Year: 2003
Movies, movies, and more movies
That Weasel Television has ramped up the number of movies it’s currently hosting – new arrivals include, among others:FTC 5 (QuickTime, 10 mb) FTC 6 (QuickTime, 15 mb and DivX, 20 mb) Black and White 0 (QuickTime, 10 mb) Predator (QuickTime, 21 mb) Dr Swiss’ How the Grunt Stole Halo 2 (TWTv Exclusive, WMP9, 2.8…
Enter The Matrix – bullet time in Halo
C.O.E.R.C.E., the bandwidth consortium, continues to make new movies available in our hour of bandwidth crisis. Newest addition to the archive: Enter The Matrix, from Athol Productions. 15.9 mb, 4:07 long, in QuickTime 5 format, this movie has some pretty awesome editing effects. It’s not everything its creator wanted it to be, but it’s still…
FTC6: The Story of Squatting Bear
Fire Team Charlie has finished FTC 6 – their most ambitious piece yet. Editing is fantastic, sound is good (though still rough in places) – this one has to be downloaded! One of these days, I gotta try that warthog trick… This one is 5:55 long, 20 mb, 352×128, in DivX5-encoded AVI format. (A 15.2…
You HAD to open your mouth…
Gettin’ there… Desktops are now cleared out, as well – 16 new images for you (plus one size variation). Check out the Wallpaper section! Update: We removed one of the images, because it used an older wallpaper as a base, without permission. Removal was at the request of the original artist. People… please. If you’re…
We’ve got pictures! Lots of pictures!
Since my return from vacation last week, the art sections of have been woefully unattended. Here’s step one in fixing that problem. 11 built-up pieces for the Miscellaneous Art section. A wide mix. Update: Oops, missed one.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow…
mnemesis is on vacation… but Finn, less than two weeks from a pretty major paradigm shift, has managed to update the Halo Story page with a tasty morsel culled from today’s forum droppings. That Wado guy… he’s pretty sharp.
Halo50K2 – preliminary details
Full details will be forthcoming at the Halo50K site in the next day or two, but we got email from Bigsauce (a finalist at the Halo National Championships last year) with details about the top spots: Top 4 for the FFA: 1. Ogre2 2. Ogre1 3. StrangePurple 4. TDT Alex 2v2 Winner: Ogres 4vs4 Winner:…
A lost resource, dredged from the depths
After several months of being offline, Shishka’s Megg FAQ has been resurrected over at Subnova. There’s a few more steps than what you’ll find in our own Megg mini-FAQ (created at the height of the Megg furor) – if you’re new to the community, and have always wondered what the Megg actually is/was… check it…
Playing Catchup – Fan Fiction
Three days’ worth of Fan Fiction: Once, In A Field with Dying Hopes, by TheRambler Earth, A Place for Death. Part 3: NYC final action, by FuManChu The Virus Part 6, by monitor101 A John Before Halo: Part 6, by J-117 Halo from the Flood’s Point of View: The Attack, by Simpsons Rule Halo 2:…
RingWorld, anyone?
It’s BOLL day, it appears. The guy just doesn’t stop. Check out his Halo Discs – I could see printing these as CD labels, I really could.
Auto-aim – not QUITE as helpful as all that
An update on yesterday’s Auto-Aim demonstration: Followup posts have shown this effect to be due to a slightly defective controller; auto-aim requires that the player is MOVING before it kicks in. (It’s still pretty strong, at times… but the auto-tracking you saw at the start of the movie was actually induced by a slight movement…
A cacophony in E minor
BOLL’s at it again… he’s not totally happy with the way this came out, but in general, BOLL + Halo + Flash = Fun, no matter how you slice it. This one’s about 72 kb, so it shouldn’t strain anybody too much.
Blood Gulch Blues
grasshopper (yes, the same grasshopper as you’ll find in the Marathon community) has created a new tune for the Red vs Blue guys… the Blood Gulch Blues. If you haven’t gotten your hands on Episode 14 yet, this might help make the waiting easier… Thanks to DoubleMint for pointing it out!
Halo’s auto-aim… up close and personal
Wow. BOLL was trying to capture some footage, but the cameraman was low on health… and wouldn’t stand still. Check out the film in this post – it shows how huge a difference there is in the auto-aim boost between a 1-bar player and a full-health player. Now THAT’S a helping hand!
- reviews the E3 demo trailer took a pretty in-depth look at the E3 demo trailer recently – you can read their 2-page review on their website. On our forum, reaction seems to be mixed, with some readers enjoying the article and others finding it inaccurate… check it out and judge for yourself!
Pictures from Halo50K2
Halo50K2 begins today… and dolbex sent word of a photo diary. Currently there are only a few early pictures… but they’ll be updating as the day goes on, so stop back regularly!
What’s your favorite movie?
The Rockets on Prisoners Nominees have been pared down to 5 per category… and now it’s time for the people to speak. Visit the site, pick your favorite film from those listed in each category, and vote! Deadline is August 9th just before midnight PST. Go for it!
Pretty soon, he’s gonna model the ring. Life-size.
Ack! This came in Monday, but somehow it got lost in the ‘cleaning up from vacation’ rush. Chris Bryan, who you might remember from his pretty awesome Maya renders in our Miscellaneous Art section, or his Battle Rifle model which would have won him cash had it been submitted to the Pillar of Art contest,…