Year: 2003
Now it’s official – 3 million sold
Folks have bandied about the ‘3 million sold’ figure for Halo for the last couple of months… but today, Microsoft and Bungie have announced officially that that number has been reached. From the official press release:Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios today annnounced that the critically acclaimed "Halo: Combat Evolved” for Xbox has sold over…
This is like the gun I used in ‘nam.
Six months ago, Mike Miller put together a film called ‘In Too Deep’. It rocked. Well, he’s back – the new one’s called ‘Winning isn’t Everything’, and it rocks, too. 19.2 mb of QuickTime goodness – it’s just over 4 and a half minutes long, and it’s filled with a combination of tricks (most of…
Chili con carnage? I don’t think so.
Ross Mills has begun a contest – design a Halo menu, win a cool Halo poster. Rules (and they’re somewhat intricate) can be found in this post. You’ve got two weeks.
Weapons Respawn Times – Complete
The Weapons Respawn chart, begun almost a year ago, has now been completed – thanks to Annihil8or for the help! If you ever needed to know how long it would be until that Shotgun appeared again… this is the page to see.
Just Do It.
MC tries out his new capabilities in today’s One One Se7en. I’m thinkin’ he’s not enjoying himself very much.
They just keep talking, and talking…
The Dialogue Databank has swelled to over 300 snippets (with more coming in every day) – if you have recording equipment, grab your own! You can get all of today’s additions here.
Character Battles
GameFaqs is running a one-day poll; Master Chief vs Felix (from Golden Sun). Go vote.
Pics (4)
There’s quite a lot of good stuff in the Miscellaneous Art section today… but I’ve got to draw your attention to the final image of the group, entitled Melee Madness. It’s simply stunning. (This is not to say the rest isn’t worth seeing – it’s a pretty eclectic mix today. Grab it all!)
The weekend’s Fan Fiction, posted early on a Monday morning: Cortana’s journey (Halo 2: Chapter 6), by Shadowrunner A John Before Halo: Part 2, by J-117 The Maiden Fight: Reality Strikes A Stone Mind, by pj-NYkr90 Human vs. Covenant War: Part Five, Masterchief’s Man Hunt, by Ronald Maszk Chapter 2: Ancient Artifacts, by Nightblade Project:…
Send In The Oddballs
Yet ANOTHER movie at XboxOttawa – this one’s not an FTC film, but instead a fun Oddball match on Blood Gulch. The Matrix-like effect at the end is generating some interest these days – it was discussed yesterday in this forum thread (and that thread references this one, from a few months ago). Useful for…
Those backwards Elites
Several people have written to us about the new Elite sound included in the Bungie Dialog Archive – some have gone so far as to attempt to reverse and filter the snippet. Bottom line – it conforms to the standard rules that xbill and others discovered about ALL Halo: CE elitespeak; it’s the Sarge, with…
You want movies? We got movies.
We didn’t release any movies yesterday because I was out of town… but here are a few more from the queue. These have all been released on their own already – but bandwidth might have been tight, or you might have chosen not to download them because we weren’t hosting them. (That may sound silly…
Halo Tourney in Chicago
Short notice… but we just heard about it. Game On Entertainment is hosting a Halo tournament (21 and older) in Chicago, this Monday, July 14, at 6:30 pm. Prizes are not listed yet – but entrance is free. Take a look!
Red vs Blue Episode 12, again
Red vs Blue Episode 12 is now available to the publc. Normally, this doesn’t warrant a separate news post (we announce the RvB movies when they hit the Sponsor pages)… but in this case, there’s some additional info which might be of use to some of you. First, the archive of existing episodes has been…
Home again – it was definitely big enough
Just got home from Brian Josselyn’s Are You Big enough lanfest – here’s a shot (68K) of some of the folks present, set against the backdrop of the largest screen we used. (No, we didn’t play on this surface – there was a real screen that had been stored by the time this picture was…
HBO Hiatus
As i write this, it’s 4:50 am, local time, and in just over an hour, a 2-car caravan filled with 8 psychos – er, Halo players – will head north from here for the Are You Big Enough lanfest in East Bumfu – er, Andover, Massachusetts. There probably won’t be too many site updates today,…