Year: 2003
Today is the Fourth of July, a pretty major holiday here in the US. My family and I are declaring independence from the wired world – we’re going to spend the day on the beach. We recommend you do the same – even if you live elsewhere in the world!
And it SHOOTS, too!
Wow. A couple of months late for our Pillar of Art contest (gallery showing tomorrow!)… but it’s a killer piece of work. Chris Bryan has submitted a picture of a rifle he built; solid wood body, laser sight scope, co2 powered pellet gun – it’s even the same scale as the actual 3d gun model!…
7 Fan Fiction stories for you today: Buried Treasure, by Frensa Geran Chapter 3: The Battle Of Cairo, by Nightblade Chapter 4: Weapons of Mass Destruction, by Nightblade Covenant Invasion Part 1 (Changed), by Hunter_Killer & Elfster Foresaken Forefathers Part VII- Knowledge Gained is Knowledge Earned, by Havok and AlphaBravo343 HALO 2: Earth’s Reclaimer (part…
Red vs Blue – text, and movies, sort of
It’s Red vs Blue night… sort of. Over on, there’s an interview with the team – and it’s a great read. If you’re curious about how some of the shots were pulled off, or how much sleep Buzby’s gotten in the past couple of months… you’ll enjoy this. Then, because tomorrow is a holiday,…
Action Figures – in July?
Matt Ogonowski asked JoyRide directly about the availability of the Halo Action Figures… and the response he got from thier customer service department read, in part:They will begin release in mid-July.A bit sooner than Bungie’s forecasting… but Bungie’s always been a bit conservative. Nice to know!
Mythica Update
Bad news… but sometimes knowing is better than not knowing. Due to circumstances beyond EVERYONE’s control,, the site that provides the bulk of our movie hosting bandwidth, will remain offline for at least another week. We’re doing the best we can… but sometimes, there’s just someone out to get you. As soon as we…
New Wallpaper for All
Desktop submissions were pretty varied in the past couple of days… you’ll find 15 screens (plus a couple of variations) in our Wallpaper section. See what suits your fancy!
Stories under duress
Well, it turns out I made some mistakes in the new Fan Fiction submission code – but only one user was badly burned. I think I’ve fixed things – but in the meantime, here are 11 pieces submitted in the past day or so. A Marine Named Peters: Saving Private Johnson, by GLADIATRRR3000 Halo:After the…
Curse me, the flag is gone!
You might remember a small movie from a group called FTC – it showed some pretty classy shooting. Well, they’ve whipped up another small movie, The Tunnel Trap (it’s 4.7 mb, just under 2 minutes long, in DivX format) that’s simply hilarious. Take a look – and feel free to comment in this forum thread.
Halo PC Update – from Bungie
For those frustrated by the quietness of the Halo PC teams (multiple Randy Pitchford interviews notwithstanding), swing on by Bungie’s Tru7h and Reconciliation site for a major update. (It can also be found here, in a more permanent location, in case you’re reading this down the road.) Michel Bastien talks about where their time has…
Still more easter eggs to find!
A couple of days ago, SouthPaw posted a note on our forum, asking about an odd shape on the top of the pistol. Shishka grabbed a pic – and identified it as a Japanese ‘7’. (BOLL later got a better shot.) Looked like an egg… and lo and behold, that’s exactly what it is. Check…
Grunts first – we’re smaller!
Wraith writes that Halo: Shadow Ops is up and running over at The hook? Check out the Sounds page, with 45 genuine Grunt WAV files, recorded in-game. (7mb download.) Nice!
CPL, Halo PC, Dallas, December – mucho cash
The CPL Winter 2003 Championships has been announced – Dallas, TX, December 16-20, 2003. Three tournaments, including a $30,000 Halo PC (team) tournament. Nice! (Thanks to kappa, who noticed it on
whoa – mnemesis works?
Marathon again… and some other good stuff. Check out the Halo Story Page. Yeah, baby.
Changes to the Fan Fiction section again
The Fan Fiction authors have just become guinea pigs again. I’ve made some changes in how the Series name gets chosen; it’ll be much, much harder to forget to add it (or to add the wrong one) now – you’ll have to work at it. 🙂 Of course, it hasn’t been rigorously tested yet -…
Gettin’ some air… alone
NazdaH has put up another driver-jumping movie (this one FOCUSES on the driver jumps) – lots of places, lots of heights. Again – as we mentioned a couple of days ago, this is a single-person trick; all you need is a warthog, and something to bounce off of. (Basically, you’re translating your forward momentum you…
A surprisingly deep collection of artwork today has been added to the Miscellaneous art section, including a nice faked Halo2 shot, an interesting take on Cortana, and a pair of simply gorgeous comic-style MCs from ZZoMBiE13 (I’d love to have these last two hanging on my wall!). Check ’em all out!
Reading Material
Nine Fan Fiction bits for you today: True Purpose(12), by Frensa Geran The Fallen : Halo 2 Chapter 3, Section 1, by Hikaru-119 The Fallen : Halo 2, Chapter 3, Section 2, by hikaru-119 Redemption, and Victory Part Two, by Hunter_Killer Destination: Marakesh, by The Scribe Spartans in NYC Chapter 3, by Chief-117 The Fall…