Year: 2003
My heart’s gonna explode.
Okay, I lied – it’s ALMOST time for bed. First, a new Halo PC screenshot, straight out of Gearbox – the flamethrower. Wonga. (Thanks to KookyBastard for noticing.)
The Kobayashi Maru Approach
lol – he just won’t stop. When Halo first came out, one of the earliest disappointments was that there didn’t seem to be any way to get a flyable Banshee on the level Halo. You could (if you were lucky) knock an Elite pilot out of his craft… but you wouldn’t be able to get…
Friendly Fire
mrsmiley points out that the newest strip of Halo Babies is up over at #4 looks at what happens when marines get overexcited… this strip rocks.
When Rockets are Cheap…
Okay, so BOLL decided to run with the info he learned yesterday about hacking Halo… and created a 4:42 long look at some of the absurd (but oh-so-cool) things you can do now. Want a LAAG gun that shoots Master Chiefs? You got it. How about rapid-fire rockets? Heck… how about plasma grenades? This has…
Screens are just old
Update on yesterday’s new screenshots at 3DCenter – according to SketchFactor, they were using a pre-beta build of the game (something that really should not be done when writing a review of a game about to be released, especially without explicitly announcing that’s what you’re doing). The lack of detail is NOT attributable to the…
Spotlight on a new webmaster
Mhaddy points out that the Junkyard’s Spotlight series continues with a focus on Bluestone, webmaster of the new 343 Guilty Spark website. Swing on by and check out what makes him tick!
FTC vids avialable again – both DivX and QT
For folks looking for FTC vids, now that is offline, Team Ice has uploaded QuickTime versions of all 6 existing movies at this point, and will be adding new movies as they’re released. (They of course have the DivX versions as well.) Go get ’em!
Halo action figure update
Ouch! We missed a update – and one that’s important to a number of fans! Yesterday, SketchFactor posted a note about the availability of the upcoming Halo action figures – it contains a list of some of the major stores that will carry these. Check it out – the release date is drawing near!…
German Halo PC Preview (with new screens)
3DCenter, a German gaming site, put up a Halo PC preview last week; Kooky Bastard found it for us today. It contains 15 new screenshots (serious spoilers, for anyone keeping track), and shows what I think are the first shots we’ve seen that demonstrate how the graphics scale down on lower-end graphics cards. The shots…
One For Randall.
Hehe – good thing that Warthog is indestructible… today’s One One Se7en is posted (on time!).
Let’s try this again.
Once upon a time, there was a major Halo site known as Haloplayers. (They were big enough to be in the rotation for the original Halo Updates.) In early 2002, they went through some bizarre problems, and reemerged as Again, they ran into trouble… but in late February, 2003, they came BACK online. And…
I think I feel an aneurysm coming on
Red vs Blue has released Episode 15 for Sponsors – go grab your copy now. And don’t adjust your monitor when it starts… it’s supposed to be that way. If you’re not a sponsor, you’ll need to wait until Sunday…
Massive Halo50K infusion
Dolbex, from Halo50K, writes that the competition stats and over a hundred photographs taken during Halo50K2 last week are now posted. Go check out the action!
GameFAQs poll
Beginning in a few hours (August 8, CST), The Master Chief will go up against Aeris in the GameFAQs Character Battle. You’ll have 24 hours to help MC defeat the Final Fantasy Flower Seller… go vote. (We’d credit this to someone, but we’ve been getting notes about this since MC defeated Golden Sun’s Felix, over…
Faces of Bungie Webcam – Fresh!
Cybrfrk, recently back (and vibrantly bouncy) from a 2-month vacation (yeah, some of us have pretty cushy jobs), has posted a major update to his Faces of Bungie Webcam page, with 36 new (and unidentified) images. How about you visit, and point out some names for him?
More oddness – gravity gun this time
fireburner, bryn, and gravityman played with the flamethrower/gravity gun hack, and captured this footage of the gravity gun killing a player on Mount Wanker (their name). DivX-encoded AVI, 549K, and there seems to be a problem with the sound (though it’s not really necessary to see the action). Interesting… Update: Tons of pics of the…
Team Ice is Back in Business
Team Ice, Blade’s programming/gaming site that was doing some movie mirroring for the Halo community before it went offline for bandwidth overage, is back up and running. Downloads are now handled by a separate server, so the chances are good that the overage will not occur again. Blade is still in the process of uploading…
Words – put together in coherent ways
Seven pieces of Fan Fiction for you today. (There were 8, but one was unreadable.) Halo: Mercy Ch: 2, by ssj9000chilango Earth, A Place for Death. Part 5: Attack on the Gods Hands., by FuManChu Halo 2, an Elites version, Part III, by FOrunnER Four Plagues [2]: A New Enemy, by Kancer Marines: Rise from…
Fer the luv o’ Pete…
A long time ago, some screenshots of the Halo Flamethrower (in the Xbox version) floated around the net – speculation from Bungie employees at the time revolved around someone with access to an XDK (Xbox Development Kit), and the willingness to break their Non-Disclosure Agreements. When pushed, the producer of the shots in question backed…
Halo Vehicles in a North African desert…
Ross Mills pointed out some new screenshots over at the Home Front website (a Halo total conversion for Battlefield 1942 – we mentioned this about a month and a half ago). Models look a bit flat in their desert environments… but that’s probably gonna change. Check ’em out!