My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Halo for cash in VA

    Live in Virginia? Like Halo? There’s gonna be a tournament on August 9 in Virginia Beach. There’s a site with almost no info… but you’ll find some more details on our forum.

  • Arnie to buy 50 Warthog-humvees

    Hehe – a LAN party site wrote up a list of predictions about what would happen after Halo 2 is released. It’s pretty funny. Thanks to The Friendly Greek for the heads-up.

  • Flag Distance 190 Meters

    More awesome movie content. MaverickJ has put together Part II of CTF Flag Getting 101… and man, your jaw’s gonna drop when you see some of these. (Try ’em on XBC – your opponents will tell you you’re cheating.) It’s available in two formats; a 11 mb WMP9 file and a 29 mb MPEG. For…

  • It’s in that sub-cockle area…

    Sometimes, you just gotta grin.

  • Too Many Vehicles

    Darksage (aka Benjamin Jacobs on our forum) put together a little video for a contest over at the Red vs Blue forums. It was nicely done – enough so that we thought it would be worth the effort to reduce the filesize by about half. (It’s now 17 mb, zipped, in QuickTime format.) If you…

  • Halo PC, Halo 2 info at UGO

    Thanks to Dan Chosich, who pointed out that UGO has put up a Halo PC preview with a set of ‘exclusive PC screenshots’ (there are three of them, but the third one has been out for a while), and a Halo 2 preview. He found this info over at the Junkyard. Good stuff!

  • What? Surfing? Lake of Fire? What?

    Finn says he’s put up a little Halo Story Page update. Yeah… and the Hulk is a little bit green. Good stuff in this one…

  • Wallpaper goes up, too

    And finally, last but not least… two new desktops for the day in the Wallpaper section. This clears out the art queue entirely. If you submitted something, and it hasn’t been posted yet, one of two things happened: we rejected it for not meeting our Image Posting Guidelines… or you submitted it with no attribution;…

  • Logos, too.

    And, while we’re clearing that art box, there were two Halo logos to be posted, as well… check the Logos section.

  • Banners Section Updated

    Four new banners posted, as well – one small, and three large (with a VERY large variant of one of them). Take a look! Update: whoa, just as that update went up, another one came in. This one should be at the bottom of our forum, or something…

  • Lots and lots of pictures…

    The art backlog has been building; there’s finally been a free minute to clear it out. 10 pictures (plus a variation)… check ’em all out in the Miscellaneous Art section! Update: DRslamAlot’s Commander Jackal has been updated with a larger picture. (I really gotta check the uploads sites more often…)

  • Halo Movie Starter Guide

    c0ld vengeance has written up a basic guide for Halo moviemaking. It covers setting up your equipment (probably the most-asked-about subject we see in reference to moviemaking), and gives some general tips for making movies. Definitely worth a read if you’re interested in putting together a project for the Halo community! For the sake of…

  • Customizing Multiplayer

    dolbex has been hanging out over at the Gearbox forums, and today picked up some interesting Halo PC info from Dave Mertz, Lead Level Designer. Read about it in this forum post!

  • All the colors of the rainbow – and then some

    This morning, Visual posted a request on our forum, asking for some hi-res shots of the color-select screen at the beginning of Halo. (You know, where you pick your multiplayer color.) Evil Otto, ever the fan pleaser, dropped off a hi-res TIFF file with all 18 colors inside (along with a pretty dang useful alpha…

  • Jen autographed your WHAT?

    Mr. Smiley has been working on a full-blown Bungie documentary (it was mentioned in the recent Fanfest Flashback story at Now, you can download Episode 0 from 10.9 mb QuickTime, or 12.3 mb WMP9 – it’s not the documentary, but it’s a Red vs Blue-style intro to the documentary! Take a look.

  • What do YOU want to see in a Strategy Guide?

    Doug Radcliffe, a freelance writer, is working on Sybex’s Official Halo PC Strategy Guide (due out in September), and has posted a request on our forum for feedback on what you, the Halo player, would like to see in a Halo PC Guide. He said he’ll be checking the forum for responses… but email is…

  • Simpsons/Halo wallpaper

    Simpsons Rule created a pair of Simpsons-related Halo desktops. They’re being hosted by a couple of forumites; you can see a preview of one of them on Lion’s Truth and Reconciliation site (bottom of the page), and both are also hosted by guy who doesn’t post….too often.

  • Nasty Way To Go.

    The silver lining in the cloud that is my forgetfulness is that occasionally, you get three consecutive days of One One Se7en. (Okay, that’s really only gonna happen when I forget to post Fridays and there’s Sunday content… so it’ll probably never happen again. Enjoy it while you can.) Today’s strip finishes up the Unreal…

  • It’s just words, man.

    10 stories for you today over in Fan Fiction: Shadow Ops, Chapter 4: The Alliance, by Agent Shade Halo: Attack of the Banshees Part 1, by Super Beast Halo 2, by System Failure Covenant Invasion! Part Five, by Hunter_Killer Mercenary – Prolog, by HockeyPuck Death’s Angels: Chapter 2, by Space_Moose Human vs. Covenant War: Part…

  • Girl, don’t even tell me you’ve been on this thing all day! has a pretty funny article about Julia Roberts’ Halo obsession. Worth a read. (If you’re not a subscriber, you can watch a 15-second commercial for a daypass, which will let you read the remainder of the article.) Thanks to Robert Reichle for the heads-up.