My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • HomeLan Fed looks at Halo PC

    HomeLan Fed’s John Callaham stopped by Gearbox’s offices during last Saturday’s Fanstock event – you can read his impressions in this article. My bad for forgetting he was there!

  • iGames Summer Season Regionals

    If you’ve been playing along in the iGames Summer Season, it’s time for the Regional event. Competition takes place on August 30; check the list for the location nearest you. Thanks to Ernest Miller for the heads-up. (Early registration gets you goodies – worth a look!)

  • Roleplaying Halo

    Simpsons Rule reminds us of a website called Halo Attack – it’s a forum-based Halo RPG. Not for everyone… but if this sort of thing interests you, stop by and join in!

  • Pitchford talks to CVG

    Computer and Video Games has interviewed Randy Pitchford; the man’s amazingly consistent. (I mean that in a good way – I HATE it when what I hear, off the record, from someone and what I read in a public interview don’t match up.) There’s some interesting stuff in there – Randy’s left the door open…

  • HBO’s Fanstock Report goes up

    Better late than never, right? HBO’s official coverage of the Halo PC Fanstock event is now online. It’ll be updated over the next several days with screenshots… and it’s possible that the text will be tweaked, but it’s up now. Hopefully, it’ll provide you with a little info that didn’t make it into other writeups.

  • E3 Demo Trailer on OXM disc

    It’s been mentioned several times now, but 2 cents just reminded us that we’d never put it on the front page. The September issue of the Official Xbox Magazine contains the E3 Demo Trailer on its companion DVD; if you haven’t seen it in 5.1 Surround Sound goodness, here’s your chance!

  • Happy Landings.

    In a record fourth straight day of One One Se7ens (the guest strips are coming fast and furious, so this record might get broken tomorrow), Stuntmutt finishes off the 3-parter started Wednesday. (I’d like to apologize; Stuntmutt submits several strips in series of three, which makes sense, since the strip is posted three times a…

  • Monday Morning Words

    Fan Fiction has been building a bit, since nobody was around to post it while I was in Texas. Here, then, are the 13 stories from the weekend. The Last War, Chapter Three: Reinforcements, by Agent Shade For the Ancients, by xitWOUND117 In Light of Destiny Part IV: The Art of War, by Jinkaiden-XI Shay’s…

  • Yet MORE Fanstock pics…

    Dark Helmet has added 13 photos to his Fanstock writeup. I’m starting to feel like a slug…

  • More Fanstock coverage sister site, which is positioning itself as a Halo PC Map and Mod Database, will have continuing coverage of the Fanstock event from Steve Campbell. Steve’s photos can be found in a Fanstock Photo Gallery over at – including some photos of the newly remodeled Rocket Hog. (Official pics of this vehicle…

  • Halo PC Shishkafied

    Another Fanstocker heard from: Shishka posts his (rather voluminous) thoughts over at Subnova. Lots o’ pictures, lots o’ facts… if I don’t get something written soon, nobody’s gonna read it, because it’s all been said before! (Once again – screenshots of the game in action are coming later; we’ll all have access to them. Everybody’s…

  • CGI Halo movie of Longest in the works

    Mic Fedusenko is working on a CGI Halo movie – a multiplayer match on Longest. It’s just at the beginning stages… but if you check out his gallery, you’ll see a couple of shots of the work in progress. Should be fun!

  • BGH puts up another Fanstock article

    Dark Helmet has added his two cents (well, more like 75, actually – he wrote a LOT) to the Fanstock Impressions collection. Stop on by Battleground Halo to read it! (Read it slowly… the man’s tossed quite a bit of humor in there, but it’s easy to pass over if you’re looking for Halo PC…

  • More Fanstock thoughts at Forerunners

    I said earlier that the first report from the Halo PC Fanstock was posted on the IGN messageboards… that’s not strictly true. Steve Campbell, of, has put a bunch of info (mostly in thoughtbites) up on Forerunners’ main page. There’ll be a more complete report coming later… but there’s some good stuff there now.

  • Random media, he says. Whoa.

    More boatloads of screenshots and movies from BOLL, based on his hacking explorations… there are some amazing shots in here. Check ’em out! Narcogen has made thumbs of all of ’em, over at, for your easier browsing pleasure. Update: Break Point mentions that he, too, has mirrored the shots (with thumbs).

  • Halo PC Fanstock – the reporting begins

    The first fan report from Halo PC Fanstock has been posted – firestorm225, a forum regular at IGN has put up his impressions in the IGN PC boards. Unfortunately, it’s an Insider-only board… if you’re not an insider, we may have an alternative for you soon. And expect reports from the other participants (including me)…

  • Keyes Loop, indeed

    Halo Babies #5 was posted on Friday… I missed it for being out of town. Check it out, though… it’s pretty funny. (You won’t get it if you didn’t read Fall of Reach.)

  • Who’s Quaking Now?

    No guest strip for One One Se7en… because we’ve got another Sunday Strip for you from Stuntmutt himself. Yet another way Sarge is NOT like Kenny…

  • Last Halo PC note of the night…

    Dan Chosich noticed that Microsoft’s official Halo PC site has 5 screenshots of Death Island, the Silent Cartographer-inspired level in Halo PC. I don’t think I knew there’d be Scorpions on the level…

  • Touche.

    Another guest strip for One One Se7en… this one from Traumatised Marine. It’s a growing phenomenon…