My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • No cheating.

    Fire Team Charlie has posted FTC7 – and it’s a keeper. Currently available as a 352×224 DivX-encoded AVI weighing in at 7.6 mb, it can be downloaded from the main site, or from Blade’s Team Ice mirror, or from A large (640×412, 18.2 mb) version is available for members off the XboxOttawa site. QuickTime…

  • Halo PC Update – near the end!

    Friday night in Redmond… time for another Halo PC update. Michel Bastien, Bungie’s man-in-the-field on this one, is back from the Gearbox studios, and has written up some drool-worthy words for you. They’re in the final stages of testing; they’ve actually got release candidates going. Won’t be too long! Go read the details at

  • It’s all about the ice, baby

    Woohoo! New screens at Microsoft’s Halo PC site – this time it’s Ice Fields. There haven’t been a lot of views of this level up to now… you get 5 decent ones here, and can get a good feel for level layout. Thanks to spesalfred for the heads-up!

  • Gearbox posts Editing FAQ

    A new Halo PC Editing FAQ has gone up at Gearbox’s site – answers to your questions about what you will, and will not, be able to do once the tools are available. Check it out!

  • More Action Figure Action

    SketchFactor, over at, has put up some cool info about the second wave of Halo Collectibles, available in a couple of months. Descriptions and links to pictures can all be found in his writeup… go check it out!

  • Advances in the modding scene

    For those with modded Xboxes, HaloSkins has posted a couple of mods that might be of interest to you. 1guydriveby allows the driver of a Warthog to fire its LAAG gun while driving… your games of Warthog Jousting just got deadlier. Walk on Walls allows you to… well, walk on walls. (Up and over any…

  • Gearbox posts Sapien shot

    Gearbox has put up another new screenie – this time, it’s a shot of Sapien, the tool used to populate maps after creation. Get a feel for what sort of options are available… (The work items list is down to 48, as well… not long now!) Thanks to Satesh, on our forum, for noticing.

  • Halo – played by masters.

    Wow. Sir Dan points out a link to a vid (streaming WMV format) of the final round of Halo50K, TDT vs DM, CTF on Battle Creek. It’s 5:16 long, and shows the entire match (3 captures). Video is hosted by Video CD Productions, and shows some truly impressive teamwork… check it out.

  • Takin’ a break…

    Red vs Blue is taking the week off this week – there won’t be a video. There WILL be info later on today about the DVD they’re making, however. Keep your eyes peeled.

  • Hot LZ.

    That Sarge… he’s a pip. Check out One One Se7en. (Remember, all three main strips this week are a miniseries.)

  • The Preview Parade Continues

    Two new Halo PC previews: Warcry, put up Tuesday, and The Armchair Empire, put up Wednesday. The Warcry preview is a bit strange; it focuses entirely on the campaign mode, and was written by someone who never even bothered to read old Xbox summaries. (The screenshots are of such degraded quality that we’re not even…

  • More Action Figure Hoopla!



    Joyride has updated their website with pics and info on the next series of Halo action figures to be released by the end of this month. They’re listed on the left side of this page. It’s the new Master Chief – Green, Master Chief – Red, Elite, and Ghost which includes 3 mini figures of…

  • Action Figures… OFFICIALLY out

    They’ve been out for a little while now… but Joyride issued a press release today about the Halo Action Figures; check out the details at

  • Gearbox Update

    For the first time in almost a week, Gearbox has updated its top Exclusive Screenshot – this one shows a lot of firepower being unleashed on a few Blue guys by a pair of Reds… (And while your ON the Projects page, note that the remaining work items for Halo PC (things that must be…

  • And then there were pictures

    Once again, a week goes by before the art queues get cleared. (They’re STILL not cleared – but they’re better.) We’ve got 11 desktop pics for you today, including two Marathon-related ones. Strange how things run in packs… check the Wallpaper section.

  • Stories, stories, and more stories

    It blows me away how often the Fan Fiction updates include story totals that are multiples of seven. It’s as though someone’s PLANNING it… Chapter Two: Rise of the Phoenix, by Blue Jaguar Omega Centauri, by James Kinsella The Laurel, by James Kinsella Homeworlds IV, by Mainevent Survival, Prologue, by Agent Shade Defection: Part 2,…

  • Oooh… Safari

    Yesterday, we mentioned Dogsounds’ armor variants – well, today, there are three new ones. Check this forum post for details – or view all variants on one page, here.

  • runs out of bandwidth has run into bandwidth problems – they can’t host any more movies until they find a sponsor. Anyone interested in helping should contact (They hope to offer hosting, as well, to anyone willing to sponsor them.)

  • Games Domain looks over Halo PC

    Games Domain has put up a Halo PC Preview; not a lot new (well, they’re apparently MUCH better with a sniper rifle than I am), but 10 additional screens (added to the Screenshots database, as well). Thanks to ash, who noticed it at Blue’s News.

  • Silent Wonders

    Mikey-Cd is back as a Guest artist for One One Se7en… don’t tell me this never happened to you.