Year: 2003
A product for some of you
MSN Halo Emoticons? Xbox Web has a package of 5 small images that, when put together in MSN Instant Messenger, spell Halo. If this means something to you, grab them from the Xbox Web Downloads page. (18k zip file… even if you DON’T get it, it won’t take very long.)
The new site list continues
Still more new Halo sites – UNSC HQ and Dock Command. (Totally unrelated to each other – just starting out at the same general time.) I feel like I’m back in 1999, with Halo sites popping up at the rate of 5+/week…
You can’t see me…
Whoa, cool. If you have a modded Xbox, bump a hunter, pick up an invisibility powerup, then re-bump your MC character… now you can fight an INVISIBLE hunter. (Check out the CamoJackal, too… his shield vanishes completely until you hit it.)
Screenshots Database updated
Took a little while… but we finally got around to adding the 6 new batches of screenshots found on the web over the past few weeks. You’ll find them in our Screenshots database (new material begins on July 9).
Another brilliant idea from the think tank.
Episode 14 of Red vs Blue has been posted for Sponsors. (Everyone else needs to wait a couple of days.) Apologies for the delay in posting this… it took MUCH longer than usual to watch, because I kept having to go back and replay the parts I’d missed because I was laughing too loudly to…
Yep, Halo sites ramping up again
And ANOTHER new site – Halo Universe (nice design), in Germany. Check it out!
FTC lives again, the home of Fire Team Charlie, is back online, at a new host – details at their website. New vid coming soon, they hope. Thanks to Blade for the heads-up. (Don’t forget to stop by Blade’s Team Ice site if you wanna help with their bandwidth overload.)
Halo Information comes online
Another Halo site – Halo Information, says Shadow. Check it out. Update: apparently, the site is already down for bandwidth overage. The forum is still open, however.
Good for newcomers… old hat for the rest?
Gamespotting has an editorial from a PC gamer who has never really played Halo before (well, he dabbled a couple of times)… and his impression, after a 3-hour Halo PC fest, was that “everything just comes together so solidly that it’s a flat-out amazing game.” He makes the point, though, that his console-playing colleagues were…
monkey != turtle
Hehe – The McLees (all of them) went to GenCon last week… and mehve has written up a pretty entertaining report; it’s the top story over at Go read it!
The SKULL fairy?
The Halogamers crew ran into some personal snags this week, so Episode 2 of the Sidewinder Saga will not be up until next week. To tide you over, they’ve made ‘Not Episode 2’ (320×240, 6.0 mb), which can be grabbed on their Episodes page. Check it out!
And the sound collection grows…
27 new dialogue snippets from Captain Spark today, including this rare but hilarious one. Check out the Dialogue Databank!
More words than you can shake a pen at
No time to add a Fan Fiction update yesterday… so there are 17 stories for you today: Search for Chief part 1, by Legend Player Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 10, by Agent Shade Rise of the Hellion chapter 1, by Sarge The Struggle for D.C.: Chapter 1, by Daniel Renner (Part 9) M31: First Blood,…
Halo font – updated
Over a year ago, Will Turnbow created (then updated) a Halo font, to match the Halo logo developed by Bungie. Yesterday, he submitted another update; this one simply changes the ‘2’ to match the ‘2’ in the Halo 2 logo. We’ve updated the Miscellaneous Art entry that contained the last version, since that’s been pointed…
E3 Trailer on TechTV
James DeWitt points out that TechTV will be broadcasting the full 8 minute E3 Demo Trailer this Monday at 11:30 pm (also twice on Tuesday – see TechTV’s schedule for details). If you haven’t had an opportunity to see this in full-screen glory, this is your chance!
Guess that release date!
Ryan ‘Mhaddy’ Matthews of the Junkyard reminds everyone that a contest started over a year ago is drawing to a close… the Halo: Guess the Release Date Contest! You’ve got 5 more days to guess the date at which Halo PC goes Gold…
New movies from C.O.E.R.C.E.
The new bandwidth collective C.O.E.R.C.E. has posted three new movies: MC Is Wonderboy, by Erik Vogt (12.3 mb, 4:33 long, QuickTime format) – a pretty fun turn-a-song-into-a-story vid, with a twist; the filming was all done with a camera facing a TV. (This was done because it’s all Erik had… but it’s an effect which…
Action Figure Update
There was a concerned note posted on our forum today from someone who had preordered Halo action figures from the Bungie Store, but couldn’t find any information about them any more. SketchFactor stepped in with some reassurances; seems there have been some supply shortages coming from Joyride, so they’ve chosen to stop taking preorders that…