Year: 2003
Halo PC details from Bungie, too
More Halo PC goodness… Michel Bastien wrote up a ‘state of the game’ bit for, and SketchFactor added some interesting tidbits about the beginning of the PR juggernaut; read the whole shebang for yourself! Now I REALLY need to go to bed.
New Halo PC screen from Gearbox
Whoa. It’s almost 2:30 am, local time, and I’m pretty beat… Halo Fanstock started with a fantastic dinner at Randy Pitchford’s house this evening. (His wife has a killer wine collection…) Before I go to bed, though, there’s a new screenshot posted at Gearbox’s site; it’s called The Sniper, and it shows… well, a sniper…
Signing off…
News will be slow for the next… well, bunch of hours. I’m headed for the airport, to hop on a plane to Texas and attend Halo Fanstock, a Gearbox/MS event taking place tomorrow. Report, of course, to follow…
Poor Sir Dan
We haven’t posted a new movie for you to watch in some time; partly, that’s because bandwidth has been really tight since Mythica went offline in late July (though it should be back soon…), and partly it’s because there haven’t been a lot of submitted movies. However, there was one in the queue from mid-July…
2003 Rockets on Prisoners Awards
CobaltNova has posted the results of the 2003 Rockets on Prisoner Awards for best Halo movies… winners get cash, courtesy of That Weasel, and a Bungie Prize Pack, courtesy of Bungie. As an amusing side note, I voted with the majority in exactly… zero of the categories. 🙂 Looks like I’m outta sync with the…
Twelve new dialogue snippets added to our Dialogue Databank for you today, courtesy of Captain Spark. Comin’ up on 600 entries…
Small People Have Less to Lose
stan writes to point out a new clan site, The Rabid Lilliputians. (It was up yesterday, but loading times were horribly slow, so I passed on mentioning it. He’s fixed some html, and things work better now.) They’re having an art contest… take a look!
Killtacular!, a website devoted to the upcoming Killtacular Classic iGames Championship, is back open for business. The event is on for September 27, with $5000 in prizes on the line. Registration info coming soon… check this out!
Maybe you should try listening slower.
Red vs Blue has posted Episode 16 for sponsors; Buzby and gfunk will be at QuakeCon this weekend, so the general release will likely not be early. (That means, if you want to see this before Sunday afternoon at the earliest… go give ’em some cash.) Donut’s back… and I’m pretty happy about that.
Wow, it doesn’t stop.
24 hours since the last Fan Fiction update… and there are another 11 stories. You guys write too much. Its Just One of Those Days (Prologue: 04), by Elfster Here Goes Nothing…, by PreacherCain The Alliance: Part One, by pooman Answers (Halo2: Chapter 10), by Shadowrunner Anathema – Chapter 2: Elysium City Stakeout, by Bloodcider…
Halo (and Halo 2) goodness at Lanwerx
Lanwerx, a gaming center in Washington state, is hosting a Halo event in their Bellevue store on August 23rd. (It’s being put together by the boys from Penny Arcade, so we’ve received mail from a dozen people giving us the heads-up about it…) Hijack mentioned it on our forum, and SketchFactor clarified what the ‘bit…
A beer in a tree
Last month, we mentioned that Bungie had set up a database whereby you could submit questions to the Cananimators, the two Canadian animators on the Halo 2 dev team. Well, the first installment of their answers has been put up, according to SketchFactor… it’s a very funny read. There’s even some useful animation information in…
The Word Flood Continues.
In an attempt to keep those 20+ item lists off the front page, here’s today’s Fan Fiction: A John Before Halo: Part 7, by J-117 The Seeping: Tales of 2 Pilots Part 1, by Gruntar(aka LALA) A Marine Named Peters: From One Crash To Another, by GLADIATRRR3000 A Grunt’s Hope, by stan Battle for Sigma…
Still more pictures
And 12 new desktops for you, too, in our Wallpaper section. The artists never stop! (Whoever created the Halo Band image in our uploads folder – we need identification before we can post it.)
Catching up on artwork
A week’s worth of Miscellaneous Art, ranging from comics to parodies to a printable gameboard. Sorry for the delay on some of these…
The One One Se7en effect grows
A couple of weeks ago, Stuntmutt forwarded the beginning of a collection of Guest One One Se7en strips, submitted to him unsolicited by fans of the comic. There hasn’t been a lot of time between that day and this… but finally, the first Guest Strip has been posted, courtesy of Loose Cannon. With any luck,…
Comin’ outta left field…
For the first time in months, the Bungie Research Center Archives has been updated with a new image. Hmm…
That’s CAPTAIN Big Green Yucky Balloon To You.
C’mon, tell me you’ve never thought about it… One One Se7en goes where most of us don’t really WANT to go.
Too many words…
The last Fan Fiction update was on Sunday – and now there are 24 new stories for you to read. Halo- The Fallen Place pt1, by Darth Lord All Roads Lead To Sol…Despite What The Map Says: Chapter 10, by S7N A Marine Named Peters: Sledding is Fun, Unless the Covenant Are Behind You, by…