My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • A taste of the future?

    Major League Gaming, a console gaming league for professional video game players, has signed Dustin ‘HP Darkman’ Langton to a management contract. First up – he’s got an endorsement deal with LASR Accessories, a company that makes backpacks for consoles. HP Darkman seems to be the first Halo gamer to parlay his gaming skills into…

  • The dangers of popularity…

    Recently, we’ve been posting a number of links to movie mirrors on Blade’s Team Ice website. He’s run into the problem that many potential hosts have hit; bandwidth overage. If you want to help out, visit his site for an update. (For those that can’t connect the dots, all movies hosted by Team Ice are…

  • Marines Trailer Available

    Darksage created a trailer for an ambitious project: a new, full-length feature film, called Marines. You can find the trailer (in a variety of formats) over at the Drunk Monkeys Productions download page. (I’d suggest holding off on either of the QuickTime versions; there’s a much-better-quality copy coming soon. It’s 3.1 mb, so if that’s…

  • Ninjas on Ice

    Another Halo board has started up – Ninjas on Ice is a spinoff of Ninjas on Fire, apparently. This came in Monday, but I lost it in the rush.

  • Homelan looks at shooters

    Homelan Fed recently started a series called the ’10 Most Important First Person Shooters’ – number 9, posted today, is Halo. (They’re listed in Chronological order – there’s one more coming.) Take a look at why they think it’s important!

  • More moviemakers turn to FilePlanet

    Ross Mills has tossed his Halo Rhapsody movie up on FilePlanet. One of these days, I HAVE to get the Movies database brought up-to-date… If you missed this when it was still up at Mythica, here’s another chance.

  • Before you’re old and grey…

    Good news on the Halo movie front – Brian Towne mentions that he’s already signed a contract with a new provider, and as soon as he can get his server back from the LAST provider, will have up and running again! (No ETA, though.) There’s hope on the horizon!

  • New dialogue snippets… and a poll

    Large submissions to the Dialogue Databank recently from c0ld vengeance and Captain Spark – you’ll find another 54 snippets today, bringing the total to a chunk over 500. (Before any of you get on my case about some of these being scripted – yes, a couple are, but they’re not triggered 100% of the time,…

  • That c0ld vengeance is on a roll…

    Wow. Keyes exploration… it might not be what you think. (I’m still waiting to find out how he got through the loading zones…)

  • The sequel to Halo Babies: Halo Gradeschoolers?

    Pallor sends in another Halo sighting: The latest movie to hit theaters for kids has the cards stacked in favor of Bungie’s Halo. The stars in the movie Ryan Pinkston and Robert Vito have come out publically to state its their favorite game. That carries over to the movie itself: Inside the game they are…

  • Strategy Guide Guy needs solo tips!

    Doug Radcliffe has returned – and is asking for submissions, once again. (For those with short memories, Doug is writing the official PC Strategy Guide… he stopped by in late June, to ask for suggestions about bonus material, and again a couple of weeks ago, to solicit multiplayer tips.) If you’ve got some good campaign…

  • Going to CPL Summer Event? Play Halo PC!

    Nice. Gearbox has announced that they’ll be running a team competition during their workshop at the CPL Summer Event – if you’re a registered attendee, you can play 5-on-5 Halo PC from 2-5 pm on August 2 against Gearbox and Bungie employees, with the chance to win prizes from Gearbox, Bungie, and NVIDIA. Props to…

  • Who said sailors can’t dance?

    Funky Keyes… Oh, yeah, baby. (Also with a new, improved soundtrack.)

  • On the BOLL

    Three Miscellaneous entries by BOLL, over the past week – all have been posted to our forum, but they all have a permanent home here now at HBO, and some organization has been applied. In no particular order: Halo Clock 2 – BOLL reinvents an older Flash animation in an eminently watchable toy. Sentinels -…

  • Predator finds another home

    That Weasel becomes the latest mirror for c0ld vengeance’s Predator spoof – he’s posted the 21 mb QuickTime version. Thanks, TW!

  • Dialogue Snippets – back on track

    Last week, Jamirus99 submitted another dozen snippets for the Dialogue Databank. We’re finally getting around to putting them up now. I also added one I grabbed recently, during a runthrough of the Pillar of Autumn – it made me laugh, and in fact, after some recent comments posted on our forum, has prompted me to…

  • HJP puts up GenCon floor footage

    Dinky has posted a two minute WMV of shakeycam footage from Gencon, showing Halo PC play – you can find a link over on the forum of Battleground: Halo. Format is WMP7, size is 5.2 mb. Gives you an idea of what the booth looked like.

  • C.O.E.R.C.E. opens its doors

    guy who doesn’t post….too often has set into motion a rather ambitious project – C.O.E.R.C.E. The Conglomerate Of Established Resources Cooperating Efficiently will attempt to combine the movie-hosting abilities of several small sites into one seamless mirror – you follow the link, the page decides who serves you the movie. The more mirrors that join…

  • It’s about the Red guy.

    Lion has released two trailers for a new series, Oddballs. You can find download links (both WMP9 and MPEG) on his Truth and Reconciliation forum. The actual series is coming soon!

  • Tales, tales, and more tales

    Almost made it to 14 Fan Fiction pieces today… looks like we owe a lot of that to the Foutch brothers. A John Before Halo: Part 5, by J-117 Buried Treasure(7), by Frensa Geran Earth, A Place for Death. Part 1: NYC, by FuManChu Halo 2, an Elites version, by FOrunnER Return to Earth (Chptr…