Year: 2003
343 Candles
The Hushed Casket had a one-year birthday… and they celebrated with a lan party and a cake. Pretty cool cake, too! Check out the pics! (Then chime into the forum thread.)
Get your sunglasses, baby.
Forum regular Dogsounds did some reskinning of the Master Chief – it’s unlikely that his work would be approved by the UNSC, but we liked it enough that we added a page to our Miscellaneous section. Check it out.
Another Flash-animated logo
Bluestone, of 343 Guilty Spark, submitted a new Flash-animated Halo logo. We’ve linked it on our Logos page.
They’re still coming…
Clint has turned in a new Halo 2 cover concept, which we’ve added to our still-growing Halo 2 Cover Art collection. Take a look!
Hosting, and not hosting…
Okay, it’s been a while since I’ve found time to rummage through the submissions – and for that, I apologize. Lots of people have been waiting for substantial chunks of time to see their work displayed for the Halo community… and I’ve been lax about getting it up there. However, our uploads folders (and email)…
Too much time getting toasted by the Halo PC beta testers, not enough time updating this site. Hmm. Anyway, before hitting the sack, here’s Wednesday’s One One Se7en, from Stuntmutt – continuing in the Flash Pelican theme. I know where that lady is coming from…
The New Breed released
Dwain Faithfull writes to point out that has the second installment of their exclusive video, The Beginning of the End. WMP9 format only. This one’s called ‘The New Breed’, and it’s available from their Videos page.
Entertainment Depot previews Halo
A brief Halo PC preview was published (along with 25 screenshots) over at the Entertainment Depot yesterday. Thanks to Cash, on the Gearbox forums, for the heads-up.
Homelan Fed looks at Halo PC – again
Last Friday, Homelan Fed put up a followup article to their Fanstock Impressions article we mentioned a bit ago. (I blame our missing it on the Labor Day weekend. Yeah, that’s it.) A few new screenshots (now in our Screenshots database as well), and some comments about the beta version they’ve been playing with… worth…
Red vs… Who Part 1
Remember Salmon vs Teal, the Red vs Blue parody? Now there’s a SvT tribute strip in the One One Se7en series. This place gets more and more like Deliverance every day…
Halo Tourney in upstate New York
Nick the Roadie points out a Halo 3-man Team Slayer tourney at Cyberjocks, near Buffalo, NY this weekend. Entrance is $45/team, and prize money is based on the number of entrants. (The site is framed, so you might want to go in through the front page; the Halo tournament is listed at the bottom in…
My eyes hurt.
Goodness – looks like everyone stayed inside during Labor Day, and wrote. 21 Fan Fiction pieces today: The Battle of Evermore Part 2: Break, by Gruntkiller Chapter Two: TF Resolution, by Blue Jaguar The Alliance: Part two, by pooman Attack on ERISTOCK-Part 1: Introduction, by xitWOUND117 Spartan III’s, Part III, by FOrunnER Halo Trilogy: Destroy…
Summer Slaying video posted
Woohoo! Blackstar has posted a huge movie (48 mb, 720×480) showing highlights of a lanfest held here at HBO HQ last weekend. Read about it in this forum post, go pick up the movie at Blackstar Productions. Image quality is up to Blackstar’s usual standards. Format is MPEG-4; you’ll need the latest drivers for whatever…
Flash Pelican, Revisited
Timing rocks, sometimes. Stuntmutt turned in a One One Se7en strip referencing BOLL’s Flash Pelican game – I worried that by the time it aired, folks would have forgotten about the game. Skavenger reminded the world just a day or two ago, though, with his monster forum tale…
Lion reports from the iGames Regionals
Forum regular Lion spent the day at the iGames Summer Season Regional Tournament yesterday, in Tennessee – he’s written up his experience on his website. Check it out! (Notification was here, on our forum.) Update: Ernest Miller, of Game Jockeys, points out another writeup, this time of the Regionals in Southern California. Check it out!
Sunday Reading
Nine Fan Fiction pieces for you this Sunday: Chapter One: TF Resolution, by Blue Jaguar In Light of Destiny Part VI: Within Range, by Jinkaiden-XI The Probe, by Master_Chief189 The Wasted, by Alpha Lance Halo Trilogy: Destroy the ‘Judgment Day’ (Chapter II, Part 1), by Alpha Lance Grunts & Spartans, by Alpha Lance Homeworlds II,…
Long-overdue egg update
Wow. It’s taken a LOONNG time, but the Easter Eggs page is finally up-to-date; two eggs (the Megg, and the Chinese seven on the pistol) have been added, and one egg (the Gametypes screen, as corrected by ZechsGX recently) has been updated. Dunno why I hadn’t done this before…
Serious Tactics.
Every once in a while, Serious Sam comes up in a discussion of what Halo is missing (due to its more-than-two-player full-screen coop play). Stuntmutt looks at what it DOESN’T have, in comparison to Halo, in today’s One One Se7en. Ouch.
That’s just too long, man.
I’d have to say that this is getting out of hand. Luckily, it seems to be the last piece… Go read the rantings of Skavenger’s feverish mind. You might scratch your head once or twice… but if you’ve spent ANY time at all on our forum, I guarantee you’ll laugh at least a little.
Dolbex dishes the dirt on Halo PC
The last Halo PC Fanstock participant has written up his experiences… and the wait was worth it. He wanted to include information that required the 2.0 beta of Halo PC – and he did just that. Go check out Dolbex’s Fanstock and Beta Review!