Year: 2003
That looks like fun, actually…
Woohoo! A new Halo Babies has been posted (#6) over at Check out what happens when you try warthog jumping with water balloons… thanks to the heads-up from mrsmiley in our forum.
A Dogfight by any other map would fly as sweet
Gearbox has swapped out its dogfight-on-Death-Island screen that was posted this morning with a much wilder (and never seen before) shot of Banshees dogfighting on Gephyrophobia. WAY cool. (Hmm… wonder if the comment I made earlier had anything to do with this…?) Kudos to Fein for noticing. Update: Hehe – rule number one: never let…
Microsoft focuses on Gephyrophobia
As mentioned by Sketch in the Halo PC Weekly Update, the Multiplayer section of Microsoft’s Halo PC site has been updated with 5 new screens of Gephyrophobia. One thing I noted to a few people was my impression that the bases in Gephyrophobia have an Unreal Tournament feel to them… lots of pillars and ramps.…
Another Halo PC update at
The second Halo PC Weekly update was posted a couple of hours ago on… Michel Bastien, having taken up residence in a refrigerator in the back rooms of Gearbox’s Plano offices, sent in an exciting report describing… well, mostly playing a lot of Halo. Tough life the guy’s got!
RvB – potential snag
Just a heads-up… The Red vs Blue team had a hard drive failure last night, and the current work is (at the moment) unreachable. They’ve got hopes for it, and in any case it’s only the most recent work; all past episodes are doubly backed up on DVD. To tide over Sponsors, there’s a trailer…
MXB hacks Halo
We just got word of a new Halo movie, made by Stephen of MXB, showing off some hacking stuff. (Mostly projectile switching, but also some vehicle spawning, and the like.) It’s all based in Blood Gulch. It’s 6:26 long, in WMP7 format, and weighs in at a tad over 10 mb. It’s hosted by MXB.
New Themes, New People
4 new themes have been added to the 7th Column roster – you can make your Chapter over in one of three Halo-related themes (Shotguns is pretty cool), or (my favorite) a 7th Column theme known as Euphoria Station. SketchFactor also managed to slip in the information that there are two new members of the…
Friday FF
9 stories in the Fan Fiction section today: Swamps, Marshes & Keyes [H&R 2], by Jillybean Anathema – Chapter 3, by Bloodcider Halo: White Battleground (Trailer/UPDATED), by ShadowWolf Forsythe The Rise and Fall of the Flood chapter 6, by BlackValkyire The Lost Colony Part One: Severed Contact, by xitWOUND117 Operation Rubicon, Part 1, by Jim…
More screen mirrors
A couple more mirrors for the Fanstock screenies – Sector 7 has put them up, and so has Tec[H]noGeeK. They’re spreading… this is a good thing, for bandwidth reasons.
I need a Red Baron Skin – stat.
Gearbox has put up a new screenshot on their Halo Project Page for your viewing pleasure… some banshee dogfighting goodness. (It’s a bit like this shot, posted by Gamespot about a month ago… except bigger. And better framed.) Thanks to illuminati`FoOKz for the heads-up on our forum.
But does it run away?
Hehe… Hamid Djangi points out a Suzuki concept car that sort of resembles… a Grunt? Bizarre.
One One Fif7y.
Whoa. Has it really been that long? Stuntmutt’s One One Se7en celebrates a milestone, of sorts – episode 50 is posted today. Say hello to his little friends…
That would totally look hot in my garage, dude.
Check this out – Wraith has added another (the last?) vehicle to the list of pilotable craft. (The Longsword is still a holdout, but I’m doubting there’s a real model of it in the game… well, maybe in the final cutscene.) Original movie is his – I just made it small. Too bad its gun…
Leave No One Dry
lol – I BET they didn’t get Bungie’s permission for this one. (If you can’t see it, it’s because they yanked it – drop us an email.) Thanks to WortroW for the heads-up.
Action Figures begin to show up
Pyxl writes that the Master Chief action figure is beginning to show up in some locations. “Some stores in West Virginia had them as of yesterday and those of us with ‘Suncoast Video’ stores will probably see them at the end of this week or early next.” No word on other action figures, or the…
Have a Nice Day.
The Junkyard’s Spotlight series continues with a view of Matt ‘mrsmiley’ Dunn, the man behind the website and the (as yet unposted) Halo Fanfest Documentary. Check it out!
That Grunt head rocks.
Wow… these costumes are great. has put up a bunch of pictures from Comic Con International, held last month in San Diego… and one group came as Halo characters. Nekomusume has kindly linked to all four relevant pictures in this forum post.
The power of words
13 stories for you today in Fan Fiction: Halos and Rings – 1, by Jillybean RedWireDew – A Halo Comedy, by Dispraiser Longsword Landing, by xitWOUND117 CORRUPT [3], by GLADIATRRR3000 At ONI…, by xitWOUND117 Spartan III’s, Part I, by FOrunnER An Officer Named Starblade: SPARTANs Awake, by Hunter_Killer Long time gone part 3, by grylsy…
Just takin’ her out for a spin…
Hehe – what happens when you swap the wartog model for a pelican one, instead? You give Foehammer a smoke break. (The 4.1 mb QT movie is mirrored by Break Point, as well, if c0ld’s bandwidth is running low…) It’s pretty funny how the marines don’t like it much…
One One Se7en’s guest strip for the day is by nof… and holy moley, I think that’s ME he’s making fun of! Nah… This might be a good time to mention that while guest strips for One One Se7en are welcomed (Stuntmutt’s tickled by the interest), you should send them HERE, not directly to Stuntmutt.…