My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Halo PC gameplay footage – on a free server

    Yesterday, Dan Chosich released a rather large movie showing some great Halo PC multiplay, filmed in classic Chosich style. Well, even though the press coverage was a bit limited, the bandwidth spike hurt the Junkyard, who was hosting the film. Dan, ever the courteous client, went back and re-encoded the movie to be a bit…

  • Gamers Depot talks to Gearbox Honcho

    Another Pitchford interview – and more screenshots – can be found over at Gamers Depot. Randy’s pretty upbeat about wowing PC gamers, even though the Xbox version’s been out for a while. He’s also confident that the work Westlake is doing will allow Macs and PCs to play together… thanks to ash, who found it…

  • Pitchford talks to WorthPlaying

    Randy Pitchford continues his evangelizing of Halo PC – there’s a nice interview up over at There’s a tantalizing teaser that suggests that there may be more than tools released post-launch… go check it out. (Thanks to Madscientist for letting us know.)

  • One One Se7en – now with more flavor

    Many folks have complained about the navigation of the One One Se7en comic series. Hopefully, those folks will be satisfied with the newly added calendar; it doesn’t supplant the original links, it simply gives you another way to get around. It should be relatively self-explanatory… but be sure to send us mail if you don’t…

  • Wanna be there when Halo 2 launches?

    If you use Microsoft’s Xbox Live service, you might want to swing by Their newly revamped website now has a web side to Xbox Live… and if you link your Xbox Live gamertag to it, you automatically enter yourself in the ‘Join. Play. Win.’ sweepstakes – first prize is a pair of invitations to…

  • Paint Job.

    Today’s One One Se7en is dedicated to Skavenger… for supplying the grape koolaid we all drink. Or something.

  • Buried in words

    Fourteen stories for you in the Fan Fiction section tonight: Chapter Two: Stranded Eagle, by Blue Jaguar Last of the Walking Dead – Part Three: Fire, by Walker A John Before Halo: The End Of VManJr. (Part 8), by J-117 Last of the Walking Dead – Part Three: Fire (Continued), by Walker Private Johnson part…

  • New movie series starts at

    Rgamer, a site we mentioned recently, has changed its name (and URL) to They currently have an introduction to a new series from Ctrl Alt Delete Productions – it’s called The Beginning of the End – Intro, and it’s about 9 mb, in WMP9 format. If you want it, is the only place…

  • New (pay-only) Halo PC content at GameSpot

    Gamespot has gotten into the subscriber-only-Halo-PC-movies game, along with Gamespy… There are 5 new films, totalling about 65 mb of QuickTime footage of Halo PC campaign play. Locked, unless you’re a Gamespot Complete subscriber. Thanks to Strato for the heads-up.

  • Massive new Halo PC vid at FilePlanet

    Looks like Gamespy has put up an exclusive Halo PC Multiplayer vid – 141 mb, zipped, on FilePlanet. You can’t download it if you’re not a subscriber, though – I can’t tell you what’s in it. Thanks to ko0_ko0 for the heads-up on our forum.

  • Now THAT’S pixel art.

    PegNose, a regular on the Gamespot forums, created a slick animated gif (864K) showing the Master Chief in a pixel war with the Covenant. We’ve added it to our Miscellaneous Art section. It’s really quite good. Thanks to Konrad9 for pointing it out.

  • Don’t Try This At Home

    Master Chief looks like he made a little mess in Blood Gulch… new screenie over at Gearbox’s site. No modding needed – that’s stuff you can get right from the configure multiplayer dialogues. Whoa. Thanks to spesalfred for the heads-up.

  • Woohoo! He says signal is going up!

    A rockin’ good time… The HBO Weekly Review has been posted. Save yourself from having to read 4600 forum posts… read this one instead.

  • You and me, baby…

    11 new dialogue snippets added to the Dialogue Databank, courtesy of Captain Spark. Some stuff I’ve never heard before… he’s doing a wonderful job of finding the obscure bits. Check out the collection!

  • MCCC Mirrors

    Tec[H]noGeeK has mirrored Lion’s Master Chief Casting Call (both the WMP and MPEG versions) – if yo’ure having trouble getting it from, give this a shot.

  • Elitist Views.

    Today’s Guest One One Se7en comes from Mikey Cd – it seems he has a bone to pick with BOLL. Poor MC…

  • Halo PC’s pistol, the definitive word

    Many Halo Xbox players who’ve had a chance to try out Halo PC (including me) have commented that the pistol seems to be toned down; it’s not the dominating weapon it is for Xbox players. Dave Mertz chimed in to a thread on the topic over at the Gearbox Forums with a definitive statement: “The…

  • Pics, pics, and more pics

    Hot on the heels of the Wallpaper update, we’ve cleared out the Miscellaneous Art queue as well. There’s a pretty wide range of stuff; comics, some very cool stylized logos, a beautiful pic of a machete-wielding MC, and a bunch of other stuff. Visit the Miscellaneous Art section for all the goodies!

  • Master Chief Casting Call has posted a new movie – it’s called ‘Master Chief Casting Call’, and it’s about a couple of guys trying to cast a new Master Chief. They don’t have a lot of luck… It’s available from the site in two formats: WMP9 (18 mb) and MPEG (35 mb). It’s 7:30 long. Go take a…

  • Very Late ‘Paper

    Wow. It’s been 11 days since we’ve updated our art sections. We’ve received 11 desktop images in that time for the Wallpaper section. Sorry for the delay! Update: Make that 10. We’ve yanked one because it’s a tweaked version of an existing wallpaper – the author went to the trouble of asking the original creator…