Year: 2003
18 points of articulation
mehve has updated the Bungie community on the Halo Action Figures – they’re on their way out of the factory right now! They should be hitting the Bungie Store (and other outlets) by early August. Go read about the details! Update: mehve points out that the key points of this news bit have been added…
Halo Hide and Seek – resurrected!
c0ld vengeance and BOLL have put together another Halo Hide and Seek; identify where, in Halo, you’ll find the images posted. There are currently 12 images, in 4 separate posts (to keep from totally overloading dial-up visitors)… in the half-hour since the contest went live, already 2 of the 12 images have been identified! Jump…
Randy Pitchford Talks to Telefragged
Telefragged has put up an interview with Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox, about Halo PC. Much of the info is already out there, but there are some new tidbits. For example, there will be a ‘Classic’ mode in multiplayer that leaves things exactly as they are in the Xbox version, for the purists. (No banshees…
Second Story Men
Dave Writz of has found a new place to use the ghost jumping trick on Sidewinder – it’s a pretty fast in-and-out when you’re headed for a flag capture! Take a look; 6.4 mb in MPEG2 format. (If anyone has real trouble with the format, let us know – I’m sure Dave would be…
PC mod starting up
Dispraiser puts in a call for modders – he’s starting work on a PC mod. He’s got the beginnings of a Halo battle rifle already built – needs skinning, though. Check it out!
The WHAT team?
Wow. Either someone’s smoking too much crack… or something got leaked. A representative of ArtSource (a digital media staffing agency with an office in Seattle) posted to the CG Talk Hiring forum, with a request that reads in part: Are you a SENIOR 3D Max modeler (3+ years of work experience) with multiplayer map experience,…
Madness in Mad-City
Elliott “zorg” Zastrow writes to point out that the Mad-City Halo Tournament (mentioned about a month ago) is coming along strongly – tournament date looks to be July 19, in Madison, WI. If you’re a single player, they’ve got some resources on their forum for team-matching, to help you find a team to play on.…
On The Bubble
Monday’s episode of One One Se7en has been posted… and I wanna know, how do those guys have time for tomfoolery?
Safari users – spoiler control is yours, finally!
Months ago, when the first Safari beta was released for OSX users, we discovered we had a problem… our spoiler cookies wouldn’t set properly for Safari users. Luckily, a week later, a kind reader sent a fix; you could manually add the cookie to Safari’s cookie list. It worked… but if you ever felt like…
Halo: The RPG (the update)
Sir Fragula’s Halo: The RPG project is coming along nicely – all existing patches (and some non-patch changes) have been bundled into the latest iteration. Visit Lion’s mirror site for the latest pics and downloads.
Sunday Reading
13 new Fan Fiction pieces for you today: Master Chief Returns, Part 1: Longsword, by Switchback Ch 1: Theives in the Night, by TheForsaken Chapter One: URTH, by Christopher Kalanderopoulos Redemption, and Victory: Part One, by Hunter_Killer Attack on Central Command, by The Scribe Human vs. Covenant War: Part Two, Hansley’s second, by Ronald Maszk…
Another vehicle-aided flag-capturing trick
A couple of days ago, NzadaH posted a quick capture of a flag-capturing trick to our forum. I didn’t look closely enough, and thought it was another instance of MaverickJ’s warthog gunner trick (where the gunner is popped out by spinning the gun to face the back of the hog and pressing X)… but it…
Medals, defined
Over the last couple of years, we’ve gotten a few emails about the medals on Keyes’ uniform. Folks have recognized the Purple Heart, the Medal of Honor, and the Air Force Cross. Today, Brannon Boren laid out ALL of them on our forum – so now you know.
Going it alone – together
Gamespot has posted a list of their choices for the top 10 cooperative games of all time. (They’re not ranked among the top 10 – “They’re all equal in our eyes, you might say.”) Halo makes the list. Nice! Thanks to DT for the heads-up.
Pillar of Art LAN party full!
The LAN party taking place in the latter half of the day during the Pillar of Art Gallery showing has filled up!I’m sorry if you were hedging on whether or not to sign up for the party, as you have missed out on what is looking to be a really good time, but at least…
German online Halo tournament
Halo Orbit is organizing an online (via XBC) Halo tournament; check this forum thread or this news article. They suggest you come from a country near Germany, due to internet limitations… but other than that, there aren’t any restrictions.
Tribes screenies with MC
There are a significant number of shots of a Halo-related skin in use in Tribes over at the Tribes Battle Room Screenshots Collection; there’s no easy way to point them all out, you’ll need to go through his collection for yourself. As far as I can tell, these were taken using existing skins (there are…
Stick it!
Visitors to the E3 fanfest this year got their hands on a bunch of cool Bungie stickers. For the first time, Bungie is actually SELLING them at the Bungie Store now; there are five, ranging from a standard Bungie logo to the uber-cool Carnage Zone sticker. (You can even get your hands on the Webmaster…
Making more of the Demo
As a number of people have pointed out, the Truth and Reconciliation site has been updated with Part 2 of the E3 demo behind-the-scenes series, as well as additional storyboards from the demo itself.
Halo PC at Gen Con!
Gen Con Indy is taking place about a month from now, and those of you that want a taste of Halo PC have a huge incentive to attend! One of the events listed is a HUGE LAN where many different games will be represented, and Halo PC is going to make an appearance! Not just…