My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Now THAT’S some nice shootin’.

    Z points out a pretty cool little movie on (it’s the last thing on the page). 6.9 mb, DivX format (make sure you have an up-to-date version), 720×256. They’re working on more, but they’re all in school or working fulltime… so there’s no timeframe on the next product. You wanna see a slick multiplayer…

  • Red Vs Blue Vs One One Se7en.

    Took a little bit of finagling, but there’s a Sunday strip for One One Se7en today. This is a totally random feature; it will not happen every Sunday, or even every other Sunday; it’ll happen whenever Stuntmutt gets the inspiration for a Sunday strip. This one is just in time for the Red vs Blue…

  • Pelicans Away!

    Thanks again to BOLL – the Flash Pelican game is once again online, though now without a high-score option. Play it for fun. 🙂

  • Pictures, pictures, and a LOT more pictures

    Wow. We haven’t updated the Wallpaper section in almost a week… and now there are 21 new desktops for you. 10 come from kapowaz, and are just interesting renditions of opening screens on each campaign level. (Each one is available in 5 sizes, as well.) The other 11 (two of which come in multiple sizes)…

  • Halo RPG needs testing

    Sir Fragula points out that his Halo Role Playing Game Combat Test system (a single in-game room that allows player to fight against all currently implemented enemy encounters, in an attempt to generate feedback) is now online, thanks to NeXuS and goatrope. (The download links are here and here.) More details about what this is,…

  • Pelican Flash Game – down for now

    Apologies to all who were enjoying the Pelican Flash game (or, more accurately, attempting to get on the high-score list for the game). There were so many of you playing at once (and submitting scores at once) that the server’s been bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. For the sake of the REST of…

  • The Unreal Thing

    Dang – once again, a busy day gets in the way of remembering to post the new One One Se7en. (To make up for this, we’ll post the first Sunday strip tomorrow.) In the meantime, Friday’s strip is now available; the Unreal Championship series continues. Mercenary? Of course.

  • Pelican Fun – now against your friends!

    Okay, it’s not COMPLETELY done yet… but it’s good enough for government work. A few days ago, BOLL released his Pelican Flash game… and folks loved it. It was only one level… but check out the thread of folks nailing that high score. Made us happy enough to crank it up a notch. BOLL went…

  • Gawd. That’s a lotta words.

    Fifteen Fan Fiction pieces since the last time we posted (what, 36 hours ago?). You guys are getting REALLY sloppy with your Series links – tons of you are ignoring them altogether, others are picking the wrong series… BE CAREFUL. Thanks. Covenant Invasion! Part Four, by Hunter_Killer Halo Zero 2 /p2/ The War Begins, by…

  • Demo Details, from The Design Team

    Curious about the development process involved in putting together a gameplay demo like the one Bungie showed at E3 this year? SketchFactor has interviewed the design team, picking their brains for details about how the level was decided, what needed to be thought about, and what got missed. And if reading it leaves you thirsting…

  • Last warning for The X Factor

    For those who missed the 8 pm showing of ‘The X Factor: Inside Microsoft’s Xbox’ on the Discovery Channel this evening, it’s on again at 11 pm (ET/PT) tonight. Set your VCR!

  • The Pillar of Art is Standing

    The day has come – and man, have we been waiting for it! The Pillar of Art contest results have finally been posted. Details, and images of all the entries, can be found on the Pillar of Art site… but we’ll recap the basic stuff here.First Prize: Adam Vehige ($250, and a signed piece from…

  • Halo links

    A few links for you: Tekkomix was one of the sites kind enough to contribute bandwidth to the mad trailer rush last week – they also host a Halo clan, The Shadows. Brandon points out Installation 07, a Halo forum that needs some new members. And Alberto wants us to know about LANWARRIORS, an Italian…

  • X-Factor Hype Heats Up

    HemoGloben noticed that IGN has a hi-res trailer for tonight’s X-Factor special on the Discovery Channel; if you’re not an insider, you’re stuck with a WMP9 version, but Insiders have access to a 32 mb QuickTime version. It’ll definitely whet your whistle for this program! (Along those lines, SketchFactor forwarded a fun little promo graphic…

  • Bloody Murder

    Red vs Blue episode 10 is out now for sponsors… this has got to be the funniest episode yet. It’s also HUGE; it’s almost like they slapped together two episodes to make up for last week’s missed episode. (They weren’t slacking, they were serving you folks more than a terabyte a day of Halo 2…

  • Pillar of Art status update

    Quick heads-up: We’re very, very close to announcing the results of the Pillar of Art contest. There are a few finishing touches needed to be put on the presentation of the work… but it won’t be long now! Once again, I’d like to apologize to all the contestants for the delays we’ve encountered… and tell…

  • What’s Your Gamertag?

    Apologies to the rather large list of folks who were waiting for their Gamertag/screenname entries to be approved – I guess Tarrsk is on vacation. I just noticed them; dunno how long they’ve been there for. 🙁 Anyway, now’s as good a time as any to make sure your games list is up-to-date… forum regular…

  • Mythica’s down

    In an attempt to curb the email, we’d like to state that, our primary bandwidth donator for Halo movies, is down right now. We don’t have word yet on what’s wrong, or when it will be back up… but rest assured, as soon as we know, you’ll know. If you click on a download…

  • Words, the musical fruit

    13 Fan Fiction stories for you today: True Purpose(11), by Frensa Geran Halo: The Scythe of Death Part Three, by LordofDestruction Covenant Invasion! Part Three, by Hunter_Killer Rescue, by MJOLNIR A Marine Named Peters: Forward to Bravo Base!, by GLADIATRRR3000 Battle for the Norah: Part Two, by Sterfrye36 Halo 2: Capter 1: Defenders of Earth,…

  • This is a combat zone.

    Nice find by CSJ – Bungie has posted ANOTHER sign from the E3 trailer for those who like to read such things. Nice tip o’ the hat to Hill Street Blues… (The discovery method for this one is pretty funny.)