Year: 2003
Fire Team Charlie is back online
Benny, from, lets us know that not only is the site back up and running (it has been for a few days now), but all the FTC vids are available there again (in both DivX and QT formats). They’re working on the next episode… but if you missed any of the first six, stop…
More offsite Halo art
Mrguy writes to point out that there’s some Halo artwork at this website – and if you visit the site’s console gaming section, you’ll find some lan party pics. Check ’em out!
Halo takes best Xbox title in 2003 GAIA (German)
According to Marc, of Halo Universe, Halo has pulled down yet another award: this time, the VUD (German Entertainment Softwaer Association) has given Halo Best Xbox Game for the Games Awards for Interactive Achievement 2003. Not bad, given that it was released over a year ago in Germany!
The weekend’s stories
No Fan Fiction posted this weekend, due to too much Halo playing – here are the 19 stories that WEREN’T deleted: The Longsword[H & R 3], by Jillybean Soldiers of Heaven: Chapter 1, by Sergeant B Private Johnson, by Roo The Lost Colony Part Two: Orders, by xitWOUND117 White Tiger is under attack!:A Marine’s tale…
Short vid from Saturday’s carnage
Missed it last night – but it looks like Blackstar has put up a short video clip giving a taste of some of the gameplay at the Summer Slaying event on Saturday. (Handheld video, really dark space – and at the time it was filmed, only one of the two projectors in the garage (there…
Offsite Halo art
A bunch of Halo-related artwork over at Elfwood, including this comic, an interesting concept piece, a grunt, and a spoiler for those still waiting for Halo PC. (hehe) Thanks to Hamid Djangi for the heads-up.
MXB gets a mirror
Tec[H]noGeeK has mirrored last week’s MXB movie – there are boatloads of OTHER files at his site, too, you just need to register to see them. (It’s free – he asks this so he can keep track of downloads.)
R Gamer opens its doors
A new Halo site – R Gamer – has come online. The content is filling out… go take a look!
PSA 3 up at RvB
I missed it yesterday, because we were pretty busy cleaning up… but Red vs Blue managed to resurrect the lost Public Service Announcement #3 from the failed hard drive, and it’s now available to everyone (sponsors and regular visitors alike). It’s pretty damn funny, on several levels. I nearly spit out coffee at the thought…
UO looks at the Fanstock event
Tycho, from Unreal Ops (an Unreal fansite), came along on the Halo PC Fanstock event last week. He’s posted his own impressions of the game (as well as three new screenshots, snapped from a beta build we were given) over at the Unreal Ops site. A nicely non-Halo perspective… go read it!
Grand Theft Halo.
Ever since E3, I’ve been wondering how easy that Ghost hijacking trick’s gonna be. Seems Stuntmutt’s been wondering, too… check out today’s One One Se7en.
Don’t you shoot that Ghost at me…
What happens when you drive your warthog too fast? Why, the wheels catch on fire, of course. (DivX and QuickTime formats, 15-18 mb.) Blood Gulch looks amazingly bleak… and the weapons mods are pretty hilarious. BOLL continues to turn out seriously entertaining hacking vids.
My eyes are still burning.
Blackstar has put up a nice little photo gallery of yesterday’s Summer Slaying lanfest here at HBO HQ. This screen says an awful lot about the skill of Geeoff; give him a pistol, you die. That simple. (I’m having trouble figuring out why SAAACK is 12th, though… I’m not 100% sure what they were playing…
The SkavMeister strikes again
A word puzzle was posted on our forum a few hours ago. It’s not clear that the solution has been found yet, though folks have made quite a bit of progress… there some interesting stuff waiting for the first 3 correct answers, so give it a shot!
Playin’ Halo with Bungie and PA
Exogenesis dropped off a report from the Penny Arcade Game Day at Lanwerx yesterday. Sounds like it was a fun time! Update: there’s a report from Randy Glass, too, on his Warthog Jump site. (News for August 24, in case it’s scrolled down…) Turns out MANY of the replies in thread are from folks who…
BWF gets to Gearbox’s roots
Very nice Randy Pitchford interview at Belgian Webgaming Forever (there’s a Dutch version too). Great overview of where he came from, and what drives him to make outstanding games. Thanks to ash for pointing it out.
Revoke that man’s license!
Did you ever wish you could make the Warthog go faster? Check out BOLL’s MonsterHog, and see why that might not be the best thing… faster speed, yeah, but much harder to control.
CPL breaks down $30K
Beginning to scrape the sleep out of my eyes – last night ended at 3:30, and started at… hmm, about 9 pm the night before. Decent lanfest, except for melting the wiring in my garage… There’s quite a bit of stuff to get to, but it’s going to take most of the day to get…
Slugs. They’re all slugs.
So here I sit, surrounded by snoring lumps, trying to wake up the overnight guests for the Summer Slaying lanfest starting in about an hour… updates will be pretty sparse today. On the bright side, though, there’ll be a LOT of Halo playing.
MC’s Back.
Today’s Guest One One Se7en was drawn by Andrew Katz, and attempts to match Stuntmutt’s style pretty closely. (It also tips a hat to RvB.) Check it out!