Year: 2003
Newbie Goodie Hoardie
Today’s Guest One One Se7en strip was originally posted in our forum… I’d have to say it would be funnier if it didn’t happen so often to me, dangit. Thanks to Geeoff for pointing out my weaknesses.
Saturday Stories
Fourteen Fan Fiction pieces remain after deleting the stuff that doesn’t meet the basic guidelines: Homeworlds, by Mainevent Chapter Three: Stranded Eagle, by Blue Jaguar Elite Black Spartans [episode 1 the cruisers menace], by Marshall purewal A Marine’s Tale: Vengeance is Mine , by pj-NYkr90 Charge of the Grunt Brigade – Part One: Colonel, by…
The toughest job you’ll ever love
…wait, that’s the Peace Corps. Never mind. It’s Friday… so it’s time for a Halo PC Weekly Update. This week, it looks like Sketch is doing the writing, instead of Michel Bastien – Michel is too busy helping get the game finished, and Sketch needed a break from playing Halo PC online, anyway. In fact,…
He’s gonna get SOOO wet…
New comic over at… the Warthog Jump theme continues. Man, I feel sorry for ‘Yomama… or whatever his name is. (mrsmiley pointed this out in our forum.)
PC beta movie update
Eep – forgot to put this up earlier. Dan Chosich’s Halo PC Beta footage (discussed here) has been moved around a bit. Currently, there are two mirrors each for the QuickTime and Windows Media Player versions:QuickTime (33 mb) at and rampancy.netWMP7 (15 mb) at the Junkyard and files.bungie.orgIf you haven’t gotten a copy yet,…
Danger Canyon Shots at MS site
Continuing on their one-new-map-a-week schedule, Microsoft’s Official Halo PC site has put up 5 new screenshots in the Multiplayer section, this time of Danger Canyon. You can get a good sense for the scale of the map, if you didn’t have it already… take a look! Thanks to quickfire for pointing it out. We’ve gone…
The Countdown is on!
Gearbox’s Project page, which was offline for a while this morning, is back up with a new screenshot (feel sorry for the Blue Base)… and a countdown of remaining work items left on Halo PC (before it can go gold). Total at the moment: 146. (That’s not very much; I remember Oni’s bug tracker had…
Me llamaron Lopez – La Pasado
Red vs Blue Episode 17 has been posted for Sponsors; it’s pretty bitter, but in a funny way. Effects rock. Pay ’em the lousy 5 bucks and get it now, instead of waiting until Sunday (and then sending us email that we’ve forgotten to put up a Red vs Blue post for the week). C’mon……
But when are they releasing the Overshield model?
Whoa. Buy a Halo action figure, get a free Active Camouflage Master Chief from Joyride. (Supplies are limited – and free means $5 for processing… but still!) Thanks to sirBoB for the heads-up.
GTA: Vice Earthcity.
The GTA series of One One Se7en wraps up today… isn’t that ghost a little big for him?
And the clips keep coming
More movies – both free (streaming) and pay (downloadable) from IGN PC; 8 clips of Halo PC multiplay. A couple are pretty big suckers… check ’em out! Again, thanks to KookyBastard for noticing.
Do I want to know what poutine is?
The second go-round of ‘Ask the Cananimators’, a feature in which anim8rjb and bentllama (the two Canadian animators on the Halo 2 dev team) answer your questions about animation, Canada, hockey, and life in general, has been posted. None of the sentences in the article are as long as the one I just wrote.…
Making of the E3 Demo, pt 5: Engineering
Gah! How did we miss this? SketchFactor has put up part 5 of the Making of the E3 Demo series at – this one focuses on Engineering, and contains input from Chris Butcher, Michael Evans, and Damian (brought on board to work on the Halo 2 AI). It’s a fascinating read. I’m drooling for…
Screenshots DB made current; 133 pics added
Whoa. Our Screenshots database has been updated with the screens released thus far in August – and the total number of Halo PC screens shot up from 70 on August 1… to 203 today. That’s a lotta shots.
Action Trip looks at Halo PC
Action Trip has posted a preview of Halo PC; not a huge amount of new info (and actually the hardcore among you will probably give them a hard time for some of their facts), but the screens are quite nice. 1600×1200, no watermark; there are 10 with the preview, and an additional 17 if you’re…
More Halo PC multiplay footage for grabs
Halo PC footage – downloadable for Insiders, streaming for everyone – is now available at IGN PC. Seven clips from Beta 1.5 – Timberland, Gephyrophobia, and Danger Canyon. Thanks to FoOKz for pointing them out.
Hey, That’s Not Funny.
Today’s One One Se7en Guest Strip has -=d_dawg=- looking at Halo PC… I THINK I get it, but…
We Grew Up Fast
The Juggler has sent in a new hacking movie – in the vein of BOLL’s movies, but full of footage not seen before. Some pretty cool stuff. I think it’s unlikely we’ll be posting any MORE of this type of movie – but this one is definitely worth watching. Timing is great, and the music…
You gotta wonder… has put up a disturbing article about what friends might expect from you, Halo-wise. (Well, it disturbed ME.) Thanks to Tomass for the heads-up.
He’s like Columbus… only with less scurvy
Dark Helmet would like to stake a claim as the first visitor to the upper stories of the level Halo in Halo PC. (He actually sent in this pic (68K) last week, but it took a little time before we could get word from Gearbox about releasing it.) Yes, you can STILL get up there…