .halo 8: Forgotten Realms (Series Finale), by Neo//hack The Mars Annihilations , by Janglurevil7 Wrong or Right part 4, by harley The Fall of Fate: Exploration , by ‘Nosolee Ishkabibbl’sStory/Humanity’sLastHope/BloodyWar(Part…

  • Halo Story Page updated

    Grumpy because the last Story page update happened before E3? Feeling deprived of the wild speculation of your fellow HSP junkies? Cry no longer – mnemesis has posted a hefty collection of cogitation and cerebration for you to mull over. Get to reading!

  • Now THESE are big.

    Thanks to Strato, who pointed out some astonishingly high-resolution versions of the first 6 Halo 2 screenshots over at the press section. The zip file is almost 40 megabytes, and for that you get some Bungie logos (EPS format, so you pick the size), and 6 TIFF files that weigh in at 2560×1920 pixels…

  • Chief’s New Toy

    In case you thought there weren’t enough updates on today, mehve turned out a really wicked-cool (and I don’t use that term lightly) desktop for the Halo PC Wallpaper page over at the Tru7h and Reconciliation website. To put it simply… it rocks. Check it out.

  • Find that movie faster.

    In response to a user request, some long-needed search features have been added to the Movies database. You can now search multiple fields, in multiple ways. Should make life a bit easier finding what you were looking for…

  • The Halo 2 Content Onslaught Continues.

    Jonesin’ for still MORE Halo 2 goodness? SketchFactor notes that two new storyboards from the E3 demo have been added to the Tru7h & Reconciliation site; they’re not the same ones that showed up in last month’s OXM, either. Check ’em out!

  • Holy crap.

    The latest story to grace the front page of (bumping a picture of yours truly off after only 16 hours – thanks, mehve) is a bizarre tale of background research, in which several members of the Halo 2 dev team spent a day playing with real guns, courtesy of the US Special Forces. In…

  • archives back online!

    Yesterday, Ross Mills pointed out that the archive of our very early days was offline. A quick email to Aaron Davies, though, fixed the problem – thanks to him, some of our earliest history is now permanently stored right here on this site. Take a walk down memory lane (or see it for the first…

  • back up

    Atomi writes to point out that, a German Halo (PC/Mac) site, is back online. Check it out!

  • Super Death what?

    It’s bizarre… but it’s small, so what the heck. synide created a sub-4mb movie (QuickTime format, now), showing (in his words, mind you) ‘super death drop bomb melee charlie in the trees type stuff’. Timing’s pretty nice. Check it out. (You may have to watch it a couple of times; there are fun views from…

  • Hot Head.

    The new One One Se7en is part of a 3-strip series; I’m sure it was supposed to happen in a single week, and I’m sure the fact that it’s starting on a Wednesday instead of a Monday is entirely my fault… but you’ll just have to maintain your sense of continuity over the weekend, sorry.

  • Glenda Adams leaves Westlake – but Halo goes on

    IMG’s ‘One on One’ feature between Glenda Adams (Westlake programmer) and Tuncer Deniz (Inside Mac Games editor) is coming to a close, since Adams is moving to Aspyr Media… but there’s one last episode, with a wrapup of the work going on at Westlake. Halo gets a very brief mention:Halo is actually up and playing…

  • Whew – I’m not sure he took a breath during that…

    SketchFactor, a whirling dervish of updating action, has put up FanFest Flashback – Part 2, covering the day of the fest itself (with the chaos of the day nicely captured by the writing style). Check it out. (There are also links to a trailer (in both WMV and QT formats) of an upcoming Fanfest documentary…

  • More trailer details

    I hadn’t realized the details were going to be released this early… but apparently, MS lips are a bit looser than Bungie lips; a bad thing when lots of people have access to information. Gamepro has put up some details about the demo to be released on Friday – the WMP9 version will be roughly…

  • Unsettling, on so many levels…

    Thanks to Twilight, who was first (of many) to point out the Seattle Times article on Justin Timberlake’s visit to Bungie. I thought about leaving this in the forum, but how could I pass up journalism like this?He thrilled the Bungie team by signing autographs and multiplaying with them. They, in turn, tried to wow…

  • Hold on to your hats – the internet’s coming down

    For those not tuned in to the minute-by-minute goings-on at, about an hour ago, SketchFactor announced that the E3 2003 vid (the real deal, not the shakeycam versions floating around the net) will be released this Friday. Start your browsers!

  • Contest Updates

    Evil Otto posted a note on explaining that the Halo 2 content contest would probably be written up, with winners announced, by early next week. Good luck to all who entered! (I’d like to take this contest-mentioning opportunity to apologize to all Pillar of Art entrants, and those waiting to see the final work…