Year: 2003
You’ve got Questions? We’ve got Answers.
For the folks that have trouble with our forum, we’ve added a small FAQ – you can find the link at the very top of the forum. It covers things that turn up on the forum itself. (Very little of it is Halo-related, specifically.) Thanks to Cybrfrk for its inception, and mnemesis for editing help.
So THAT’S where I was…
Yesterday, Gholsbane posted a rough sketch of the E3 demo map. Today, he’s got a polished, colored version, with pretty icons and everything. Check it out!
Beauty and the Beast, indeed.
SketchFactor graced our forum with a pretty clear shot of the Hog billboard from the E3 demo trailer. He was afraid nobody would notice it, though… go appease his fear, would you? Thanks.
- goes live
Wow. Every week, we get email from folks who want their site to be added to our Links list. We announce ’em all… but it’s rare that I’m as impressed with one as I am with Clean design, good (unique) content, lots to explore… It’s not finished yet, but it’s well on its way.…
GamePlasma previews Halo 2
Another Halo 2 Preview posted – this time over at GamePlasma. Some um… interesting suggestions (the machete’s back? And release has been pushed up to December 2003?), but mostly a pretty upbeat piece. Thanks to TankRamp, at Battleground: Halo, for the heads-up. (We’ve added this to our Previews section.)
Halo Tourneys up north
A pair of Canadian tournaments for you: Got Game has a FFA tourney running June 27-29 in Victoria, British Columbia – $20 to get in, $500 first prize, more details at the website… and Fragapalooza, in Edmonton, Alberta, will happen on July 17-20 – it includes a 4v4 CTF tourney. There’s $30,000 in prizes on…
WMP7 version of demo trailer available
Last alternative version, at least from us: this one is in WMP7 format, 360×243 big, weighing in at 46.2mb. If anyone has a problem with it, PLEASE let us know. We’ve also put up a secondary mirror list, for those times (like this afternoon) when HBO goes offline for a bit. They should be identical;…
Halo has a Starbucks?
The Halo 2 Caption contest has drawn to a close… and Evil Otto has had some fun writing up the results. He included some REALLY bad entries, some almost-good-enough entries, and, of course, the winners. (Several HBO regulars made the ‘almost-good-enough’ list, and a number of others used lines we’ve got in our Title rotation…
Battlefield Halo
CuBaNo found two Battlefield 1942 mods that have previously gone unnoticed by us here: Aeolus: Spheres of Influence, and Home Front. Both have sizeable amounts of content so far… take a look!
Bungie fans – second to none
Gholsbane has posted a sketch of the E3 Demo map… and you might be surprised by how tightly connected the whole level is. (He’s planning to update this map in the near future, so we’ve archived this early version for posterity.)
Halo for Cash
More tournaments: ;*@PTUR3 writes about his clan site, Hushed Casket, which has quite a bit of confusing information; there’s a Halo tournament in Athens, GA at the end of June, but the website listed ( doesn’t seem to be reachable. There’s another tournament in Game City, FL (we mentioned it in early May), but it…
Awards, awards…
Last January, put together their Hall of Fame, in which all major awards for Xbox products are listed in one place. (I never noticed it before; thanks to CuBaNo for the heads-up.) Halo DOMINATES the page. Heh.
XboxConnect 3.0: Now with jetskis!
Do you play Xbox online? XboxConnect 3.0 has just been released – in the words of one of its developers, “it has more features than you can shake a stick at.” Start shakin!
- down, but not out
Gah. Dark Helmet writes to say that his site,, is currently offline due to an administrative snafu. He wants everyone to know that it will be back, better than ever, as soon as he can make it happen. Dark Helmet was a pioneer in putting hogs on top of things; he went lots of…
GamerFeed speculates on Halo’s improvements
Thanks to Monkey, who pointed out a new GamerFeed over at; it’s a discussion of quantum leaps in quality without changing the technology. Halo is used as an example. 🙂 Check it out!
The words keep pouring in
These guys just don’t stop. Fan Fiction for the evening: Covenant Invasion! Part Two, by Hunter_Killer Shadow Ops, Chapter 1: The Mission, by Agent Shade Halo: The Aftermath, by Matthew Buzas Its Just One of Those Days: 02, by Elfster Halo: Combat Re-evolved; Chapter One: Into the Void, by Steele Asylum, by Dispraiser All Roads…
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?
Okay, now I’m intrigued. mehve jumped onto our forum this evening to ask anyone who hasn’t yet voted to visit and toss their two cents into the Quick Poll. (It’s been up for quite a while; I never bothered to mention it because it seemed sort of frivolous; “What is your favorite color when…
Smaller QT5 version of demo trailer available
Took forever to get it uploaded – but there is now a smaller (52.1mb, 356×240) QuickTime5-compatible version of the trailer online. Again, this one isn’t as processor-dependent as the .mp4 version Bungie released, though it should be nearly as good, quality-wise.
Are those UNSC Regulation Issue?
Monday’s One One Se7en is now online; it’s the third piece of the recent subseries. I gotta ask… did the Jjaro make those?