Year: 2003
Weekly Review Reviews… um, the Week.
A little late… but nonetheless appreciated! The Weekly Review has been posted on our forum. Fewer nuggets than usual, due to the overwhelming flood of Hacking posts this week… but there was still some good stuff! Check it out.
Work of art, people.
25 dialogue snippets have been submitted in the past week – apologies for taking so long to process them. New Grunts, Sarges, and Marines… check ’em out in our Dialogue Databank!
I call Knievel jumps on Boarding Action!
Well, dang. Vehicles on almost all Multiplayer levels. (Blood Gulch and Sidewinder left out because they already have vehicles, and Longest left out because “trying to get the vehicles to MOVE was impossible, especially the tank.” (I think I still would have liked to see ghosts in there…)
People who fly in glass Longswords…
Hehe… folks have always wondered what’s under the MC’s helmet; the final cutscene shows him removing it just before the camera moves out of range of the window, tantalizing you but not actually showing you anything. c0ld vengeance and BOLL teamed up to build you some X-Ray Glasses… and it’s pretty surprising what you find.
Hogs… WHERE?
Well, he can’t drive to save his life, but he’s a pretty dang good hacker… Pfhorslayer has made a small (2.2 mb, QT) movie showing warthogs on Hang ’em High. We’ve put up a local copy of it, because his bandwidth won’t hold out. A novelty item for sure! Update: Macegac has provided a mirror,…
Another screenie from Gearbox
Gearbox has posted another screenshot – this one of a Load Game screen. Very, very nice – games are now saved by how far into them you are, and you don’t overwrite the last one by starting another. Tasty! Thanks to Uukla the Mok for the heads-up. Update: Very cool – a Gearbox employee explains…
More Halo Sites
Two more Halo sites for you: Halo Production and Team Kill. And the parade goes on… Update: The folks at Halo Production have run over their bandwidth, but have provided a second link.
Halo PC footage, captured at GenCon
Dinky stopped by our forum with some links to Halo PC gameplay at GenCon last month. Movie hosting is provided by the Junkyard – thanks, guys! Update: Dinky has put up new mirrors for part 1, part 2, the single player footage. Also, Jake at the Junkyard points out that they’re only hosting the single-player…
Chupa-thingys everywhere…
Halo gets a mention in yesterday’s Ctrl+Alt+Del comic. Thanks to Spenser for the heads-up. Update: S7N points out that there are many Halo-related Ctrl+Alt+Del strips – like, for example, this one from January. Browse the archives for more!
New Skins Made Easy
eXentric has created a Map Editor for editing hacked Halo maps (to create the sorts of fun toys folks have been posting for the past few days). Some rather draconian rules had to be laid down on our forum recently, covering what is, and is not, acceptable to discuss in reference to this topic; luckily,…
I kinda like the Marty one…
Been a week since we put up any desktops – here are 16 that have been submitted for the Wallpaper section. There’s still a bunch of art in the queue, but it’s going to have to wait…
iGames tourney this Saturday
For those who didn’t remember, there are several dozen iGames centers around the US that will be hosting a 2v2 Tournament (it’s a Summer Games Divisional event) on August 16. Thanks to Nick the Roadie, who wanted more people to come to the one in Buffalo, NY.
Please Read The Egg FAQ.
You people all remember Bungie’s Caption Competition – come up with a cool line, and Bungie would include it, as an egg, somewhere in the game? Well One One Se7en took a look at it today…
We’re pretty far from the TV, dude…
Skavenger_s7 continues his tale of mayhem with She can have the TV… a funny read, especially if you know something about our forumgoers. (Part 1 was here, part 2 was here, if you missed them.)
Win a gaming computer, Halo
Interesting in winning an Alienware Area-51 Ultimate Gaming Machine PC… or some cool Halo schwag? Stop by The Gamestop/Alienware Sweepstakes, and enter today! (Prizes to be awarded in 2004.) Thanks to Strato for the heads-up.
Sidewinder Saga comes to an end
Bummer. MIssed this yesterday – thanks to Blade for the heads-up. Sidewinder Saga, an ongoing story from in the genre started by Red vs Blue (but with a different focus), has closed its doors. Dave writes that he’s just bored with Halo. And so it goes…
A homemade MC
You folks might remember Chris Bryan. He makes some kickass Halo-related stuff (both in traditional and digital format)… well, he’s turned in another impressive tidbit. He’s not very happy with this one:I found this little test render here from the animation I did for class. Its really short, and the timing is bad.. I animated…
Stories for those who read
The hacking madness continues in our forum – welcome to all the new people; the forum has seen a quarter of a million pageviews in the past 24 hours, which is significantly above its normal traffic. If you’re interested in all the funkiness, stop on by and read a few threads. In the meantime, though,…
Happy Hacking Mirror Madness
Okay, okay… due to some oddnesses, there are now THREE QuickTime versions of BOLL’s Happy Hacking video. There’s a 15.8 mb, 320×240 version – medium quality. There’s one that’s 18.3 mb, 320×240, high quality. And there’s one that’s 400×300, 26.9 mb, high quality. You can find The smallest one at C.O.E.R.C.E. and Team Ice, as…
That’s it. My brain’s all over the wall.
I’ve run out of expletives. Check this thread. (There IS an Engineer model in the game… I’ll be damned.)