Year: 2003
Revisited: Halo on sale at Target
Target’s current sale of Halo for $37.88 might be the only actual sale of the game… next week’s purported drop to $27.88 might not happen, according to some insider tips I received. If you wish, you can hedge your bets: buy the game now, and if it does drop down another $10, you can take…
Anyone Got A Match?
In the insanity that was yesterday, the Friday edition of One One Se7en was overlooked. After WATCHING the flaming ninja material, however, you’re more equipped to appreciate this episode…
Timberland Warthogs
Don’t they ever stop? Bungie has put up yet another desktop for you – this time, it’s a pretty straightforward screenshot adaptation, using material from Halo PC. Check it out on the Halo PC Wallpapers page at Bungie’s Tru7h and Reconciliation. Thanks to nukedude for the heads-up. (This was actually announced, along with the Ghost…
More mirrors, and more formats
The mirror list for the E3 Demo Trailer continues to grow… more links were added overnight. We’ll also be beginning to add alternate formats. Any alternate formats added will be created from existing files, so there is absolutely no need to download them if you’ve already got a copy that you can watch; these are…
He obviously needs more to do.
mnemesis, bored because he saw the demo footage 3 or 4 dozen times during E3, took the opportunity to update the Halo Story Page today. Twice. I mean, come on. Twice?
Another Screenshot for ya
Geez, almost missed it… SketchFactor, thinking that maybe you didn’t have ENOUGH media to look at today, tossed up another screenshot for the Tru7h and Reconciliation website. You’ll find it on the bottom of the page.
Demo progress
The mirror list for the demo trailer continues to grow. Latest addition is Xbox Community HK – it’s a Hong Kong-based server with excellent connections to Taiwan and mainland China (and the rest of Asia). Hopefully, we’ll have more European links for you soon, as well. (Brian Towne updated the forum on the efficacy of…
Discovery Channel Documentary next week
Catching up… SketchFactor reminded everyone on that next week marks the debut of the Discovery Channel special on the Xbox, which highlights Bungie. Check it out (and see Sketch’s writeup for a link to a teaser trailer)!
Status Update
You ever have one of those days? Well, I’m having one now. Anyway, after… what, two and a half hours? we’re finally up-to-date with the demo trailer mirror list. (The list is still accurate, but ours breaks out what’s available at each site a little better. Downside is, it’s harder to get to.) More…
Movie is up.
Go here for now. (I can’t even get in to edit this site, so you need to rely on
iGames Summer Season registration open
CobaltNova points out that registration is in progess for the iGames Summer Season, which starts next week (06/21/03). Visit the iGames news page for more details.
Halo on sale at Target
If you were to walk into your local Target store, you’d notice that they’re selling Halo this week for $37.88. If you wait until next week, the price drops down to $27.88! Since I’m sure we all have our own copies of Halo already, this would be a good opportunity to pick up a backup…
New desktop at
Another (unannounced) desktop image has been released on E3 2003: Ghost Chase II (bottom of the Halo 2 Wallpapers page). It’s not mentioned on the front page of Tru7h and Reconciliation or the main site; we only know about it because gd pointed it out in our forum. Go grab a copy!
The E3 2003 demo trailer will not be available before 10 am PST (5 pm UTC). Nothing will be posted about it until then… and constantly refreshing this page, or any other page at HBO, will do nothing except bog down this server, and remove any chance you have of actually seeing useful information when…
It’s coming… (cue Jaws theme)
Apologies for the short downtime this evening. No, the box isn’t having troubles – it was actually up and running, just not serving this website. Why? because it was preparing for tomorrow’s massive Halo goodness (that oh-so-luscious direct-feed footage we’ve all been waiting so long for). We’ve been helping Bungie do a little bit of…
A panoply of panoramas
BOLL has added 16 new panoramas to his Halorama collection – you can see them here. These are all multiplayer maps, and they (mostly) include players. There are some pretty cool ones in there! (The Flash interface is still not useable; the last two collection exceeded the maximum number of files it could deal with.…
The pics keep pouring out…
Yet more new content at Bungie’s Tru7h and Reconciliation: another pair of storyboards, and new concept art (the phantom, and the Covenant ‘bus’). Grab ’em while they’re hot!
Pallor: Spotlighted
Ever wondered what makes community fixture Pallor tick? The Junkyard continues its ‘Spotlight’ series by shining the beam on Meg. Go read about her past as a figure skater, and her future as… well, wherever her present actions lead. Or something.
Rebuilding lost data
Once upon a time, there was a hunt for an easter egg dubbed the Megg. It generated a HUGE amount of traffic, and forum regular Shishka created a FAQ, of sorts, for it, housed over at Subnova. Unfortunately, in the great database crash of last month at SN, it was lost… but Shishka is trying…
Halo 2 Screensaver updated
Ciarán posted a note on our forum to say that his Halo 2 Screen Saver has been updated in anticipation of tomorrow’s trailer release. (He also has some info about the website it’s served from – some nice use of RSS there…)